Okay so lets start of with a round of applause for J.J. Abrams, Star Wars The Force Awakens really was amazing, at least I think so and I'm a life long Star Wars fan aww hell I'm a Star Wars Fanboy!.
I've spoken in the past about my love of Star Wars, the way my father brought home the videos when I was but a child and I kissed my hopes of becoming a sports fan (they were never there) goodbye, and I became obsessed with all things Star Wars.
Now last year when we were told the news of a new Star Wars movie, I was at first in disbelief and then skeptical of this. Admittingly I was one of few that enjoyed the prequel movies, until later when I'd see the real dfference of the prequels to the originals, now don't get me wrong I don't hate the prequels but they aren't the quality that hold the originals so high for me.
As I was saying, I was skeptical of a new series of movies in my beloved Star Wars saga, how would the Star Wars legacy be ruined this time? Will this series be about Darth Vader having a secret sister would take over him reign as dark lord of the galaxy? Would this series give us a look at the all important pregnancy of R2-D2 and C3-PO's surrogate Ewok mother?.
No this series looks bright! and if the sequel(s) go by the setting The Force Awakens has set, then we are in for a very bright future..... in a dark room of a movie theatre, I sit here after my second viewing of The Force Awakens and I'm still in an amazed daze.
The movie is everything I wanted it to be and more, first of let me give you a short review.
The movie starts with the classic Star Wars title reel, and you sit in a giddy excitment as you read an all new opening crawl, then we are thrown into the quick introduction of Poe Dameron, he has a very Indiana Jones vibe about him, and we are given reason to love him once the First Order arrive wrecking havoc and Poe becomes are first new hero.
The first order give off a stronger vibe than the Empire ever did in the originals and I love it, but Kylo Ren he screams Darth Vader but scarier, his look his perfect and his voice is perfectly terrifying.
We are quickly throw into a chase that keeps us fully intrested and wide eyed, Rey and Finn our main characters are completely loveable and work well, bouncing off each other.
When we are introduced to familiar but older faces, my heart swelled with happiness, and luckily the new characters bounce of the older, Finn and Han worked really well together and Rey seemed to work well alone or when working aside another character.
The story screamed everything good about the orginal movies, there was a huge A New Hope feeling to it, quite rightly but there was something about the movie's feel that was soo familiar with Empire Strikes Back, I can't fully explain it but it just felt so right.
The end gives us that strong question of "What happens next?" and I've always foudn that only happens with the best of movies, Star Wars The Force Awakens really is the sequel we've all been waiting for and I can confidentally say its the movie of the year.
So with that, I'll move on and give my top five highlights of the movie, have a read and let me know if you agree, I'd love to hear your own highlights.
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5. The Mystery
This movie holds some serious mystery, and quite rightly so, I mean a few decades have passed since last we saw this side of the galaxy, so of course a lot has happened and we will hopfully be learningmore about this in the sequels.
For instance, what was the story behind Luke Jedi academy downfall?, we get a glimpse in a vision Rey experiences of Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren stood in a dark setting with heavy rain fall and the bodies of what looks like a lot of dead jedi.
Han and Leia, last time we saw them, they were celebrating the Empires defeat and very much in love, now the love is there in this movie but, they have obviously since departed that relationship after what has happened to their son, but what was it? and what led their son down that path?
Where is Lando Calrissian? and whats with Rey's backstory?

These questions are all a part of what makes Star Wars such a beloved series, it keeps us coming back as I'm sure it did to everyone back when the original saga was relesed. Its left me hungry for more yet satisfied and I can't wait for the sequel.
The second time I went to see the movie I was telling myself to look deeper into some of the questions I have but I was too caught up in the brilliance of the movie to bother
4. The Resistance
Okay this is one of my highlights because of what the Resistance is seen as, in the original series I always thought the Rebellion was done so well because they showed that it was literally pulled together, the Empire had all its resources due to ruling the galaxy, but the Rebellion had to scrape together what it could with the supporters it had.
I originally thought that the Resistance would just be the new ruling forceof the galaxy, but then seeing how the First Order seems to be taking over, I was in doubt as to where the Resistance would stand, how could they allow the First Order to take over? well I was given my answer and in one hell of a justified way!
The Rebellionhas turned into the Resistance, the Resistance are basically Superheroes! seriously when you first see the Resistance in this movie it is an epic entrance, all seems doomed as the First Order tower down on our heroes, then suddenly a team of X-Wing's sore across the water (as seen in the trailer(s)), we see Poe Dameron leading the charge, and for the first time in this movie we see that the First Order have a fight to put up!
Basically the Resistance is the Rebellion with an upgrade, they aren't to be pushed around anymore, they still have a pretty basic setting from what we see but, they have grown and they aren't going to let the galaxy fall under the control of evil again.
