Released back in May to a mixed response, a large number of fans found Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 more than a little disappointing. Hit the jump to check out the second of four editorials analyzing the best and worst of 2014’s CBMs!

Editorial Opinion
By Minty - Nov 23, 2014 06:11 AM EST

Despite boasting a talented cast, big blockbuster visuals and a promising director in Mark Webb, things never really worked out according to plan for this year's Spidey sequel. The movie fell short of both the critical and commercial expectations of the studio, and divided fans, many of whom would have preferred to see the character out of Sony’s hands, and back with Marvel Studios. So what exactly went wrong? And is it as bad as people make it out to be? Read on to find out…

The Marketing Blitz


"You know what it is I love about being Spider-Man? Everything!" – Peter Parker

While this may not be a major criticism of the movie itself, it most certainly applies to the creative minds behind it. The whole concept of a movie ‘trailer’ is to tease and engage a potential audience – without ever revealing too much of the plot. Right from the very beginning, Sony got their approach horribly wrong. As CBM fans, we are subjected to the dangers of scoops, set-pics and spoilers more than anyone else – but the difference is we have chosen to view them if we click on them.
It’s only upon actually viewing the movie that you manage to gather a sense of how damaging this kind over-zealous marketing can be. Harry Osborn’s transformation into the Green Goblin? Spoiled. The Sinister Six easter eggs? Nothing new, we saw those in the promos. Gwen Stacy’s death? The whole world knew she was doomed from ‘Trailer 1’. Any shock and excitement potentially generated from these moments was lost – largely thanks to over-excited studio heads pumping out TV Spot after TV Spot.
Note – Ironically, this marketing scheme has ended up being Sony's biggest mistake. Under any normal circumstances, a $700+ million box office return would be a fantastic result – but the advertising costs have reportedly dramatically reduced profits. So much so that big questions marks have been raised about the future of Sony’s whole franchise.

Lack Of Pay-Off


"Isn’t that the question of the day?" – Harry Osborn

Spinning-off of the film’s advertising woes - in the end, a lot of what the trailers promised never saw the light of day. Most likely casualties in the film’s brutal editing process, various scenes involving Harry, his father, Felicia and many other supporting characters were lost in the final-cut. As a result of this, in addition to feeling incomplete, the movie also seemed a little confused by its own multiple plot-threads – most of which were never concluded in a logical or satisfying manner.
The big talking point here is, of course, the mystery of Peter’s parents. Initially introduced in the first movie in an attempt to distance itself from Raimi’s original trilogy, this plot-line was awkwardly shoe-horned into a few short scenes in this movie – most of which were either riddled with plot-holes or just seemed out of place. It felt like a shameless U-Turn from the writers, who had built up this whole side-story, only to abandon it at the last minute to devote more time on Paul Giamatti and his colourful underwear.

Don’t You Know? I’m Electro


"It’s my birthday. Now it’s time for me to light my candles." – Electro

Batman Forever has been widely criticised for the portrayals of its villains ever since it came out in 1995. However, much like many blockbusters of its era, it’s been cut a little slack over time. The same cannot be said for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which almost pitch-perfectly replicated the personality and motivations of its main villain, Electro, from Jim Carrey’s Riddler – making the latter seem complex and engaging in comparison.
Burdened by terrible characterisation, a cartoony personality and some of the corniest dialogue ever to make it into a comic-book movie, Electro was incredibly underwhelming. Visually impressive, the villain contributed to all of the film’s best action sequences, but ultimately ended up being a waste of actor Jamie Foxx’s talents. That said, it was Foxx’s performance as a creepy nerd caricature that made Max Dillon so hard to take seriously in the first place.

