Synopsis: The Adventures of Tintin (Les Aventures de Tintin) is a series of classic comic books created by Belgian artist Georges Remi. The series is one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century, with translations published in more than 50 languages and more than 200 million copies of the books sold to date. Set during the 20th century, the hero of the series is Tintin, a young Belgian reporter. He is aided in his adventures by his faithful fox terrier dog Snowy. The property has been seen across all media, including several movies the most recent of which The Adventures of Tintin (2011) – Steven Spielberg directed a motion capture 3D film based on three stories published in the 1940s, The Crab with the Golden Claws (1941), The Secret of the Unicorn (1943), and Red Rackham's Treasure (1944). Peter Jackson's company Weta Digital provided the animation and special effects. Jackson and Spielberg will co-direct the second movie of the trilogy, an adaptation of The Seven Crystal Balls (1948) and Prisoners of the Sun (1949).
Release Date: 21 December 2011
Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg
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