SUPERMAN: 5 Things We Learned From The First Wave Of Set Photos - Possible SPOILERS

SUPERMAN: 5 Things We Learned From The First Wave Of Set Photos - Possible SPOILERS

The first photos from the set of Superman found their way online yesterday and we're taking a closer look at those to see what they've revealed about DC Studios and James Gunn's upcoming DCU reboot...

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Jun 25, 2024 12:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

After spending the better part of a week transforming Cleveland into Metropolis, DC Studios and James Gunn finally started shooting Superman in the city yesterday. 

As a result, we were treated to a series of thrilling reveals, including a new look at David Corenswet suited up as Superman. Mister Terrific was also on hand, as were characters like Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Perry White. Oh, and what appears to be a spaceship, of course! 

Many of the sets were taken down overnight and there's a chance this will be all we see from Superman for a while. Even if another wave of photos are heading our way this week, that first batch left us with a lot to discuss and we're delving into the biggest reveals and spoilers in this feature. 

You can check them out by clicking on the "Next"/"View List" buttons below...

5. Mister Terrific's Mysterious Injury


Edi Gathegi's Mister Terrific has been spotted in a shockingly comic-accurate costume, a sign that DC Studios and Gunn will adhere to the source material when bringing the DCU's heroes and villains to the screen. 

Superman and Mister Terrific spent a fair bit of time on set together yesterday, but upon closer inspection, we noticed that the latter's foot is bandaged and bleeding. In fact, it looks like he's been shot through it! At the very least, this may be an indication their conversation is taking place near the end of the movie. 

We have no context beyond that; however, it confirms the hero will see some action alongside the Man of Tomorrow. 

4. A Key Role For The Daily Planet Staff


While we were expecting Lois Lane to see some action either as an investigative journalist alongside Clark Kent or when she meets Superman, it seems the entire Daily Planet staff will do more than just hang out in the paper's newsroom. 

Lois, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Steve Lombard, and Ron Troupe were all shown emerging from a ship we believe belongs to Mister Terrific.

Whether he saves them from an attack on The Daily Planet or they're forced to go on the run, it's exciting to think they're all going to play bigger-than-expected roles in Superman. There's also enough of them that we expect someone to die...sorry, Steve! 

3. Superman's Suit Looks MUCH Better Than Expected


When Gunn shared the photo above from Superman, it drew a mixed (if not largely negative) response from DC fans. While the design itself received praise, the presentation was flawed. 

Now we've seen the suit on set, it's fair to say we should have given it the benefit of the doubt. Not only is it much brighter than we expected, but it's very comic-accurate right down to the trunks which - despite what the DCEU would have you believe - look fantastic in live-action. 

It's true that the costume still appears a little ill-fitting on Corenswet, though we'd imagine that's something DC Studios plans to fix in post-production. Honestly, this feels like classic Superman and, in that respect, how can you fault it?

2. Metropolis Is Under Attack


Something strange is happening in Metropolis. As well as Mister Terrific's T-Sphere ship, a much larger craft has been spotted with a handful of actors/extras decked out in what appear to be ancient robes. 

Then, there are the people in black who some believe could be the Children of Kaizen Gamorra (in cuffs are being apprehended by the military). The clone army has ties to The Authority and, with rumours swirling that Lex Luthor creatures a Superman clone, it's possible Gunn has found a new use for them here. 

Whether Superman will feature an alien threat remains to be seen, though that mysterious orb and now the presence of a ship has left us convinced we're going to see the Man of Tomorrow do battle with Mongul.

1. Superman And Lois Just Look Right Together


You'd think that casting Superman and Lois Lane would be as simple as finding a really good actor and actress and throwing them on screen together. However, we see now why Gunn went to such great lengths to cast these two.

Based on what we've seen of Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan standing side-by-side as these iconic DC Comics characters, they really are the ideal fit to bring them to life in the new DCU. 

