EDITORIAL: Could We See She-Hulk In Marvel's Netflix Series?
Marvel has confirmed to give us several original series, which will premiere exclusively on the popular online streaming site, known as Netflix. I'm here to give you a couple of reasons why we could see Jennifer Walters a.k.a. She-Hulk, in one or more of these series. Hit the Jump!
This won't be a 50 Paragraph editorial, yet it won't be 50 words either. I want to take long enough to get my point across, yet make it small enough for all to understand. So read on to see my thoughts on why we could possibly see The Savage She-Hulk or her more mild-mannered side, Jennifer Walters in one or more of Marvel's upcoming Netflix shows. Read on for more details!
Reason 1. Jennifer Walters Is A Lawyer.
To this reason, many would say, why is that a big deal? Well, it is. When you think of lawyers and Marvel Comics, the first two people you think of is Matt Murdock, better known to fans as Daredevil, who will be receiving his own Netflix series, and Jennifer Walters, who is the She-Hulk. So, one possibility is that we could see a battle between the two finest lawyers of the Marvel Universe.
Reason 2. She-Hulk Is A Hero For Hire.
Many of you probably didn't know this, but in Volume 1 of the original “Heroes For Hire” comic series, our green gamma-friend had a somewhat large role in the series, as she joined Luke Cage, Iron Fist and the rest of the team in issue 8, and left in issue 19; which was the final issue of the series. So not only could we see her as Jennifer Walters in Daredevil, we may see her as a Hero For Hire, or Defender.
Reason 3: Question: How Would Marvel Do This?
I've already listed a couple of reasons on where She-Hulk would appear, but the question now is, How would She-Hulk appear? Would Marvel take a tall girl and paint her green, or would they use all CGI, much like her cousin? Well, CBM user nailbiter111 and I were having this discussion, when we both came to the conclusion that they should do The Hobbit trick. What is that? You ask. Well, in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit, cinematographers took cameras, and put them all at different sizes, angles, and even put some of the actors into different filming rooms, and in the end putting it all together, making Gandalf look 3 feet taller than Bilbo. Therefore, if She-Hulk became part of one or more of these series, they could use this trick and make her tower over normal citizens.
So, those are my theories on why we could see She-Hulk or Jennifer Walters sooner than we may think. What are yours? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!