"As with nearly every area of the game we're enhancing it. One example is the criminal database coupled with the new interrogation mechanic," Hill revealed in the latest issue of
As for what role the Riddler will play in the new game, the director said that these new features will alter how you solve his riddles:
"The Riddler continues to taunt the Dark Knight with mind-bending puzzles and exploration challenges, but the location of his biggest secrets are known only to him and people he's told. Rather than unlocking their locations using maps, Batman will be able to scan a gang of thugs to find a potential informant."
Hill then went on to talk about how players will be able to switch between the different mechanics saying that you'll be able to use Batman's FreeFlow combat while also having the chance to trying to spare a single goon for interrogation!
"This is the guy you need to question, but first you'll have to take down all the other gang members while sparing the one you want. That can be tough when Batman's in a seamless FreeFlow combo chain."
Batman: Arkham City is rumoured to be set for release in Fall, 2011!