3. New Guys
This was a doubt I had, putting a set of new characters into a franchise that is beloved with characters that are beloved, like Jar Jar Binks...... infact lets play on that! that's a good example of my point, that.... character was put into the series and look what happens, but in this case its worked, Rey, Finn and Poe, not Jar Jar, his corpse will be seen in a sequel we hope.
I couldn't believe how likeable the characters were to be honest, I felt they would just be elements to a story the older characters could work around but no, these characters run the story themselves and at some points I felt they were almost more interesting.
Finn, brought a comedy element but when the character is serious he really works well, he bounced off Han Solo, together they had some of the funniest scenes, he also brought in a new element, a Stormtrooper ditching this life to do something good although it doesn't seem that way at first it does go in that direction.
John Boyega is a talented actor, first coming to our attention in Attack The Block, he really came to my attention when I watched a BBCThree tv movie he was the main star of 'My Murder' the story based on a true murder of a young man led into a honeytrap and killed by a gang, this was really gripping to me as I personally have fell victim of gang related violence and that film really left me thinking, that was down to Boyega's talent and I can't wait to see the character of Finn to grow as well as Boyega's career.
Rey, I suppose is set up as our new lead character, which shocked me as I belived it would be Finn that would be led on the main heroic story but Rey seems to be thrown into what will be the path of the Jedi, her character is interesting from her AT-AT home to her connection with the force, of course she gets to share the climatic last scene but I'll be going into that later.
Daisy Ridley ruled the part, and ever since I have seen her picture all over, she's a beautiful actress and we see a woman that manages to hold her own skill aside hardened actors like Harrison Ford and Actresses like Carrie Fisher, even though she has only really had walk in parts before this, I'm really intrested in seeing how Rey's role evolves in this series.
Poe, okay this character as I said earlier had an Indiana Jones vibe when we first meet him, and he seems to hold that through out the first act, he provides a slight comedy elmement and a hero status, I'm guessing Poe will grow into a much loved character, as his first few minutes on screen were really exciting, he owned all his screen time and the character himself needs more story admittingly but from what we got of this gunslinging ace pilot I loved.
I've already been a fan of Oscar Isaac for a while, he has a great frame of work from one of my favorites 'Drive' to 'Ex Machina' you get what you ask for with him, his character in Ex Machina was my favorite of that movie so I trust he'll keep us happy.
Kylo Ren, I know I've given spoiler warnings already but I'm worried about talking too much about Kylo as his spoiler is a biggie, let me just say he is terrifying, he works and I'm scared to say but I think he could be scarier on screen than Darth Vader, Vader held a fear over all the Imperial's but Kylo gives a fear, there is a scene in which an Imperial Officer delivers some bad news to Kylo and you can see how terrified the officer is, Kylo then proceeds to destroy the room showing an anger Vader could never show.
We also learn how messed up Kylo is, one he is obsessed with Vader, keeping his melted helmet and talking to it, he comitts one hell of a terrible murder in the last act of the movie, and he shows that he is scared of his actions but wont let hismelf be seen as wrong, he must do what he started and won't allow himself to be beaten, whic leads to the question, what did the Knights of Ren do and what made Kylo into the man he is now?
Adam Driver I have to admit, isn't an actor I'm familiar with, I've heard of the odd movie he's done but I won't pretend I know his work, all I know is that Kylo Ren has a lot more to show us.
2. That Solo Moments That Changed It All
First off Kylo Ren breaks my heart in that tear jerking moment, we find out that Kylo Ren is in fact Han and Leia's son, and during the last act Han see's his son from afar and so he decides to confront his son for what could be the first time in a long time, adressing him as Ben, Kylo gives an emotional look as he stares his father in the eyes and for a second we think, is this new villain about to turn to the light side in his first movie? No he leaves Han wishing he was back in Carbonite, sweet sweet frozen carobnite.
Not only does Kylo Ren leave a hole in the Star Wars saga he left a hole in the galaxy, Han Solo really held his own in this movie, showing that no matter how long ago the original saga was, Han Solo will always be that rougish smuggler we all love.
1. The Return Of The Jedi
Force Awakens is basically the man hunt for Luke Skywalker, throughout the movie we hear little bits on Luke, but straight from the get go everyone is looking for him, everyone that actually knows he is real that is.
Luke has exilled himself after the events that are still unclear, the Knights of Ren slaughtered Lukes Jedi order? anyway the climax leads Rey, Chewbacca and R2 to Lukes location and we finally get the glimpse we've all been waiting for, in full Jedi form, Luke Skywalker.
I don't want to describe this in too much detail because it really is a scene you want to see for yourself, and words don't describe how I felt when I saw it, it was like a reassurance, no matter how bad things get, no amtter how bleak things seem, Luke Skywalker is still out there and he's coming back into the game, a new hope, return of the jedi, Luke Skywalker.
Well there you have it folks, please let me know what you think of my highlights, what you thought of the movie and what your highlights were.