The Fantastic Four film has been using the Liu Institute at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver as a set, scoopers tell Superhero Hype. The film, directed by Tim Story, stars Ioan Gruffud, Michael Chiklis, Chris Evans, Julian McMahon and Jessica Alba (pictured).
"[T]he crew has set up a fake 'forest' within the actual forest beside the building. It looks like they are filming both outside and inside the building - we can't get directly near the set, but most of the cast has been filming at night anyway," said one source.
Pix of the Liu Institute are available here.
Meanwhile, another source says: "Inside the building, they've dressed up a large room to resemble a very modern restaurant and there are lots of extras walking about dressed as medical staff. I also saw the 'forest within the forest' and word has it they're here filming all week. There's also a quite large fish-looking sculpture creation sat in the courtyard - very strange!"
Hollywood North Report has pics from the set.