Where Are We Going?: Understanding The Marvel Cinematic Universe & Where It's Going Next

Where Are We Going?: Understanding The Marvel Cinematic Universe & Where It's Going Next

An opinion on what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is building to based on what they have offered for the present and what is being hinted at for the future.

Editorial Opinion
By mykemysterio - Nov 26, 2013 09:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

As I watched the final post-credits scene in 'Thor: The Dark World', I couldn't help but feel excitement over what I just viewed. No it wasn't because the Alan Taylor-directed epic was awe-inspiring, nor was it because I was blown away by the fact that the sequel had somehow pulled it off; rather, it was due to the fact that I realized I was in the middle of the most ambitious story ever committed to film.
Being an avid movie-watcher (something I can assume most of the CBM Universe is as well) I am always critical of cinema by nature but, there's I have an even more scrutinizing eye towards CBM's due to my obvious obsession with comic books. Now that the interaction between the two mediums is at an all time high, the critiquing of comic-book movies can almost be seen as my destiny. However, after watching the aforementioned film, I see that maybe I should enjoy what the 'House of Ideas' is trying to accomplish. Based on what I believe are often overlooked factors made by those of us who are too busy critiquing to enjoy it all, here are my reasons why:

1. Marvel Decision-Makers Are Respecting The Source Material-

If there's one thing 'Man of Steel' accomplished, it was completely dividing fans. Warner Bros and DC seemed to have little to no clue on how to please both the mainstream audience and the hardcore 'fan-boys' who passionately respect the visions of talented writers. Marvel, however, has been known to be fiercely protective of their characters and their images following numerous disasters that were committed using their creations in the past. This attention to detail has resulted in one of the most cohesive universes ever introduced to film. The mere fact that inspiration for all of the MCU comes from many different facets of the Marvel universe (The Ultimates, The Winter Soldier, Extremis) is a testament to the creators dedication to the source material. They have faith in what their characters and stories are based on and that is something that fans shouldn't take for granted.

2. They Are Making Fun Movies That Also Have Weighty, Realistic Characters

Actors are tasked with the impossible whenever they take on an iconic character or notable creation of fiction. For one, they must inhabit the character and bring life to something that may have been interpreted millions of different ways while still trying to make that person their own. While not all of these performances are stellar, Marvel clearly is choosing it's roster very carefully in order to provide us with full, well rounded personalities to drive their stories. When characters are relatable and well-conceived, the story has more room to breath and grow since the audience will remain invested. This familiarity with the characters also allows the Marvel movies to implicate more comedy and lighthearted humor than other mainstream hero films who often cram too much into their run times to ill effect. I know there are complaints of the films being too 'light' but I believe this is done purposely as the next Phase could become very dark in addition to the almost common occurrence of death showcased in the films (Thor's Mother, Coulson for a while). I believe the movies entertain in a way that strikes a balance that will eventually tip towards more tragedy in the future.

3. They Are Building To An Epic Conclusion Through Conventional Comic Book Means (A Story, B Story & Tie Ins)

This is what 'Thor: The Dark World' taught me tonight when I saw the final scene of Jane and Thor kissing with the painstakingly unfunny Darcy and Co. watching near by. After watching The Collector confirm the existence of the Infinity Stones, the endgame of this entire story became clear: The Infinity Gauntlet Saga will appear on screen! Here's where my theorizing comes in, however, as I explain what I believe this entire 3-Phase ordeal is about. (*Note: I'm completely "nerding" out here for the next two paragraphs.)
The Avengers are the A-Story in the way that their exploits and adventures are chronicled and leading to an eventual intersection with the B-Story; that being the Cosmic side of the MCU slowly coming to fruition. Iron Man 3 lead to Stark having no powers which, theoretically, lead to him not being able to partake in the entire Thor saga with the Dark Elves. Captain America, meanwhile, seems to be battling demons from his past and can also be seen trying to understand what this new America's definition of freedom is. I believe the events of Thor will then lead to America's paranoia causing them to commission Stark to create AI Robots to defend the nation in times of crises. This, in turn, will lead directly to Ultron's creation at the hands of Stark- Ultron, of course, who we know is the main villain of Avengers 2.
As this A-Story unfolds (whether how I described it or otherwise) the B-Story is being told through 'Guardians of the Galaxy', which admittedly has a heavy 'Thanos' influence, as well as other bonus scenes along the lines of the one that accompanied 'Thor: The Dark World'. This B-Story of the Infinity Gems being collected will eventually come to a head with The Avengers' A-Story and culminate in a true final showdown that we, as comic book fans, have clamored for since the days of 'Heroes' (what a reference). Along the way, as well, we have our 'tie-ins' of 'Marvel One Shots' and 'Agents of Shield' filling in the gaps and holding us over while the larger story unfolds. With all of these materials to sink our teeth into, it's hard to fully feel as though we aren't being somewhat spoiled by the sheer scope and magnitude of what Kevin Feige and friends have in mind.

