Storyline: The Story started off with Odin telling his sons, Thor And Loki (In their younger forms) a story about when the frost giants took over Norway and froze them all the gods came to the rescue and took away the frost giants power source leaving them to go back to their homes. After that flash back, we are at Thor's ceremony to become King Of Asgard. But everything goes wrong when the frost giants get in to Asgard to get their power source back luckily the destroyer guards the power sauce and blows the flames out of the three frost giants that came. Thor and Odin have an argument about going to war, Obviously Odin says no to Thor and they don't go to war. But Thor gets his team of gods (Not sure what they are called) and goes to where the frost giants live. Thor Askes how they got in to Asgard and the leader of the frost giant ignores his question and Thor starts a fight. He cant end the fight and Odin comes,apologises and takes Thor back to asgard. Where odin strips him of his powers and banishes him to earth.
The rest gives away the whole movie , so i wont tell you what happens in that :P.
I give the story an 9/10
Special Effects: The special effects were amazing including the CGI of Norway in the beginning of the story.
I give the FX 10/10
Music: I didn't listen to the music much but a few snippets I heard would be a 8/10.
Overall: 10/10
A few good quotes:
In the scene of the destroyer.
Shield Agent: Is it one of Stark's?
Agent Coulson: I don't know the guy doesn't tell me anything.
Thor: [waking up in the middle of nowhere] Oh, no... this is Earth, isn't it?
Thor: Your ansesters called it Magic and you call it science where i come from they are one of the same things.
Doctor: What's his name?
Jane: He said his name is Thor.
Doctor: What is your relationship with him?
Jane: Ive never met him.
Darcy: Oh, and she hit him with a car.
Jane: And you Tazered him!
The 'Easter Egg' Ending:
First, I would sadly say I didn't get footage because for some reason the workers at the cinema surrounded everyone on the ending also Thor Will Return in the Avengers (A screen of text shown at the end of the credits with this Easter egg.
But Ill Describe,
It starts off with Eric (Jane's Father) In a S.H.I.E.L.D Base there to see Nick Fury.
"This place is a real Labyrinth, I was thinking you sent me here to kill me"
Nick Fury With A Straight Face, "Your Work Interests many people like me and you may be able to help me unlocking this power, If unlocked a unlimited amount of power."
Camera Fades In To A Mirror Showing Loki In Eric's Body Saying To Fury, "Well, then lets take a look"