The (Multiple) Other Villains


"I had a friend once. It didn't work out." – Electro
"Yeah. Me too." – Harry Osborn

Batman Forever was not the only CBM this film failed to learn from. Inexplicably, the sequel ended up repeating many of the same mistakes seen in 2007’s Spider-Man 3­. Chief among them was an over-abundance of villains – a topic that has been debated time and time again when it comes to superhero movies. Balance is key in handling antagonists (as the successes of The Dark Knight and The Winter Soldier have proven over the years), and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was sorely lacking in any here.
While other franchise builders, such as Iron Man and Man Of Steel, were far more subtle in their world-building, Sony's greedy, impatient approach to sowing the seeds for its shared universe ultimately cost them. TASM 2’s tendency to bounce from one new supporting antagonist to the next detracted from the main villain, Green Goblin appeared to have been shoehorned in at the last moment, while Smythe, Felicia and The Rhino barely made an impact at all. And the less said about Martin Csokas’ Dr Kafka, the better.

Direction & Tone


Are these the real culprits directors behind The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

Who was really directing this movie? Matt Tolmach? Avi Arad? Kurtzman & Orci? Judging by how convoluted the final product ended up, it was a combination of a few different parties. Regardless of whoever had the final say, it’s hard to imagine that Mark Webb, the director of one of the most original romantic comedies of recent times, had full creative control of this project. Going into this franchise, Webb looked like one of the most promising up-and-coming directors around. Sadly, this movie may have tarnished his reputation for good.
In hindsight, the signs were always there. From the numerous deleted scenes, to the script re-writes, to the shameful Mary-Jane Watson debacle – it seems that Webb and Sony never really had a complete vision for this film during its shooting and production. The tone was unbearably corny, while the bright visuals and pulsating score ended up garish and unappealing – albeit fairly inventive. Solid turns from Garfield and (in particular) Emma Stone were undermined by cheap relationship drama, while the movie’s single highlight oddly ended up being the death of its best character.

The Positives

"There will be days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope." – Gwen Stacy

It would be pretty harsh not to mention any of the movie's better moments - and there were a few. Despite the negatives, claims that this is the Batman & Robin of the Spider-Man franchise are a little unfounded - it's closer to the Batman Forever. As noted above, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield do an admirable job in the lead roles - although the hero's overly cocky demeanour has understandably alienated some fans. You either love him or hate him - but he's definitely not this movie's weakest element.

With regards to the future of this franchise, only time will tell. Sony’s plans are not yet as clear as, say, DC or Marvel Studios’, but their ambition to build a cohesive Spider movie universe is well known. Here’s hoping Sinister Six turns things around – and with a director like Drew Goddard (Cabin In The Woods) on-board it’s definitely a possibility. Quality is key with superheroes – most fans don't mind what studio the characters are at, so long as the movies themselves are good.

The Verdict

Mark Webb’s latest entry into the rebooted Amazing Spider-Man franchise ends up being one of the biggest disappointments of the year - largely thanks to a messy storyline, weak villains, terrible dialogue and a painfully corny tone. Here's hoping Sony can turn things around with Sinister Six!
Result: “Mediocre”

Well that's it, thanks for reading guys! I apologise for the dour tone with this one - it's not the worst CBM ever, but it might be one of the most disappointing. What did you guys think? Let me know in the comments, and hit the thumbs-up if you enjoyed the read!
In the end, regardless of whether you loved the movie, hated it, or were simply ambivalent to it, we all know it was seriously lacking in one thing…
Also, if you want to read my full review of the movie, you can check it out on my blog below…
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Returns To Theaters On Monday With A Less-Than-Spectacular Box Office Haul

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Returns To Theaters On Monday With A Less-Than-Spectacular Box Office Haul

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Star Dane DeHaan Talks NO WAY HOME Rumors And Whether He'd Return As Green Goblin
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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Star Dane DeHaan Talks NO WAY HOME Rumors And Whether He'd Return As Green Goblin

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Brainiac13 - 11/23/2014, 6:37 AM
Is this Levi?