In the end, yes this is an article based around why this 'Golden Age' of comic movies is something to be cherished, but more importantly, the fact that it can be written with all of this content to draw from is a thing of beauty. The world wasn't ready for comic book movies at one point and at another Hollywood seemed determined to completely ravage many of our favorite icons. Now, one studio is trying (though not always succeeding) to give the world what it always needed: true superheroes; and for that, I am excited to see where they take us next.

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GuardianDevil - 11/26/2013, 10:47 PM
As for #1, Marvel Studios is just as guilty of deviating from the comics as Warner Bros, Fox or anyone else. Take a look at the Mandarin, 1000% different from the comics. Though I didn't really mind the twist you can't possibly say Marvel always stays true to the comics.

Great article though, even if I disagree with some things.
GuardianDevil - 11/26/2013, 11:03 PM
I do agree that we are in the golden age of CBMs though. But most people think it started in 2008, but I personally feel it started in the year 2000 and is still going strong.

Think about it, in the 60's we got a crappy Batman tv show and a crappy Batman movie. In the 70's we got a bunch of crappy tv shows with one decent show featuring Hulk. Along with a pretty good Superman movie. In the 80's we got another pretty good Superman movie a great Batman movie and two crappy Superman movies. In the 90's we got a decent Batman film and a decent Blade film, and two horrible Batman films.

But since 2000 we have gotten: three great X-Men team films, one great Wolverine movie and one decent one, one great Iron Man movie and two decent ones, two great Spider-Man movies and two decent ones, three great Batman movies, a great Superman movie, two pretty good Thor movies, a great Hulk movie, two decent F4 movies and Daredevil, a good Punisher movie, a decent Captain America movie, another decent Blade movie and a great Avengers movie. Obviously there are the poor ones in this group too like both Ghost Riders, Elektra, Catwoman, Punisher: War Zone, Hulk, etc. but 2000-present has had more good CBMs than ever and the good ones by FAR outweigh the bad.

We are in the golden age of CBMs and we should cherish every moment.
AverageDrafter - 11/27/2013, 7:19 AM
I agree with JJ63, they AREN'T sticking with the comics, but they are sticking with the CHARACTERIZATIONS in the comics, which is significantly more important.

Its why you can make changes like the Cosmic Cube as an Infinity Stone/Gem without causing an uproar - the gem isn't important at all, its why the characters CARE about the gem that is.
EpitomeofAwesome - 11/27/2013, 9:20 AM
Great article! Gotta cherish the golden age while it lasts
GuardianDevil - 11/27/2013, 1:09 PM
Agreed. That's why I feel people's hate for the X-Men film series is unwarranted. Yeah they don't get every last detail the same as the comics and neither does the MCU, but both the X-Verse and the MCU capture the true essence of the characters perfectly. That's why I love them both.
kinghulk - 11/27/2013, 3:06 PM
cant wait for this galactic battle against thanos, i kinda feel they should do a part 1 part 2 kinda thing with the heroes fighting thanos's minions in space trying to prevent him from getting his hands on the last infinity stones. i also think that the avengers will have 1 or 2 of the stones just to give them a bit more chance of surviveing. but i seriously cannot wait.
MightyZeus - 11/27/2013, 9:03 PM
Great article. I do have trust in what Marvel is doing in setting up for Phase 2 and 3. I dont mind the small changes to it's character's as long as the story comes into fruition into setting up characters, plots, tools then i'm sure the audience wont mind.
SageMode - 11/28/2013, 2:02 AM
Great write up. Marvel is where the innovators are and it's paying off. But Avengers 3 with Thanos as the big boss is gonna be crazy.
DVonShakari - 11/28/2013, 8:16 AM
It'd be nice if by the time Avengers 3 comes out with Thanos that they could include the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and the X-Men....maybe do an Avengers 3 and then an Avengers 3.5
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