I’ve re-written this introduction multiple times, and I think the simplest way to start is by saying this: I’m very excited that Spider-Man is going to be joining the MCU. In the comics I love hearing the web-slinger’s sarcastic comments when they have as serious an audience as Captain America; I enjoy his ‘science bro’ relationship with Tony Stark; his fighting style is always interesting in comparison to someone like the Hulk. Here, I want to present an idea for using him in the MCU that is based on the following two criteria:
1) Not another reboot!
A few friends of mine aren’t interested in hearing about these character dynamics simply because they don’t want to sit through another reboot. And I don’t blame them – there’s only so many ways Peter can be bitten, only so many ways Uncle Ben can die or the Green Goblin can be created. Elements from both franchises, like Spider-Man 2’s Doc Oc or The Amazing Spider-Man 2’s Gwen Stacy (you know the particular scene I’m talking about) cannot be beaten very easily. I for one am happy to let these remain as definitive portrayals of those classic moments in Peter’s life for more years to come.
Speaking of moving the character forward…
2) Using Spider-Man in Civil War
I’ve read better events, but Civil War remains my favourite. I think it was – back then at least – the relatively unheard of idea of hero vs hero, coupled with a real-life socio-political theme that endeared it to me. And to see as many moments from the comic as possible on the big-screen is obviously extremely appealing.
My Idea for Using Spider-Man in the MCU:
Captain America: Civil War
Just like 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, the opening credits can include a montage of how Peter gets his powers, at OSCORP. It could even include how he loses Uncle Ben. After all, most cinema-goes know Peter’s backstory and it isn’t especially complicated. The montage should also be equally divided by incorporating elements of public dissatisfaction with superheroes, especially after Avengers: Age of Ultron. Newspaper headings, opinion polls, flashbacks from A:AoU, etc. should be used, to set the tone of the film. Maybe a typical Daily Planet attack on Spider-Man, with a sub-heading in favour of government-sponsored relegation?

Now I’m aware that this is technically Cap’s third solo outing, and I fully support the fact that he should have the most screen time. Trying to find The Winter Soldier with Falcon, beating up the bad guys along the way, that’s all important. Maybe some scenes of Bucky escaping their grip, and learning more about his past as he slowly comes closer to his former self.
Supposing Avengers Tower is still in New York City by the end of A:AoU, Spider-Man can have a run-in with Iron Man, who takes him under his wing and upgrades his web-shooters, something like that. Tony tells Peter that he’s worried about the growing unrest regarding superheroes like Spider-Man, and warns him to be careful. Peter reflects on this as he swings home.
Now there obviously needs to be an argument between Iron Man and Cap. I’d be happy if they were speaking, leader-to-leader, or it could be more dramatic if Falcon, War Machine and/or Maria Hill were present, to foreshadow that this will become a ‘civil war’. Eventually Iron Man/Tony Stark openly supports the public for a regulation of superheroes, and then reveals he has even the local public hero, Spider-Man, present.
I’d love for this moment to be cut with Cap watching TV, in disbelief, at this event. The stakes have been raised and it’s time for Cap’s move.
The rest of the film could play out in numerous ways. I like the idea of Cap and Iron Man trying to persuade Black Panther to fight for their cause. The street-level heroes like Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones can join Cap and Falcon, having run-ins with Iron Man, War Machine (if he’s still alive after A:AoU) and the American government. All the while, Spider-Man is conflicted about the path he has chosen, as fighting for the American government as a registered hero doesn’t feel right. Maybe he has a chance to capture one of Cap’s followers, but lets him/her go?
As Cap and Tony become de-sensitised to the fighting and chaos around them, the tone of the film should be getting even darker. Peter though should remain the emotional centre of the film – conflicted by the war as he, like the audience, can see the merits and failings of both sides of the conflict. This is very important for what comes next…
In a final battle between the two forces, Cap and Iron Man exchange blows. It’s become very personal; no ‘I’d cut the wire’ quips from Tony this time. Their fighting knocks over a wall/small building, threatening the lives of dozens of people underneath it. Peter sees this and, in a suitably epic moment, latches onto the opposite side with his web, and pulls it back towards him, crushing him. The fighting stops completely as both sides look on in disbelief.
Peter’s sacrifice and the realisation of his actions leads to Steve Rogers giving himself up, perhaps in exchange for the freedom of those who fought on his side. The people of America lose heart in the conflict and support for registration wavers. In a last scene Steve retires the Captain America identity, worried of putting other lives in danger again.
Note: There are plenty of holes in the plot and storyline of the following movie ‘pitch’, so you’re obviously welcome to fill it in with other cool moments (I’d love to hear them in the comments section)!
Mid-credits: Bucky finds Cap’s old uniform and shield…
End-credits: A man brings home a duffel bag filled with items stolen from Oscorp. He dumps the bag, and it’s found by his young son – end.
My Idea for Using Spider-Man in the MCU:
Ultimate Spider-Man
The Miles Morales story. Now obviously this would be huge news and could possibly disappoint or anger lots of fans – but surely there are merits. Anyone arguing that the MCU has gained Spider-Man simply to cash-in on Peter’s popularity, and not for the virtues of story-telling, would be silenced. Those upset about another Parker-reboot wouldn’t need to worry. And why wouldn’t Marvel Studios, the people behind
Guardians of the Galaxy and
Ant-Man, be interested in another risky venture?
So what did you think? This is obviously just one fan’s idea and it isn’t perfect. Furthermore I for one was very excited by the prospect of Crossbones assassinating Steve in front of the press, or having Black Panther take a more central role in the film as old rumours led me to believe. Either way, let me know what your thoughts are in the comments section, I’m looking forward to hearing them.
Cheers for reading,
The Blue Raja