Warning: Spoilers
Superman Returns is filming in Sydney, Australia's central business district, according to The Daily Telegraph. The paper says "Actress Kate Bosworth, who plays Lois Lane in the latest Superman flick, was on location at Sydney's Wynyard Park. City streets around York Street and Wynyard Station have been closed off today and tomorrow for filming. Sporting freshly dyed brown hair, Bosworth was joined on set by James Marsden who plays Lois Lane's love interest, Richard White."
Another update, with spoilers, comes from SupermanHomePage.com: "York Street, Sydney was the place to be today if you were looking for Bryan Singer and the cast and crew of 'Superman Returns'.
"The whole of Wynyard Park had been blocked off to public access, with security and police at every vantage point. Wearing my Superman T-shirt, I was quickly indentified as someone they needed to watch out for, but it was also a blessing, as the local media (TV and newspaper, who were also blocked out) quickly latched onto me for interviews and information. They were filming a scene outside a building which they converted into Metropolis General Hospital. This was reportedly the largest scene they'd be shooting for the movie, with around 1,300 extras being employed for the scene.
"The extras were used as crowd, standing around outside the Hospital, holding banners and waving flags. The banners read, 'Save Our Superman', 'I love Superman', 'Superman Don't Die!', 'God Speed Superman'. There were also dozens and dozens of flower arrangements lying in the park (as if in tribute for someone who was sick or dying)."
Plus, there's a shot from the Metropolis General Hospital here. Plus, you can see a couple of pictures of the Daily Planet newspaper truck here. Also, there's more images from the film, including Marsden, here.
Meanwhile, Smallville creators Al Gough and Miles Millar talked with EcranLarge.com and hinted there may be a tie-in between the TV series and the movie: "We had a discussion with Bryan Singer and even if we're kept to the secret for the moment, we can tell you that something's going to happen in the fifth season of Smallville that will have an impact on the Superman returns movie."
Finally, the official Superman Returns logo shield is now online (see below). The film debuts June 30, 2006.