This is subjective, we know, but they just look right together and Gunn's apparent nod to Superman: The Animated Series by having Lois dressed in purple is definitely something we can appreciate. Now, we just need to hope that Corenswet and Brosnahan have as much chemistry acting alongside each other as the photos suggest

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FireandBlood - 6/25/2024, 12:18 PM
1. The collar is awful
McMurdo - 6/25/2024, 1:05 PM
@FireandBlood - I like it. I like the new one at least from the Cleveland photos.
HappyMan1 - 6/25/2024, 1:17 PM
@FireandBlood -

2. The people who like the new suit have no taste

3. im gay

4. Rachel Brosnahan has nice juggs

...that's pretty much all there is to learn here
lazlodaytona - 6/25/2024, 2:07 PM
@FireandBlood - if that's the worst thing of the movie then I am all in. I'm tired of you whiney b1tches complaining about a colla. A FREAKIN' COLLAR. Get the hell over it.
lazlodaytona - 6/25/2024, 2:19 PM
@HappyMan1 - no taste for what? You're gay so you automatically know what good tastes are. friggin' sod off with the gender racism stuff. Whether you are gay or not, it should be about actually human feelings and not because you fall on one side of sexual orientation.
If I took YOU'RE perspective about being gay makes you more qualified to judge Superman's outfit, I'd be more worried that two gay/jewish teens who came up with the Man Of Steel and he's a straight, white male with so much power he could sneeze the world out of orbit. Yet he chooses to be one of us puny humans, the most awkward ever, to fit right in. Then, when there's trouble he discards his suit to be Superman to simply save us. Not dominate the world (like in Red Son).

As good as the dude is and you're omplaining about a collar. My god.
HappyMan1 - 6/25/2024, 2:39 PM
@lazlodaytona -

SHUT THE HELL UP! You cant tell when someone's joking? You think Im actually fkn gay? Just shut the hell up, you lame ass beech lol
FireandBlood - 6/25/2024, 2:46 PM
@lazlodaytona - Sure, it’s no biggie. But it’s ugly to look at all the same. Real ugly.
lazlodaytona - 6/25/2024, 2:58 PM
@HappyMan1 - kinda thought so because u said you were gay.
I love the gay community and support it as much as I can whether though my teaching, going to rallies, and several other events as well. I'm a Christian who believes God loves EVERYONE. What is going on in people's lives is none of mine or ours as a society. The most important commandment says how important it is to love their neighbor. So does the beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount.

All that said, i took it as you were saying you had a better expertise on supe's clothing because you were gay.

I apologize I took it wrong and in the future I'll try to understand your jokes better. My bad.
lazlodaytona - 6/25/2024, 3:01 PM
@FireandBlood - I'm holding out until the first trailer to decide about the collar.
dragon316 - 6/25/2024, 3:33 PM
@lazlodaytona - if it’s not collar it’s trunks
Izaizaiza - 6/25/2024, 12:19 PM
I find myself wondering if he's only going to have one suit in the film 🤔
HappyMan1 - 6/25/2024, 1:24 PM
@Izaizaiza - yes, and this is the suit.

i know you want to believe that there's more to it, but no...this is a suit.

How does that make you feel?
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DarthOmega - 6/25/2024, 1:57 PM
@Izaizaiza - Do we know of there will be any flashbacks? Perhaps he might be getting different versions. The released photo kinda differs from the set photos
Izaizaiza - 6/25/2024, 2:30 PM
@HappyMan1 - Well, first, let's acknowledge that you have no idea whether or not there will be another suit. In terms of this suit, as I've said before, in other threads, I love the color, I don't like the changes to the S, But I love the yellow S on the cape, And I don't like the neck collar. So basically, my preference would have been for a more classic looking suit, but I like some elements of this one. As I've also said before, the fit looks like a 3 mm scuba diving suit, but I'm assuming it's going to look much better after post-production. If it actually looks like this floppy thing in the movie, it will obviously be a huge fail.
Izaizaiza - 6/25/2024, 2:31 PM
@DarthOmega - Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking as well. I'm okay with this suit (The baggie fit aside, which I assume will be fixed in post-production), I'm just curious if we're going to get different versions
Origame - 6/25/2024, 12:21 PM
Top 10 things I thought when I saw this article

10) you've long since run out of ideas

9) you don't know what to do since no one is complaining about black people and women being in the movie

8) you're milking the suit drama for all it's worth

7) still just using your speculation as fact, huh?

6) you don't have enough ideas to fill this list

5) you don't have enough ideas to fill this list

4) you don't have enough ideas to fill this list

3) you don't have enough ideas to fill this list

2) you don't have enough ideas to fill this list

1) you think your opinions are things we learned from set photos.
DravenCorvis - 6/25/2024, 12:36 PM
@Origame - "Honestly, this feels like classic Superman and, in that respect, how can you fault it?"

