“Pierce his skin! Dance on his grave!”]
It took about four years until Superman could step in front of an audience again following the horrible Superman 3. Unfortunately his return was less than a warm welcome. The title itself served as a dire warning to fans and past viewers, 'keep away'. Unfortunately I don't have that option so here we go again.
After the last film pretty much did away with the first two films supporting characters, this Superman movie attempts to correct that wrong by bringing them all back again. Gene Hackman returns as the nemesis Lex Luthor, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen (who still acts like a teenager despite looking about 40 years old) as the energetic photographer. For the most part it's great that they are all back in their roles again and interact well together. The only one who does not possess the same enthusiasm is Kidder who looks almost tired in all her scenes, as if wondering how she got talked into another one of these films.
As said before, the title already had me suspicious about the nature of the film, but when it first started it was almost good. It was better paced than 3 and had the old characters back. Then a horrible thing happened…they brought in a little kid. With one annoying letter accompanied by a pitiful performance, this sure to be producer child may have single-handedly ruined Superman for the second time.
In all seriousness though, it was when a schoolboy writes to Superman about how he should get rid of all nuclear weapons that the film takes the dive. It falls into the pit of a gimmicky, silly concept that drags everything down with it. On top of that Lex escapes from jail with the help of his delinquent nephew to destroy Superman, using his DNA to create a powerful “Nuclear Man”. A villain I'm somewhat certain never existed in the comics. With a large amount of iconic unused characters from the rogue gallery, I'm baffled as to why they chose to go with the route of an original villain for the film (original used loosely here).
So where does this film go so wrong that it is often labeled “worst Superman film ever”? It’s well filmed and acted so the fault falls entirely in the hands of the writers. A movie should mean something but no one wants to be preached to. We go to church for that not film theaters. It possessed zero subtly in its attempts to pass it’s message off, repeatedly beating the audience over the head with it.
The film also gets more and more ridiculous and outright goofy as the film progresses. Scenes such as where Clark has to date two women at the same time (one as Kent the other as Superman) is something you might see in a goofy looney toons skit as a kid but not particularly amusing (especially after 20 minutes) in live action. Also the forgettable kiss, adopted from Lester’s film, is something that was better left forgotten. Every time Superman needs to talk to Lois, does he just tell her he’s Superman then wipe her memory? Seems like it.
Speaking of forgotten romances, the film also attempt to bring in a new love interest for Clark, a character by the name of Lacy Warfield. She exists almost entirely just to compete with Lois and they never go anywhere with her subplot. Making her a useless, unnecessary addition to the film.
Nuclear Man is also one of the most forgettable movie villains. He was created a to be a weapon against Supes and that is all he is. He’s got no more personality than a crowbar. He just roars like a madman and lacks the real intimidation provided by such a villain as General Zod who also possessed a measure of intelligence and a goal. Lex Luthor is great as a comedic villain again but he is not enough to hold up this entire films dramatic core.
So is this the worst Superman film ever. Honestly, no. It does improve over the horrendous Superman 3 but only just barely. You certainly won’t want to ever pop this film back into the DVD player again once your done, but at least you won’t claw your eyes out. The fact is the movie is just mediocre and kind of tears the bandage off the wound left behind by its predecessor.
FINAL RATING: 3/10- (30%)
Also, because it got lost in the 1,000,000 Captain America reviews, click the link below to check out
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