Brainiac13 - 11/23/2014, 6:39 AM
I gave this movie 3/5 but after seeing it again on Blu-Ray.....yeah maybe 2/5.
MrBlackJack - 11/23/2014, 8:09 AM
I enjoyed the film, but I recognize its (sometimes agonizing) flaws. Most of the trailers were actually pretty good, but it was just too much too early and ended up being headache inducing. The writing ranged from pretty good to downright terrible, and Electro felt out of sync with the rest of the film's tone. The majority of the film tried to maintain a "realistic" or balanced tone, but Electro was full of camp out of the blue. My opinion of Harry as changed so much over time that I'm not sure what to think of him now. Don't get me wrong, Dane was great in the role, but I'm not sure how I feel about the role itself in the film. That being said, I had a blast in theaters. The web swinging was superb, the acting was great (I even liked Giamatti's hammed up Rhino), seeing Gwen's death nicely translated to the big screen was fulfilling, visually the film is spectacular, and with Garfield I actually felt like I was watching Spider-Man. Overall I'd give it a C+.
Highflyer - 11/23/2014, 8:16 AM
I loved the film. Do I understand how some have a problem with it? Yeah. With Electro, I actually enjoyed the way he transitioned in time square.
Highflyer - 11/23/2014, 8:17 AM
I did wish however they didn't make Max so dorky prior to his transformation.
MrBlackJack - 11/23/2014, 8:17 AM
And as a reward for your excellent article Minty, I present to you my favorite TASM 2 gif. :P

tokens - 11/23/2014, 8:57 AM
hate ASM2.
parker turned into a cool kid.
studio control
Ruined goblin and electro.
So many people in the audience laughed when a villain was supposed to be threatening.
The only thing i loved about the new franchise was emma stone.
Kyos - 11/23/2014, 9:11 AM
Nice job! Also I pretty much completely agree with this. Of all the superhero movies in 2013 and '14 this was the one I cared for the least. The only things I really liked about TASM2 were the costume and Emma Stone. :(
SauronsBANE - 11/23/2014, 10:36 AM
Minty, you have my condolences for most likely needing to re-watch this slog of a movie in order to write this editorial haha. I saw it once in theaters, once after it came out on Blu-ray, and I never want to see it again!

Seriously though, good stuff! For me, this is one of those movies that is simply impossible to exaggerate how bad it was. It's a trainwreck, from start to finish. And the worst part is that it was doomed from the start, because it basically shot itself in the foot. It seems clear that the writers (hacks Orci and Kurtzman) decided early on that Gwen was going to die in this movie, and so they built the rest of the movie to fit around that...rather than working on the rest of the movie and the overarching plot first, and have that steadily build up to the emotional death scene.

And the writing for Spidey/Peter (and every single villain, as well) was just atrocious. The biggest problem is that Peter is such an unlikable protagonist...and the writers don't even notice it. They try to play him straight, but he's just a massive douche. He's not heroic in the least. He's an arrogant, selfish, self-serving brat that expects everyone else to bend to his will no matter what.

And what's even worse is that Orci and Kurtzman made it so that NOTHING is ever Peter's fault. Heck, they even put the onus of Gwen's death on herself, not on Peter. Basically, "This is what you get, Gwen, for daring to disobey the man in your life!" It's a horrible message. It's just stunning that this movie managed to betray everything that made Peter so special in the comics.
marvel72 - 11/23/2014, 10:50 AM
the amazing spider-man was just average at best.the amazing spider-man 2 had good action scenes,just slightly better than the original.

i think its time for spidey to comeback home where he belongs.
SauronsBANE - 11/23/2014, 11:16 AM
@ADv3point0 Yep. Of course Orci and Kurtzman had to make it so that Peter was the ONLY one who could've possibly become Spider-Man, thanks to his mysterious Dad and all that creepy "magic blood" stuff. It's just as bad as the fact that Uncle Ben's death pretty much had no effect on him whatsoever. I mean, he's FAR more guilt-ridden over Captain Stacy's death. It's awful.

But yeah, like you said, then we have to deal with a supposed 'hero' who is nothing more than a complete jerk to everyone around him, especially his loved ones. Defenders of this movie like to come up with every rationalization, but there's really no excuse. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that this version of Peter Parker just might be one of the worst heroes in any comic book movie.
Blaquaman - 11/23/2014, 11:55 AM
@DarthMarvell Wow.
Wolf38 - 11/23/2014, 12:09 PM
This one is interesting for me. I was not impressed by TASM1 and only watched TASM2 after it was released to streaming services, with my expectations as low as could be. But I actually think that it is a decent film and I'd give it 3/5 stars.

