During tonight's episode of Supergirl, Alex Danvers came to terms with the fact that she's gay. After initally denying it when Maggie Sawyer mistakenly believed the DEO agent was asking her out on a date, Alex later revealed that she's finally realised that she was never happy dating because she didn't want to be intimate with the men she was seeing. It's an interesting direction to take the character in, but one the show has already handled well based on what we saw in "Crossfire" earlier this evening.
Talking to The Hollywood Reporter about the thought that went into making this decision for Alex, Supergirl executive producer Andrew Kreisberg had this to say about where things will go from here.
"What I'm interested in, because I love Alex, is that I want Alex to be happy. There was always this sadness about her last season that I think we're really getting underneath now. No one should ever feel like they're trapped. No one should ever feel like they've got a secret inside of them. The idea that, in going through this, even if it is painful and rough going, that Alex is going to come out the other side a happier and more complete person, as someone who loves Alex Danvers so dearly like a sister, that she is going to go on this incredible journey makes me so happy. It's going to be funny, it's going to be serious, it's going to be romantic, it's going to be heartbreaking," Kreisberg says. "It's going to be everything that any relationship that you see on TV, no matter what the gender, should and will be. Alex has put her hopes and dream on Maggie, which may or may not sit well with Maggie. But watching them navigate Alex's coming out, their own ongoing romantic relationship will make up the emotional crux of the next few episodes."
More from Kreisberg can be found by clicking the link below. While this development for Alex is definitely out of the blue, it does make a lot of sense and adds an interesting new dynamic to the series (it also seems like a better choice than it being Winn, especially given his infatuation with Kara during the first season). There will no doubt be some fans upset Maggie won't be getting together with Batwoman, but the chances of that character coming to The CW were always between slim and none!
What do you guys think about this story decision? As always, let us know your thoughts below.