You can expect the teaser trailer for the big screen adaptation before the end of year, most likely in theaters with Fox's "Fat Albert".
We learned that the costume Michael Chiklis wears for The Thing is being produced continuously! He'll wear one suit, it will get wet or dirty and they bring on a new one. There's not a certain amount of suits being used for the film, as was the case for films like Spider-Man.
Feige tells us that they are at the halfway point in shooting. Things should wrap up in mid-December at which time post-production will start. Feige also told us that there had been some talks about a Fantastic Four sequel, but that's all it was, just talks. Nothing serious yet.
Ralph Winter spoiled parts of a scene, highlight the text immediately below to find out:
In one scene, a firefighter truck will be combined with special effects to make it appear as if it is hanging off the bridge.
Some press members also got to be extras as reporters in a scene for the movie that was filmed last week involving a bridge.