Jason Chuon from UGO ran into producer JC Spinks at Comic-Con and got the scoop about their top casting pics for the coming comic book movie "Y The Last Man." This from Jason...
The producer of A History of Violence and Red Eye was on the floor of San Diego Comic-Con. He owns the Brian K. Vaughn property and is working with director DJ Caruso on the film adaptation.

I asked him about the Shia LaBeouf rumor, to which he nodded and said, “We’re trying.”
Concerning the casting of Dr. Mann he said, “an unknown, I don’t want Lucy Liu.” For Agent 355 he said, “believe it or not, I think Alicia Keys would be fantastic. Or Zoe Saldana. By then Star Trek will be out and she’ll be huge. I don’t think Jada Pinkett Smith would be right but a lot of people like her. The truth is that it is up to DJ Caruso and the studio.....but mostly DJ. I just make suggestions. But please post this to your site to see if you can get people campaigning.”
Happy to oblige, sir.
He also said that if the movie is a big success it lends itself to a trilogy - but that the first film will be self-contained. He also hemmed and hawed if it will contain the full arc that is in the complete 60 issues. “Yes and no,” he said, “you’ll kind’ve have to see it to know what I mean.”