I'm The Bad Guy
Ron Edwards an easy going, straight laced office clerk for T.O.M Power sits in his tiny office cubical typing away, suddenly a burt of energy comes through the office as Ron's co-workers run into the office rambling about the latest news on Mr.Almighty the all american hero of the world.
Jane the girl from the cubical next to Ron's fantasises outloud about the possibilities of meeting Mr.Almighty as Ron tries to concentrate on his work writting up a spreadsheet on an upcoming meeting taking place that week which should lad to Ron's long overdue promotion.
Running through the busy streets that night Ron misses the last train home and is then made to stand in the rain due to the police and construction workers clearing up the aftermath of'Dasher' another hero's fight with a villain, Ron finaly gets home after hours of waiting and goes straight to bed, the camera pans around to show his home is well kept but small and the only sign of love he has is his cat.
Waking up late Ron runs to the train but is told the track is being used as the site of a 'Superhero battle' Ron walks away annoyed and hails a taxi which he is pushed aside from as a bulky man gets in instead.
At work Ron is teased for being late indicating that his co-workers often make fun of him, during his break he scrambles together his spreadsheet on a laptop finaly finishing it he places the laptop down on a table as he bites into a sandwhich but a fat co-worker sits down knocking the laptop over the edge of the table and smashes, Ron struggles in the meeting having to improvise and the executives are obviously paying no attention, after he is shouted at by his boss for not making an effort and Ron is told to leave the room.
Back at his cubical Ron is met by Martin a copy boy that has been crying, Ron asks whats wrong and Martin tells him that he was supposed to go to the T.O.M Power Plant to collect files on a recent company take over and that missing these files could lead to the company loosing a deal, Ron out of kindness leaves to collect the files himself to spare the boy feeling bad.
At the power plant Ron asks two workers where the files are and is told they are kept in an office at the other end of the plant, grabbing the files and leaving Ron sees the large pilon's glowing with power caused by Mr.Almighty battling Domincon an eletric based Robot villain high up in the sky.
Mr.Almighty throws Domincon down accidentally hitting the plant and into the pilon's this causes a huge explosion and Ron is threw back, ambulances and police arrive after the fight taking the plant workers but leaving Ron due to him being hidden under rubble.
Waking up upset about being left and thinking that no one cares about him he goes home in a rage, arriving home Ron is oblivious to the fact that he has obtained powers due to the explosion, he can now create pure dangerous energy making him glow a light orange colour, he falls asleep in his armchair in front of the tv waking up the next morning after his powers trigger the tv to turn on, he looks down to find his cat dead from raidiation coming off Ron, to make matters worse Ron looks at the tv and an event is announced to celebrate Mr.Almighty as the city's top hero this triggers Ron to shout out causing his apartment and the whole buildng blowling up.

The next day as the celebration takes place in the city centre crowds cheer as Mr.Almighty arrives flying down to the stage and thanking them for making him their hero, other hero's clap as their friend is cheered but in an alley way Ron watches, his clothes singed and his skin glowing orange with dark red veins appearing on his face and body, he clumbsily stumbles through the crowd sending people back in fear.
Calling out to Mr.Almighty who turns to see Ron he steps forward hovering from the stage towards Ron, asking Ron whats wrong Ron screams look what you've done to me which causes a bubble of energy coming from his body to push people back, Mr.Almighty lands on the ground and extends a hand offer help but Ron swipes it away shocking Mr.Almighty, the other heroes close in but Mr.Almighty signals for them to stay back.
Ron announces how sick he is that the world looks at these heroes with amazment and forget the smaller guys that do their best but get nothing in return to which Mr.Almighty explains that that isn't how it works, Ron only appeares angered by this and runs towards him to punch but Mr.Almighty easily dodges it, Ron lands on the ground and see's a group of his co-workers laughing when they realise who he is.
