I was one of the first people to cheer when I read
the news that
David S. Goyer, writer of
Blade and co-writer of both
Batman Begins and
The Dark Knight, had been hired to pen the script for the revamped
Superman franchise, especially when I heard that the title would be
The Man of Steel and that it would be partially based on
John Byrne's classic mini-series of the same name from the 80's.
Obviously, I wasn't the only one excited by the news. Dozens of you commented on the article and other reputable sites--
IGN, IESB, Variety--even ran stories confirming the news that first broke on
Harry Knowles, famous insider for
AICN, said that he recently spoke with
Thomas Tull, the President & CEO of Legendary Pictures, which produced
Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Superman Returns and
Watchmen for Warner Bros., and said that the news might be true at some point, but it's not yet:
Hey folks, Harry here... So just a while ago I just got off the phone with Thomas Tull at Legendary Pictures who told me that the story that appeared over on LATINO REVIEW just frankly isn't true. Tull has not unilaterally hired Goyer to come in and write the new SUPERMAN. He loves Goyer, but frankly - the project isn't at the Script stage yet. Seems Nolan is still hatching some ideas. But he just wanted me to pass on that they have the highest enthusiasm for this project, but the story on Latino just isn't accurate. I'll see what more I can find out, but as of right now, there really isn't anything else to tell.
AICN's supposed conversation with Tull,
IGN is reporting that they have also spoken with Tull and Goyer
is attached, but it's slow going:
IGN has heard from reliable sources that Tull is downplaying this report. Goyer is in fact on the project, but not only that -- his The Dark Knight co-writer Jonah Nolan will also be scripting Superman: The Man of Steel along with him. Nolan's brother Christopher is expected to only executive-produce, and not direct, the film. That said, he will be "hands-on" as a producer. Since the Superman film is under the gun because of the ongoing legal entanglements involving the property, Warner Bros. wants the pair to get started on their script on the double.
Our sources add that Warners is confident in the early work that Goyer and Jonah Nolan have done so far on Batman 3, and that as a result Superman has now taken on a higher priority status at the studio than it had since Superman Returns was released.
Okay, okay, what's going on here?!? According to
Diane Nelson, President of DC Entertainment,
Nolan's not involved with
We don't have any plans [for Nolan on Superman], and as I've mentioned, in the coming months we'll be making a lot of announcements about what our content plans will be. But right now, that's nothing but rumor — and we frankly don't say a whole lot more about rumor than that, so...
Wow, what a confusing mess! What do you think CBM fans?