First, I think that the story does have a very nice payoff, and flows far better than TASM1. Second, as far as villains go, all of the complaints are valid but Electro is kind of a side-plot and Rhino is just a bookend device for a couple of scenes. They're lame, but don't really affect the main plot-line for me.

The marketing was weak. Or at least it didn't work on me, because it focused on Electro, who again does not represent this film's strengths.

I think that the Batman Forever comparison is a good one. Of course, I think that Batman Forever is much better than its reputation, but it does have some parallels with TASM2 in that the wacky villains take the attention away from the more serious beats of the main story.
Reasonnnn - 11/23/2014, 12:30 PM
@SauronsBANE PREACH! I love your mind I want to dissect it like Project TAHITI.

@Minty Great work as always man! Avi Arad is such a cancer to this franchise, ruined Raimi w/ Venom and now he's ruining Webb. Hope you do this at the end of every year given the amount of CBMs we'll be seeing in the future.
marvel72 - 11/23/2014, 12:37 PM

its my birthday today.
jfrocks2002 - 11/23/2014, 12:45 PM
I despise this movie. The plot (if you can call it that), the characterization of Peter, the design of the Rhino and Goblin, the attempts at world building, the inconsistent tone, all of it.

But I will admit, the special effects were good, the Spider-Man suit looks as close to the comics as ever, and (with the exception of everything in the final third of the movie) the scenes with Spider-Man were everything I wanted from a Spider-Man movie - the quips, saving a little kid from bullies, even the initial fight with Electro (other people hated the dubstep, but I liked it).

But there's far more to hate than there is to love. I just want Marvel to have the rights back so we don't have to endure years of terrible sequels.
DoomBot666 - 11/23/2014, 2:23 PM
26 comments in and no sight of Jollem...

This is declared a good thread!
DoomBot666 - 11/23/2014, 2:25 PM
But on topic, I liked the fighting scenes with Spider-Man, and the scenes between Gwen and Peter. They were done extremely well. Everything else seemed so...bad! My head hurt by the time it ended. I definitely agree with the rating you gave it, Mr @Minty
nuyhm7ai - 11/23/2014, 3:16 PM
@SauronsBANE @ADv3point0

no, peter was never really that much of a jerk even in the first movie. he seemed okay with everyone, he tried to help connors, he stood up to a victim from flash, he calmed a kid down when he was in danger, etc. he never said F you to the people he cared about and that scene with him telling his aunt may to go to sleep didn't say shut up nor F you get off my back. he seemed scared and teary eyed that he freaked her out while under pressure. infact, he wasn't even rude to her throughout the entire first movie.

in the first movie he was more guilt ridden over uncle ben's death as his guilt blinded him while thinking he's trying to save everyone. one of the many things about the character is that his guuilt just tortures him more and more even blinding him for what he's doing.

though the second movie really made his character kind of a problem.

i would say this version of the character is flawed in the first one and problematic in the second one. though peter has been acting like this back in the day in the comics.

i'd say tobey maguire's version(personality wise) and USM version are two of the worst versions of the character
nuyhm7ai - 11/23/2014, 3:21 PM
anyway, i hope the series improve because whatever spiderman movie comes out in 2016 if messed up by sony and avi arad and matt tomach's meddling of the movie they're [frick]ed. goodbye to spiderman as he heads home to marvel.
Minty - 11/23/2014, 4:04 PM

Just the man I expected to see.

I'm gonna say this. I don't like this movie, but it sure as hell has nothing to do with any allegiances to any particular studio. I question the sanity anyone who chooses to like or dislike movies based on a studio.
GiantNerd - 11/23/2014, 4:17 PM
Jollem will not be pleased by this analytical piece.
GiantNerd - 11/23/2014, 4:17 PM
Too late
Minty - 11/23/2014, 4:19 PM
Thanks for all the comments/thumbs guys, I'll try get through as many as I can.

"Is this Levi?"

My work here is done.

