In Avengers: Infinity War, we got a brief glimpse of what Titan looked like before the planet was destroyed but the inhabitants of Thanos' destroyed homeworld were never revealed to us. Well, VFX supervisor Matt Aitken has now revealed that his team was asked to create other Titans for the MCU, and while that scene didn't make the final cut, it sounds like it would have been very revealing.
"Originally there had early on been a longer sequence that we were going to be involved in that was a longer flashback to the original Titan, which explained in more depth Thanos’ motivations and what’s driving him, but they ended up boiling it down to [what’s in the movie]… It’s essentially telling the same message but in a more concise format, with this more handful of shots.
"We were prepared for that more in-depth look of Titan, should we have done that. Yes, Thanos is a little bit of a mutant of his own people. They’re not humans in color but they’re not as bright purple as he is and not as tall as he is and they don’t have the same chin that he has. So, yeah, he definitely, he was designed and the other Titan residents to accentuate that difference for sure."
This matches the comic books where Thanos was branded a freak for looking so different to the rest of his people. Joe and Anthony Russo have previously indicated that an earlier version of Avengers: Infinity War would have delved into the Mad Titan's past and possibly even shown his origin story. Whether or not those scenes were shot and the chances of seeing them on the Blu-ray isn't clear.
Would you have liked to see the Titans in this movie? Let us know your thoughts in the usual place.