Hollywood has done allot of horror remakes lately: Friday the 13th, Prom Night, Halloween, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre to name a few. Occasionaly remakes can be really good The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers have proven that. Is this another one of those cases where the remake is actually good? I think it is.
The story follows a group of teens that are being haunted by this horribly disfigured man in their dreams. Nancy and her boy friend find out that years ago Fred Kreuger was burned alive by their parents because he was accused of being a child molester but left town before being confronted. So they question is, did their parents kill a inocent man or is there something more sinister at hand?
The teen actors definatly exceted my expectations for this remake. I figured they would follow the goofyness of the teens in the Friday and Halloween remakes but this was not the case at all. Although the actress playing Nancy isn't as likeable as Heather Lengenkamp so does what she's there to do. It's actually Kris Fowles that was my favorite out of the teen cast, she was both pretty and a good actress. The rest of the teen cast although a little card board still do a good job. I would rather they be like that then being just plain stupid.

The thing that everyone was wondering about is, how's the new Freddy? Let me tell you something I've never sweat during a movie before. Jackie Earle Haley's Freddy has that powerful a presence. Haley is down right scary as Freddy. The make up although looking more like a burn victim, I prefer the older look which was more demonic but I thats the point of a remake to do things differently. If anyone can carry on the Freddy role after Englund it's Haley. Although he does crack a few jokes he's more in your face then the Englund.

Now down to the kills. The kills are gruesome right from the start with people getting stabbed left and right. Freddy uses his glove allot in this one. Which is fine but I still like the idea of him using people's fears against them. The dream sequences are all done very well. The part where Nancy is sinking into the floor is a great example and of course the famous boiler room. The school also has a creepy atmosphere to it and holds a great importance to the plot.
In my opinion this is the best slasher remake so far. The film does well standing on it's own. Yes there are scenes that are reused but they are used in a different way and aren't the same frame for frame as the original. I can't wait to see what they do with the next three films!
I give "A Nightmare on Elm Street" a B-