<commence rant>
In my line of business, summer is one of the slowest times in my office. So i see myself hanging around here(CBM.com) or going out with the Mrs. , playing video games or watching CBMs either at home or the new ones out in the theaters.
Overall I'm a pretty chill guy, however you know
Is when overpaid hacks with no sense of what life is all about, have no sense of humor or wonder, they think they are smarter that you, belitte something that majority and more people day by day enjoy, and that is CBMs. Look I'm not saying that all CBMs are good,
cough - Green Lantern - cough, however if your JOB is to review films at least watch the bloody thing from start to finish before you make an opinion about it. The SAD thin is people actually listen to this guys!!!!
Nowadays it looks like most of these "critics" do is look at the trailer, IMDB the movie, fil the rest of their column with nonsense to appear smart and witty just to say
in the process not capturing story, theme, or feeling behind it that all of these directors and actors put into it.
All in all everyone, not to sound like Obi wan but trust your feelings, listen to your frineds and like minded people such as the fine folks her at CBM.com, they are your true source of what is good or not. Even though the flame wars do happen, I do enjoy a good Deadpool thread.
<rant over>