I know what your going to say: "Scheduling, are you serious?" Well that's the rumor any way. Latino Review caught up with director Peter Berg to find out the status on the Hancock sequel:
"It's being written now and it's an issue of everybody involved in 'Hancock,'" Berg said of the movie's development. "There are so many cooks in that particular kitchen that it's so busy and Will [Smith] has kind of taken time off to be with his kids."
"There are so many people involved in that, from Will to his partner James Lassiter to Akiva [Goldsman] to Michael Mann, myself and to get us all in the same room just like this where we can all talk and then agree on anything, you've never met a group of people that have a harder time agreeing on anything," he continued. "It's like the Israeli peace process times a thousand how tough it is to resolve."
So reading between the lines one would think that if they are blaming scheduling for the delay wouldn't that lead you to conclude the parties involved don't want the feature made bad enough. I know if scheduling is a issue for me or for anyone else it usually revolves around picking one's priority's. This isn't to say Hancock 2 will never get made. Peter went on to comment:
"I think it'll happen," said Berg. "We just have to kind of get in the same room for some consistency,"
Peter Berg also let us in on what his next project will be and that is "Lone Survivor' is what I want to do next," he said, putting the writing on the wall that Hancock 2 is further away then some had hoped.