The DC Universe has obviously been the talk of many recently with the announcement of Man of Steel 2's pushed back release date and the floating rumors of a Justice League film, but what needs to happen between the Warner Bros. executives to make this universe the best that it can be? Which characters should Warner Bros. trust with carrying the universe and how can it compete with Marvel's already established (and successful) cinematic universe?
DC's Small Budget Films
Previously, Warner Bros. said that they will give some DC films large budgets (like Man of Steel's $225 million) and other films much smaller budgets. This is a great plan as long as it works towards that character. I could see many of the anti-heros from the Batman gallery working well on the big screen with a smaller budget. A few possibilities that come to mind are Suicide Squad, Deathstroke and maybe a Harley Quinn standalone (fingers crossed)? This low budget plan is a step in the right direction and will allow the DC universe to really expand into a character rich universe. Now, conversely, if Warner Bros was to be scared with a questionable Justice Leaguer, e.g. Hawkgirl, and downgrade her to a small budget film, the entire plan might unravel. If there is a few small budget flops and people stop seeing the smaller budget films and only see the tentpole properties, the viewers will become disconnected from the universe and it will lead to confusion especially in a crossover like Justice League. Warner Bros. has the right idea with the small budget films, but needs to watch them and make sure that they don't become throwaways that disjoint the universe. Develope the characters so that they can add something to the universe.
Who Should Carry The Universe
This is obviously going to be the "big budget" films that DC cranks out. The key to this is picking characters that would expand the universe while still holding a common thread of morality that has so famously linked these characters for over fifty years on the written page.
Obviously DC has already begun working with their man of steel and, like it or not, has been successful. Superman will be the focus of the universe much like how Iron Man has been an essential piece and focus for Marvel. Man of Steel 2 is rumored to thrust the DC universe into action bringing together DC fan favorites, which leads to their second tentpole property...
Justice League
We all knew this one was coming. It's obvious why WB and DC would make this film. It needs little explaination besides the fact that the most legendary group of heros would unite for the first time in a live action movie and no one would want to miss it.
The Dark Knight will make his return to the big screen in Man of Steel 2 as Ben Affleck takes over the cape and cowl. It would be stupid for WB not to start a Batman franchise seeing as Batman has been their most profittable property to date and one of the most well known superheros of all time. Add to that the fact that Ben Affleck, an Oscar award winning director, would most likely helm the project, and you are set for an exciting ride into a new Batman.
Wonder Woman
This is where WB starts to get out of its comfort zone, but Wonder Woman is essential to DC's success. There has never been a Wonder Woman movie on the big screen. Whatever director takes this project practically has the world of the Amazons to explore and bring to fantastic, cinematic life. Wonder Woman is the most well known female superhero without a doubt. Just having this film would change the comic book movie world. Make a statement WB and prove that you can crank out a successful female superhero!
Aquaman... the name most people believe to be a joke after the character was scarred by the Super Friends. I admit, it is a tough sell. Why not pick Martian Manhunter or Flash? Simple. Besides the fact that the city of Atlantis would make for some fantastic visuals, Aquaman has a an entire theme that unlies his being. Superman has hope, Batman has justice, Wonder Woman has equality, and Aquaman has loyalty. The king of Atlantis is a warrior who fights for his people. He expects their loyalty and when he is betrayed, it hurts. He trusts and that makes him a lovable character.
Teen Titans
This is my wildcard. Many people are opposed to having sidekicks in the DCCU ever since the nightmare of Batman and Robin, but here me out for this one. Cyborg has been an up and coming character in the New 52 and he has his roots in the Titans. Lets take away the "Teen", call them the Titans and have them be another superhero team in this universe. They have a massive fanbase from the popular Cartoon Network cartoon and their comics aren't bad either. If you're still concerned as to Nightwing having been Batman's sidekick, then lets bend the story so that he only trained with Batman for a time before going off on his own and forming the Titans. The line up would be that of the cartoon: Nightwing (ok slight change from Robin), Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven.
How it will compete with Marvel
Personally, I think these two universes coexist just fine. DC has set forth the dark and dramatic tone into its films and it works really well. Marvel has the more family friendly and comical movies. There is no direct contest between the films besides the fact that they have superheros. That being said, DC needs to get its consistency down. The DCCU cannot handle a "Green Lantern" every other film. Once DC films begin to set a consistent tone and appearence to themselves, people will latch on and the momemtum can build. WB has their own ideas to differentiate themselves from Disney, they need a solid plan that they can just go with.
So those are my thoughts on the DCCU, all of which are purely my beliefs on what could carry this universe forward. This was my first editorial so if you could give me any advise, please comment.