Jason Lee Scott - The Red Ranger - Garrett Hedlund
I really love this guy's performances. I think he's an upcoming talent and has the ability to star in large scale action films, great young talent.
Roles - Tron: Legacy, Four Brothers, Friday Night Lights
Kimberly Hart - The Pink Ranger - Amanda Righetti
First off, this girl is absolutely gorgeous. She's pretty unknown, but I have faith that she can fit in to the pretty, fighter girl. She's also won some short film awards, so that's a plus.
Roles - Friday the 13th, Role Models, The Mentalist
Zack Taylor - The Black Ranger - KiD CuDi
I'm a HUGE KiD CuDi fan! I love his style, swag and most of all his energy. The guy is always energetic and lively with his music. He also has some acting experience and I think he could bring his best to the table in this role. Could be the fun, comic relief that can also kick ass. Also, his obvious ethnicity.
Roles - How to Make it in America
Trini Kwan - The Yellow Ranger - Devon Aoki
This chick really does kick ass in all of her roles. She has a lot of fun and brings a lot to her characters, most of which are kick ass fighting girls, perfect choice for the role. Also, her obvious ethnicity.
Roles - 2 Fast 2 Furious, Sin City, Mutant Chronicles
Billy Cranston - The Blue Ranger - Anton Yelchin
I'm always impressed with his roles, no matter how diverse they are. I think he could play the perfect nerdy and kind of corky guy.
Roles - Alpha Dog, Star Trek, Fright Night 3D
Zordon - Liam Neeson
He always plays the older and wiser role. Such an all knowing type character and that fits Liam Neeson to a T.
Roles - Batman Begins, Schindler's List, Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Alpha 5 - Zach Braff
I really enjoy his voice work and I think he could bring that kind of goofy, comic relief to the film.
Roles - Chicken Little, Scrubs, Garden State
Skull and Bulk - Michael Cera and Jonah Hill
I chose them for obvious reasons. Both make a really great team and they're hysterical dudes.
Roles - Superbad, Youth in Revolt, Get Him to the Greek
Tommy Oliver - The Green Ranger - Cam Gigandet
I love the type of villain he plays and it would definitely fit this part, that kind of arrogant bad guy that you love to hate. He also has some fighting experience under his belt. In this movie I would place him as The Green Ranger, being a bad guy, but then after the Rangers defeat their foes, he disappears. Maybe a little after credits scene showing a new white ranger being introduced.
Roles - Twilight, Never Back Down, Priest
Rita Repulsa - Famke Janssen
I think this chick can play an awesome evil lady. She's done it before and I definitely think that she can fit this character.
Roles - X-Men: The Last Stand, House on Haunted Hill, Hide and Seek
Lord Zedd - Michael Fassbender
This actor is awesome! He's one of my favorites and he can absolutely take on this evil, dark role. He's done it before and I have complete faith in him to play a much eviler and scarier Zedd for a serious reboot series. I would have the first film with Rita and then have it set up for Lord Zedd in a sequel.
Roles - X-Men: First Class, Inglorious Basterds, Hunger
Goldar - Tom Hardy
Again, he's one of my favorite actors. He can play a really menacing and scary dude, definitely fits the part of a more serious Goldar
Roles - Bronson, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises