First off, before we get into the nitty gritty below, a brief plot summary based on this compilation: An ancient alien, Zordon of Eltar, arrives on Earth after battling his enemies, Lord Zedd (his brother) and Rita Repulsa (Zedd's wife). Zedd is also on Earth (after pursuing Zordon), but is severely depowered, and is now living in the alleyways of the city of Angel Grove, California. Zordon, and his aide, Alpha 5, are stranded in a remote desert, and they use their remaining resources to establish a base of operations, the “Command Center”. On the Moon, Rita, and Zedd's general, Goldar (a brutish, lion-gargoyle creature), set up their own base, and seek to restore Zedd to his full power. To hunt down Lord Zedd, who's ruling the crime in Angel Grove with an iron fist, Zordon and Alpha recruit five young adults that Zordon feels are worthy of utilizing the mystic powers of Eltar, thus becoming his “Power Rangers”. Rita retaliates by recruiting the five's newest acquaintance, and turns him into her evil Green Ranger. When the Green Ranger proves too powerful for the five to overcome, Zordon finds the Green Ranger's brother, and turns him into the White Ranger, a title Zordon himself once held.
First five Ranger castings by GeekTruth64 on deviantart.
Jason Scott is the leader of the Power Rangers, played by Liam Hemsworth. Profile below by BadDogg on deviantart.
"Jason Lee Scott- The Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger. Code named Tooth. Jason is the leader of the Power Rangers stationed on Earth and specializes in frontline combat. Jason is disciplined by both nature and nurture. His father is a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marines, and his grandfather was an army ranger in Vietnam. These two managed to instill within him a sense of honor and duty. Despite the burden he bears as leader he can also be quite playful outside of direct battle. He enjoys bringing the best out of himself and his friends. He has a relationship with Trini Kwan, the Yellow Ranger, that they have kept secret from their friends. He often fights with his Power Sword and a ranger shield."
Red Ranger armor designed by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.
Trini Kwan is played by Jamie Chung.
Yellow Ranger armor designed by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.
Billy Cranston is played by Anton Yelchin. Profile below by BadDogg on deviantart.
"William "Billy" Reginald Cranston III- The Blue Triceratops Ranger. Code named Horn. Billy is a Mensa certified genius. His IQ is 203. Billy was born in Manchester, England. His father was a theoretical physicist that moved all around the world. As such, Billy didn't live in one place for very long. Eventually, he settled down and took a job as an engineer in Angel Grove. Billy hides his accent, though it surfaces when he is upset. He specializes in logistics and the development of weapons and tech. His lab spans two entire levels of the Command Center, one for creating and another for testing. Billy is fairly shy around people, other than his friends. As the Blue Ranger, he is noticeably more confident. Billy has a habit of letting his mind outrun his morals."
Blue Ranger armor designed by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.
Kimberly Hart is played by Ashley Greene. (This is very likely, as the reboot is produced by Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment) Profile below by BadDogg on deviantart.
"Kimberly Ann Hart- The Pink Pterodactyl Ranger. Code named Wing. Kim is the smallest ranger. She has a very wicked tongue and is quick to use it if you insult her or her friends. She considers herself a fashionista and admits that she can sometimes be a brat when things don't go her way. She wields the Power Bow, which fires bolts of plasmic energy, but she also has a quiver that contains exploding arrows. She also uses a variety of sniper rifles. She specializes in long range combat and recon. Kimberly tends to be ruthless in comparison to the other rangers and isn't big on second chances."
Pink Ranger armor designed by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.
Zach Taylor is played by Brandon T. Jackson. Profile below by BadDogg on deviantart.
"Zachary Taylor- The Black Mastodon Ranger. Code named Tusk. Zach is Jason's second in command of the Earth Rangers and specializes in demolition and guerilla warfare. Zach is far more easy-going than Jason and prefers a go-with the flow style of leading and planning. He was born in Chicago and was a member of a gang there, before his parents moved in hopes of putting Zach on a better path. He's a practioner of Capoeira and is constantly seen dancing as he fights enemies. This, coupled with his quick wit, has made him one of the public's favorite rangers. He also uses a number of magically and technologically advanced axes and hatchets. He has a rivalry with the Nasty Knight, one of the strongest bounty hunters in Rita Repulsa's employ."