Haha @Braniac13 I'm afraid I'm not the infamous Levitikuz, but I confess I went through the same thought process as you did. 3/5 (well, maybe 2.5...) after the cinema. 2/5 on repeat watching.

@MexicanSuperman - Yeah Max and Ed were one and the same, once Electro got his powers he was a little different. On the 'introductions' of the new characters - that's the problem right there. Whoever was making this movie cared too much about Sinister Six and TASM 3/4 - and not about the current movie they were making. Iron Man 2 suffered from a similar issue.

@MrBlackjack - Pretty much agree with everything you've said there mate. It was tonally confused - and Electro was a huge contributing factor to that. Yep, visually it was very good, and often very fun - but repeat viewings are gonna be this films worst enemy. Dane DeHaan is a fantastic actor, and I really wanted to like him in this, but with his transformation goes his acting skills too sadly. Gwen's death was executed very well, and I like Garfield, just not as much in this film. And man that first trailer was great - I just didn't see the need for the others. Since TASM 2 I've been avoiding late trailers/tv-spots like the plague.

Oh and a gif from you is the highest honour my friend. You have my support in McGee's twisted campaign for CBM MVP this year :)

@Highflyer - You sound like the kind of TASM 2 fan that I'd like to debate with bud.

@RebelVulcan - Cheers Vulc. Lol! That should definitely have been it's subtitle! Erm I do them using my blog (The Tiny Screen), which has an option to crop down pics to a certain size and then just copy em over!

@Kyos - Thanks man, always good hearing from you. Absotivolutely! Those are the two things I love about this movie. And yep, probably the weakest CBM in a very strong period for the genre
Minty - 11/23/2014, 4:35 PM
@SauronsBANE - Twas with a heavy heart that I sat down and... illegally streamed it off some dodgy site cause their aint no chance in hell they're taking my money again! :P Haha the writing was so terrible - I cannot get over how obvious the foreshadowing was! And yep, great point on the protagonist. I understood (to some extent) making Peter irresponsible in the first movie - but it's almost like he regressed in this one. That boy just can't seem to make his mind up when he's [frick]ing around with Gwen's life - it's almost kinda cruel. Always great to see your take as usual mate, I also second Reasonnnn's comment - we're going to need that brain of your's bud.

Speaking of, @Reasonnnn - thanks as always mate, yep Arad (and his HUGE EGO) has to go. Hopefully that's the plan bud, thanks to guys like you who keep supporting my writing! :)

@Scorpion8125 - Classic Scorp. To the point :P I liked the first movie more but I see where you're coming from

@Wolf38 - Fair enough, I'm glad you see similar flaws and also that you managed to like it more than I did - guess it just didn't do it for me. I agree with you on the payoff, but the flow for me was personally disrupted by the multiple side-plots.

@jfrocks2002 - I'm with you, especially on the bits you enjoyed. That first scene with the kid and the bullies was what Spidey's all about. If only there was a little bit more of that!

@questionhound - Haha, all good things must come to an end :P Haha in all seriousness thanks bud, glad you agree!

@Dandy - Agreed. Spidey 1 was great. Spidey 2 was phenomenal. TASM was pretty decent too. I don't care for either Spidey 3 or TASM 2

@dethpillow - Haha cheers deth! Absolutely, I was wondering the same thing today when I saw an Interstellar billboard. Do they really work? Is there a point where you can have too much advertising? And how do people know? I'm sure all those marketing guru's will have something to say on the matter but for the life of me I can't figure it out! Interesting topic though, one I might have a look into in the future. Trust you to be the one to bring it up mate - asking all the right questions as per usual!
nuyhm7ai - 11/23/2014, 4:44 PM
if we had a directors cut of this the movie would be even better.

@mintyfreshness if they care about the sinister six and TASM 3 and 4 so much as well as the black cat spin-off then they need to make these movies great. if sony wants to keep the rights they need to listen to the constructive critisms and make these movies great. i believe they are learning their lessons though we need to see some news to see if they really are bec ause i really don't want this series to fail critically. it's one of those films that is trying to do great but gets abused by their fathers(sony/avi arad/matt tomach). seriously, these series need to do well and garfield also needs to do well as the character.
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