Despite DC having made strides with recent LGBTQ+ representation, it still has it's sticking points. Since the release of Young Justice: Outsiders, it has become clear in various comments made by producer Greg Weisman that The Powers That Be prevented Bart Allen from being depicted as queer. As can be seen in the responses to the questions depicted below, it appears that the intent of producers was to show Bart dating fellow Outsider Eduardo Dorado Jr./El Dorado but were prevented by the higher ups.
(Thanks to reddit user u/horyo for the image which is a screengrab of this Ask Greg question.)
Other questions that address this topic can be viewed here and here.
Various hints have popped up over the course of the series but only in quick moments such as the speed-hug depicted below and in the banner.
(Thanks to reddit user u/LikeTheDish for the screengrab.)
With DC claiming to be working to become more inclusive, it's dissapointing to see decisions like this still being made at the company.