Black Ranger armor designed by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.
Tommy Oliver is played by Taylor Kitsch. (alternate choice Emile Hirsch)
As Ranger fans know, Tommy Oliver is the acquaintance & evil Green Ranger spoken of in my synopsis.
Green Ranger armor designed by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.
The Dragon Dagger (and the Sword of Darkness) is given to Tommy by Rita, which allows him to control the powerful Dragonzord. Dragon Dagger design from “Zordon of Eltar”.
Ranger Rivalry by BadDogg
"I'm going to leave you frozen here and free Jason of his guilt”, Zach roared as his axe sparked against the Sword of Darkness.
"Sputter and drown , Black Ranger. Only one of us is walking away from this fight and it isn't going to be you", Tommy snarled back. The ground cracks beneath them as they summon up their elements. Sub-zero temperatures leave the area behind Zach frozen solid. Dark water rises from the lake to protect the Green Ranger.
Empress Rita conditioned the once pure Tommy into a weapon for evil. She took the ranger with the purest heart and the most potential to prove that even the best would fall before her might. Then she set Tommy against his former friends to breed anger and hatred. The bitterness formed of her actions is most apparent in these two rangers. Consumed by guilt at Tommy's fate and frustation towards Jason's spiral into depression, Zachary Taylor unleashes his fury on the closest outlet, The Evil Green Ranger."

David Trueheart is played by Jason David Frank. Frank played Tommy Oliver in the original “MMPR”. His casting is in reference to Peter Cullen reprising the voice of Optimus Prime in the “Transformers” films. Profile below by BadDogg on deviantart.
"David Trueheart- The White Tiger Ranger. Code named Stripe. Unlike the other original rangers, David doesn't utilize Mighty Morphin' Power. He uses the power of Thunder to charge his weapons and armor. He specializes in melee combat and tracking. He normally teams up with Kimberly on tracking missions. He's spent most of his life on the Reno Sparks Indian reservation. Both David and his brother Tommy are of Paiute descent. After graduating high school, David took a year off traveling across the country. David is a sophomore at Angel Grove University. His major is illustration. David is on the laid-back side and doesn't anger easily."
White Ranger armor designed by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.
Zordon's Sword from “Zordon of Eltar”.
Megazord, Dragonzord & New + Improved
The Megazord here is redesigned by BadDogg. In addition, and since he made the Green and White Rangers separate characters, and brothers at that, he also designed the Dragon-Tiger Megazord.
The Megazord retains its classic design, but is also stripped of its original bulkiness. Redesign by JesusAConde on deviantart.
This redesign from “Zordon of Eltar” also streamlines the Dragonzord design, but retains its classic image.
Morphers & Power Coins
The redesigned morpher (a virtual display pad), where now the Ranger transformation occurs by placing the Power Coins in the center. Design from “MMPR”.
Power Coins by BadDogg.
Saba, no longer simply the White Ranger's sentient sword, is now a J.A.R.V.I.S.-esque A.I. that controls all of Zordon's technology.
Zordon before arriving on Earth, and during the battle on Eltar. Image from “Zordon of Eltar”.
Zordon as seen by the five. Image from “Zordon of Eltar”.
Alpha 5, from “Zordon of Eltar”.
Goldar by johnsalvino on deviantart.
Rita Repulsa from “Zordon of Eltar”.
Lord Zedd from “MMPR”.
So, with the above compilation in mind, you have what I'd like to see from a “Power Rangers” reboot, with the mythos of the original “Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers” firmly in mind. Out of all the vintage childhood icons that have seen a cinematic rebirth in recent years, “Power Rangers” means the most to me, as it was my childhood. I'd like to thank all the artists credited for their incredible work, since, if I was a potential director, and shepherding the project, this is what I would consider. For more detailed info from certain artists, check out the links below:
“We Are the Power Rangers” by DavidFernandezArt on deviantart.