There's a lot of hype over "The Death of Spider-Man" but will this truly be the end of Ultimate Spidey as we know it? The only reason I question this is because Brian Michael Bendis talks about this story arc as nothing more than just another "arc" in the Ultimate Web-Head's series. Most always when people are leaving a project they mention something sentimental about the end or how they're going to miss the project and that it was fun while it lasted. But Bendis doesn't say any of these things. Not to mention they just teased the death of Spider-Man in Ultimatum not but a couple years ago and they just started (pretty much) the Ultimate Comics: Spider-man and it hasn't been going on long enough for it fully redeem the Ultimate imprint. So I have doubts of whether or not this is the end of the Ultimate Spider-man. Personally I think they may do what Ultimate Marvel was inteded to do and do something unexpected like: Spider-Man dies as a symbol but Peter Parker lives on as a new unknown hero. Well, I guess I shouldn't say I think that would happen but it would make sense, sense I don't really want Spidey to die and since the Ultimates/Avengers (whoever) is training Spider-Man. He may become the Ultimate Arachnid or something. Ok I don't want to get beat over the head for that statement so I'll tell you I was only joking. But please share your thoughts on what you think the aftermath of "Spider-Man's Death" will be.
If this IS the end of Ultimate Spider-Man I just want to say:

"Thank you Marvel, Benis, and Bagley for starting us on a great series and bringing us great stories to escape the boring world that we live in."