First, the anime movie “Blood: The Last Vampire” directed by Hiroyuki Kitakubo is truly not the typical vampire story I am used to. The movie is a must watch! It kind of reminded me of “The Dark Knight” in the sense that “Blood: The Last Vampire” is well dark.
First, the anime movie “Blood: The Last Vampire” directed by Hiroyuki Kitakubo is truly not the typical vampire story I am use to. The move is a must watch! It kind of reminded me of “The Dark Knight” in the sense that “Blood: The Last Vampire” is well dark. The movie is sweet, short (I actually was expecting to see more) and to the point: Saya (the main protagonist, a half breed human) must slay the Chiropterans, a vicious breed of bat-like creatures.
Saya who works for a secret American government organization called Red Shield. David who works for the organization helps her from time to time in the film and seems to care for her well being besides the fact that she is the only one that can handle these creatures. After all she is the last vampire.
So I don’t want to give the movie away but I will give you the pros and cons! The pros: The opening scene alone is bloody and action-packed! Like I said before the movie is short and to the point so you will get all the action (and not much talking). This is where a con comes in. Since the movie is short you don’t have that character development you usually get in movies. This however does not take away from the good script or from the story. It is well execute and if you are a fan of guts and blood then this movie is for you. The animation is ground breaking in my opinion and will enjoy every moment of it!
My final word is that if you haven’t seen you should! It won’t let you down!
As for the manga, written by Asuka Katsura, I wasn’t sure what to expect because it was the first time I was reading a piece of work by him. The “Blood” manga series is written in three different series and by three different writers. The first series “Blood” written by Katsura is aimed for a more mature audience. This first series is compromised of five volumes. But unlike its anime counterpart is has a more light hearted feel to it.
The protagonist here is also named Otonashi Saya (Japanese write the family name first then first name). She is also the only one that can kill these Chiropterans but she has no relocation of her past violent life. She is now adopted by a man named George who knows of her past and two other adopted boys who are Saya’s older and younger brothers. She leads a normal life under this family and cannot recall anything before the year of her adoption.
I do enjoy the humor Katsure adds to the manga but I was hoping the grim moments the anime film provided. I am not sure that Katsure nicely executes the harmonious balance between your happy go lucky moments and your cold hearted I will rip you guts out moments. I will give this series another shot being that there are only five volumes but at the moment I don’t highly recommend this as a must read. For now I think you guys can do without.