It seems Marvel doesn't have any intentions of confirming Joss Whedon as director of their highly anticipated hero-fusion,
The Avengers, anytime soon. But actors who've had the chance to work under Whedon's direction, including Nathon Fillion & Morena Baccarin, have expressed their thoughts and expressions on Marvel's selection.
Now actress Felicia Day, who worked with Whedon in his previous film "Serenity" & Tv Series "Firefly", shares her thoughts with MTV, on her old boss behind the camera for The Avengers, instantly claiming the decision to be
“I mean, nobody else knows comics better than Joss,” she said, “He loves them with a passion and to throw that many comic book characters in a movie? I don’t know who else could handle it.”
MTV: Even though we don’t know which female characters they’ll use in the film, could Avengers team member be next?
“of course”. “I’m sort of more the indie side,”
To read more of what Felicia had to say, regarding her comic book, “The Guild,” from Dark Horse Comics, head over to
DCMF: Waiting for Marvel to confirm Whedon, The Avengers will begin production early next year, with an unknown full roster, currently including Iron Man, Captain America, & Thor. In the meantime, what role do you think Ms. Felcia Day could tackle in the Marvel Universe? Personally I could see her doing Ms. Marvel justice, what do you think?