Ron stands up and looks at his hands feeling a strong pulsing as they glow bright orange he smils and looks at the group pointing his hands and sending two strong blasts of energy killing them, Mr.Almighty grabs him punching him and sending him into a building then the other heroes join him and fly up to find Ron.
In the building Ron is amazed to have survived the punch and realises the power he may now have, he gets up and see's the heroes flying towards him he throws one arm up sending a force field their way throwing them back hard, 'Liberty' a female hero lands comments that they ahve never felt anything like that, by the time they get back to Ron he has gone.
The media tell the world of Ron dubbing him as 'Orange Vectrum' meanwhile the heroes are at their HQ a giant flying base, they discuss the Orange Vectrum and we see that really they are all up themselves Mr.Almighty makes it clear that he must defeat the Orange Vectrum to maintain peace in the city.
Outside of the city in the countryside Ron wanders through a forrest his powers have died down and he looks like his normal self but drained and tired, suddenly from behind him he is approached by a masked man 'Ripper-Skull' a villain with a soldier/Grim Reaper appearance, Ripper-Skull tells Ron that the other villains are impressed with him and want him to join them in taking down the heroes, Ron seeing no other choice agrees and they teleport away.
In an unknown location that hides the villians base Ron is introduced to all the villains who all comment on how easily he threw back the heroes, Ron seems at ease with them but when led to his quarters he breaks down scared of what could happen knowing he is with a group of madmen and madwomen.
The next day the villains explain their plan to take out the heroes of the city and that Ron could be their secret weapon, Ron looks at their master plan as it is laid out of a large computer screen and due to the years spent working on office work he concludes to himself that he could have a better plan.
Unknown to Ron the villains plan to use him to kill the heroes boosting his powers hoping he will also die so that he wont be a threat to them, Ron sneaks into a control room and again using his computer skills reprogrammes a number of rocket routes then he proceeds to make other plans.
The villains led by their leader 'Dark Platinum' teleport to the city where they begin causing destruction to gain the heroes attention, Ron keeps back which causes a scary villain called Slasher to Slash him with his blade like claws this promps Ron to grab him and drain him of energy making Ron glow orange and kill Slasher away from the other villains view, the heroes arrive on the scene and a battle begins each hero taking on a villain.
Ron is approached by Mr.Almighty and after a battle that leads to Ron learning he can fly they reach a high rooftop and talk, Mr.Almighty believing Ron to be the master mind behind the attack mocks him stating that all villains are the same when they start out, he approaches Ron who then suprises Mr.Almighty saying he researched him and it only took him a night to uncover his identity as Brian Tracey a rich business owner that gained his powers after an accident similar to Ron's.
They fight and Ron shows that he is more powerful due to his powers absorbing Mr.Almighty's as they fight making him stronger with each punch, the other villains and heroes fight until Mr.Almighty's body is dropped from the rooftop they stand back in shock as Ron flies down and tells the heroes each of them are responsible for the villains origins showing that he was smart enough to uncover all of their identity's.
The heroes realise that Ron has conducted this all to be shown on live tv and now the world know they are responsible for the villains, the heroes lead by Liberty charge at the villains for one final battle to defeat them and regain their good reputations but Ron stops the fight killing heroes and villains.
The world is confused as to whether they should respect Ron but as he rises in the sky he looks over at T.O.M Power the office building he worked at and points his hand destroying it, he is now in his full form due to his powers he looks muscular and bauld glowing orange, the last remaining heroes and villains telling them that he likes feeling powerful and his old life is long gone.
Dark-Platinum and Ripper-Skull reveal their intention to use Ron and he easily kills them as he pulls them into the sky with an energy beam and them explodes in a bubble of energy destroying them and partly wrecking the entire city.
The world announces a fresh start with the heroes mostly dead aswell as the villains with Ron dead too, the remaining heroes led by Dasher plan to reform the world in a way Mr.Almighty would be proud, but deep in the snowy mountains the camera closes in on a newly made HQ, the camera pans down corridors and finally we see Ron in an energy bubble meditating his eyes open fixed on the camera.
The End?
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