Just giving an insight as an avid movie-goer, a crazy comicbook fan…and a lover of CBMs from all studios…whether tis a small film or a huge event…
With Comic-Con looming, and MARVEL, DC etc announcing big news, not only on the status quo of their comics, but on their movies as well…many cbm topics are hot as hell indeed…and burn with fires and rages of us fans. Some may be fedup of the news, but this news is what makes us CBM fans galore ever-interested…and it is more or less our bread and butter!
I’ve just decided to jump on a few issues before the sh*t hits the fan at the con…
1. SUPERMAN reboot – Well I must say that Chris Nolan did wonders on his bat-franchise, and brought this back to us literally from the depths of Mephsito’s toilet…and he did a wondrous job…and I applaud him for having the balls to keep Batman away from any superhero lore and maintain a realistic setting of a vigilant world versus gangsters, rather than a superhero fighting villains! And to keep science, but not science fiction and superheroes, in this universe…was a masterful stroke…and to those who clamour for Nolan’s Batman for a JLA…well basically this Batman barely fights off gangsters and dogs…can he really go head-to-head with Darkseid and supervillains? Not unless he dons a Tony Stark suit…I digress…

With John Nolan seemingly getting the director spot, and Chris overseeing, I surmise we will get an amazing script from them and overall, I’d bet the movie would be well done. How true would it stay to Superman lore I cannot fathom as the Nolans do tend to give their own genius spin on things. As for the lead role, they rumour to be eyeing a TV star…well, Nolan opts for class-acts and sad to say, as much as Tom Welling and Jared Padalecki rock on CW, they aren’t the calibre that the Nolans are eyeing I think. With the influx of Brits used in CBMs today…Aaron Johnson, the guys cast for XMEN FIRST CLASS etc, I think Nolan will opt for someone British…

and John must have seen the amazing work HENRY CAVILL did on Tudors, and in his forays on-screen, he has impressed. Not only does he have the look and physique, but he has the acting skills imo…and I yearn to see how diverse he is in doing a Clark and Superman dual role…but his past links with Superman try-outs, James Bond try-outs etc, and the fact that he barely missed out on such big roles, hint that the guy just needs to be given a chance, a break so to say…and if anyone can get the extra edge out of an actor, it’s the Nolans. They have worked with amazing actors in the past, and as seen with Cilian Murphy, Bale and Pearce…they make a good actor seem better. Sorry to say that Welling, Padalecki don’t match to Cavill. As for Jon Hamm, the age factor may hinder him…and honestly, he like Alex Skaarsgard, are simply not Superman. They are good actors, and can portray other heroes someday, but they do not fit the Clark Kent and Superman persona. Some may say that Cavill doesn’t either…but he remains age-wise, looks-wise, and skill-wise, the best bet to me. Cavill is currently filming a Theseus role so we know he’s in shape! The other guy I think could rival Cavill, despite a height shortage, is Matt Bomer.

His diverse roles, charisma, charm, skill, age, look…and past link as well to a Superman role…show that he has potential. Zach Levi please? Umm no…but Bomer is everything that Clark and Superman could constitute. His size proves small…but the guy screams ‘PUT ME IN THE FILM AND I CAN DO BOTH ROLES!’…and his delving into cinemas, has turned decent roles…and imagine the Nolans and their script guiding Bomer, I think we’d have a winner…so to me…it’s CAVILL, then BOMER who will take the role. As for plot…well I’d like to continue off Singer’s film and retcon the stuff he did with the son etc, but as a reboot goes, Nolans would do well. We need a harder hitting film, as I liked Singer’s movie, but less drama and emotion could do the film well. As for Lex and his real estate jib, I think we had enough of that and we need to get a more brutal villain…mentally and physically…enter Brainiac…and Viggo Mortensen. With Anne Hathaway as Lois, maybe John Malkovich or Jon Hamm as Lex, a secondary villain, we may set up amazing future films for the likes of Parasite, Metallo and dare I say Darkseid. Of course Doomsday would be total epic as well. The one thing that may irk me is…are the Nolan the right guys for this franchise? Batman was kept alone…separated…cuz I agree with Chris’ ‘walk before we run’ theory…but honestly, why keep Superman in a world alone…like his TDK? Superman is in a universe of aliens and superheroes…and it’s logical to link him with the JLA and other heroes. More $$$ is to be made if JLA arises, plus each hero can spawn solo and sequel films…and honestly, Superman films can be made separate with their own stories…but JLA films can have their own tales…but what would be most epic, is if the Darkseid-Superman tale crosses over into the first JLA film…INVASION…and we get the JLA fighting off Darkseid and his minions…I would jizz till I died…I think if they want to keep Superman separate, then I may not support them helming the reboot, as I want the new Superman to be a JLA associate. Me thinks it is time to follow MARVEL’S LEAD and take the cbms a step up…
BATMAN REBOOT – I segue into my Batman reboot issue…as I love Nolan’s films…all of them…and TDK is my fave film of all time…but when he finishes his franchise, what happens? To me, Nolan’s world will end with him…as I cant see WB giving someone else the character and plot. Besides, Bale and Nolan would exit, and would a new director risk following up? I think not…and to me if a new Batman is cast, and a new director comes in, it more or less should be a reboot…simply because we ought to tend to a more COMIC BASED BATMAN…aka…do what the Schumacher syndrome wanted…simply better! I think a Batman done by Zack Snyder or Matt Vaughn, without the realistic jib, and dealing with the comicbook plots, and the comicbook rogues etc…would win! Once the director gets a brilliant plot, with script deviations that enhance the film a la KICKASS, and a decent cast…we would get our winner. And I personally as a cb fan, would love a more comic-like Batman running around kicking ass with Freeze, Bane, Ivy, Riddler etc…

