In 1977 while escaping the subsequent success (or failure as Lucas thought it would be) of Star Wars in Hawaii, Steven Spielberg told Lucas he was interested in being involved in a James Bond film. Lucas, having written a 1930/ 40s action/ adventure serial homage titled The Adventures of Indiana Smith, told Steven Spielberg he thought he'd written something better. Spielberg loved the story and agreed to direct the film, should it ever be put into production.
Since then Steven Spielberg and George Lucas have collaborated on the Raiders of the Lost Ark, and its three sequels. So ever since Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney and a fifth film in the franchise was announced, a major question has been will George Lucas return to the Indiana Jones franchise despite already retiring from Star Wars and Lucasfilm?
Well, according to Steven Spielberg he will. During a press event for his upcoming film "The BFG", when a reporter suggested that Lucas, having sold Lucasfilm and retired from Star Wars would not return to play a part in Indiana Jones 5 production, he was immediately shot down by Spielberg. “I would never make an ‘Indiana Jones’ film without George Lucas” he said. “That would be insane.” “George is going to be an executive producer on it with me.” He then went on to assure Indiana Jones fans that “George will be inputted on it”.
Does this news bode well for the future of the franchise? Have George Lucas and Steven Spielberg learnt from the mistakes of Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull? Well, if Steven Spielberg’s recent comments about the new Indiana Jones being straight for the fans are to be believed, then perhaps they have. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on what you believe, we won't find out till the film is released in theatres.