He faulted it repeatedly when the 1st reveal happened.
Odekahn - 6/25/2024, 12:39 PM
@Origame - omg this is literally spot on. Only thing you forgot was: write my singular opinions in plural form so it would appear as the thoughts of a collective.
HermanM - 6/25/2024, 12:24 PM
The suit has all of the right parts and right colors and I am so glad that Gunn kept the trunks and belt and even the belt loops. The cast and costumes are great. Gunn will deliver!

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DeadClunge - 6/25/2024, 12:28 PM
@HermanM - lmao you wish that was the real pic. Even in this manipulated version some bits are still baggy 😅🤣
HermanM - 6/25/2024, 12:53 PM
@DeadClunge - It still has all of the right parts and colors, so better than everything else on film from the last 20 years. Even with the collar.
HappyMan1 - 6/25/2024, 1:29 PM
@HermanM - that...not the costume.

User Comment Image
LMFAO!! Post the real costume, my niga LMFAO
Moriakum - 6/25/2024, 2:01 PM
@HermanM - Yeah, that´s not the real suit.
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HermanM - 6/25/2024, 3:04 PM
Cat Grant: perfect casting

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dragon316 - 6/25/2024, 3:35 PM
@HermanM - trunks don’t make Superman if that’s case where’s wolverine Blue trunks and red belt no where be seen
HermanM - 6/25/2024, 3:42 PM
@dragon316 - Superman's costume needs the red trunks and yellow belt for color balance and is more important and iconoc than Wolverine and pretty much any other character.

Incidentally, I prefer Wolverine to have his comics accurate suit too.
DeadClunge - 6/25/2024, 4:24 PM
@HermanM - you're right about the right parts being there and the colours but the real suit looks like Gunn took 'the right parts' and threw them in a blender. if suit you posted was fitted like the snyder suits it would be perfect, except for the symbol but I'd be able to get over that.

The suit we got ain't it 😅🤣
DeadClunge - 6/25/2024, 12:26 PM
3. Superman's Suit Looks MUCH Better Than Expected

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DravenCorvis - 6/25/2024, 12:26 PM
Only 5?

You're really phoning these in, buddy.
DravenCorvis - 6/25/2024, 12:30 PM
@DravenCorvis - p.s. "Now we've seen the suit on set, it's fair to say we should have given it the benefit of the doubt."

I liked the initial reveal.

You're the one that kept on going on about it, and the poor "CG" in the background like it was a still from the movie.

You should've given it the benefit of the doubt.
DravenCorvis - 6/25/2024, 12:32 PM
@DravenCorvis - p.p.s "Honestly, this feels like classic Superman and, in that respect, how can you fault it?"

You faulted it, you tell us.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 6/25/2024, 12:28 PM
James Gunn: Paints a motorcycle outfit with Superman colors

Fans: It's perfect!

Shit is straight out of CW's Flash.
FireandBlood - 6/25/2024, 12:30 PM

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Lisa89 - 6/25/2024, 12:39 PM
@THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - I wish you were correct, in that I wish the suit looked as good as Tyler Hoechlin's first appearance on 'Supergirl'. :(
Lisa89 - 6/25/2024, 12:42 PM
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RolandD - 6/25/2024, 3:01 PM
@Lisa89 - There is so much wrong with this suit. The way his cape attaches is wrong and ugly. The belt is weird and the wrong color and it looks like he is wearing rain galoshes that are too thick. Finally, he is missing the iconic trunks.
Lisa89 - 6/25/2024, 3:24 PM
@RolandD - And yet, it looks less like cosplay than Corenswet's suit. That's the point.
dragon316 - 6/25/2024, 3:40 PM
@RolandD - wolverine don’t have iconic trunks no one complained that about that costume trunks don’t make hero not costume there actions how well movie looks wolverine side by side comic to movie big differnce comic red belt , blue trunks, black stripes, movie no one complained about that costume not have trunks only stupid Superman
RolandD - 6/25/2024, 5:44 PM
@Lisa89 - User Comment Image

And I consider it completely wrong.
RolandD - 6/25/2024, 5:57 PM
@dragon316 - Wolverine has had many different costumes over the years while Superman has had pretty much the same costume (canon) for the vast majority of his existence. This is a weak analogy. If you think Superman is stupid, why are you even here?
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