cuz NolanU doesn’t have room for the true versions of these villains. So when Nolan does his job, reboot…and more importantly leave room for a JLA tie-in, and a Superman linkage. With GREEN LANTERN on the block, and Flash rumoured to be coming in…the DC WORLD is waiting to go bonkers post-Nolan…and with Didio, Johns and Lee coming in the big chairs at DCU…I think the JLA prospect is better than ever…so even if the Nolans want to keep Superman separate, I think DC and WB are gonna opt against that plan, and I hope they don’t go to war…it’s time the Nolans let us be and let Superman dive into the JLA…and DC needs to know…once Nolan is done, a new BATMAN need find his way around…all so that the GREEN LANTERN, WONDER WOMAN, FLASH proposals…initiate a JLA setup…we all know it is inevitable…A new Batman would also lend to us seeing Robin, Nightwing etc…and basically translate the stories we love on comics…to the big screen…so please Matthew Fox…throw your name into a Bat-reboot! Same said for Crispin Joker Glover!!...For the likes of Superman and Batman reboots, there are good actors out there waiting to be found…and Vaughn, Abrams, Fincher, Proyas, Del Toro, Cuaron are all brilliant directors who even if they did one cbm before, can come into re-do a dream franchise such as these…
3. WB needs to know that Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, JSA are all films that lend huge love to the DCU and deserve to be made…so they must take their time and gather a good script, director and cast…and push forward…before I die!!! They are taking too long to get wheels turning but I think soon they will give us fanboys good news!!! I think GL is gonna throw down the domino train and we will see DC following Marvel’s train of thought…Financially, it is a good way to go…more films, no matter what, will get us in the cinemas..$$$$$$ galore…
Costume bitching –
Well I love this cuz it shows our passion and enthusiasm…the GL came out today, and I see a Kyle Rayner/Ion influence, and I love this look…and with Guggenheim on it…I think I will be further pleased when I see it in action in film…cant wait for a damn trailer! And Sinestro by Strong is simply…genius!!! Peter Skaarsgard is also a fave of mine so I’m fully excited for this film.
As for Thor and family, I personally wanted a bit more medieval look to it, as my fave run is the JMS, Coipel, Djurdjevic run and there are the proper blends of futuristic and old-school Norse Viking looks in these characters…but the ones I saw thus far look too modern for my blood, but that wont deter me once the film starts…neither will the lack of helmets…Ive waited too long for this…I love Thor and while the Asgardians may look a bit too new and futuristic for my blood, I’m concerned only with the script, the acting on screen, the balance shown between Midgard and Asgard, how Loki is done…and moreso…how the Avengers tie-in comes in and how does a ‘god’ fit into their world!!! And FYI I think Tom looks eerie as Loki so I love that aspect! Hems better deliver a top notch performance also…seeing as my hopes of a full Asgardian tale with just a Midgard ending got thrown out the window just as fast as my hopes to see Balder on-screen kicking ass!!! I have faith in Ken…and cant wait to see his villains!!! The end tie to Avengers when Thor is banished will leave me breathless I’m sure and I think that Ken will properly translate the GOD ASPECT into the MU FILMWORLD…and also balance out the ‘alien’ factor…and I think the Ultimates plot for Thor’s character will have a welldone influence here…I sense the Ultimates Universe will pan out but in a good way…Thank you Mark Millar btw!!! :P
5. Finally,
Ed Norton is out…sad to see him go as I loved all roles I’ve seen him in…I love his roles…especially Rounders and 25th Hour, and he was great as Banner…as TIH gave me what I needed, a brawl with a straightforward decent plot, awesome fight with Abomination…and an Avengers tie-in…I could ask for nothing more…and now Ed is cut…but totally replaceable…I thought that as brilliant as Ledger was, no actor defines the character, and the likes of Depp, JGL, Mike Pitt could have redone that role, but even if they fell short of Ledger’s godlike performance, I’d still accept it once they gave a good raw shot at it…and with Norton out, why boycott cuz one actor goes? Even if RDJ went, I’d still see IM and AVENGERS cuz the character matters to me more than the actor…and no matter what…anyone is replaceable…so with Norton out, the likes of Ruffalo, John Corbett, Edward Burns are all great actors who can go at the role…but the guy who reeks of Banner, more than Ed himself, as seen from years and years of comics…is ADRIEN BRODY!!! He would own it, as seen with Splice…so MARVEL needs to bring him in…