After the film "Jason take Manhattan" New Line Cinema bought the rights to the Friday the 13th franchise a cross over between Freddy and Jason was hinted at near the end of "Jason Goes to Hell". The film finally got made and released in 2003. The plot opens with Freddy saying that the children have forgotten him sapping him of his powers. However during his stay in hell he found Jason. So Freddy disguised as Jason's mother instructs Jason to kill a few of the teens on Elm Street.
It's been a while since we've seen Robert Englund as Freddy. Englund returns to top form in this film easily on his own making up for the silliness of the 6th film. He again balances the humor and evil that is Freddy. The Teen cast is acceptable they do their job to carry the story how ever it's easy to not care when they die. The actor playing Jason does a good job even though he has no lines, just the way he carries himself as Jason makes him look unstoppable.
I think Freddy got kind of the short end of the stick in this film when it came to kills. He got two kills total but Jason got well over ten. However the dream sequences are both cool and enjoyable. The part where Mark is killed makes me cringe every time. Those things going into his legs just look really painful. Also the part where he gets slashed in the face by Freddy made me jump. The fight between Jason and Freddy in the dream world is also fantastic. Although this film is in no way scary it is gory.

Of course it's the end fight that's the highlight of the film. Freddy and Jason both have particular fighting skills. Freddy is more like a little dog that grabs onto your leg and doesn't let go, he also prefers to use his surroundings as weapons. Jason is the slow towering giant that can toss Freddy like a rag doll. However the fight ends like most VS movies with neither bad guy winning. However the studio had to do this because if Jason won the Freddy fans would be pissed and visa versa.
While the skript is nothing to write home about the film is definitely fun for not only fans of the two characters but for horror fans in general. If this is Robert Englund's last performance as Freddy then this is a good one to leave on, I tip my hat to him for going through eight movies and a tv show!
I give "Freddy vs Jason" a B-