'Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter' is the latest short film, set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Set sometime after the events of 'Captain America: The First Avenger' and after the end of World War II (the post-credit scene appearance of a bikini would suggest mid-1946 at least), it follows Agent Peggy Carter, a member of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (or S.S.R) who tackles the mysterious 'Zodiac'.
Zodiac is a criminal organisation who are in the possession of a vial of some sort of liquid. This is probably just a MacGuffin, but logically it could have something to do with an attempt to replicate the Super Soldier Serum. There's even a thin chance that the vial was in fact the Infinity Formula, should Marvel decide to introduce that concept to the movies....
Howard Stark features (and in the background we see what is presumably the original human butler Jarvis). Timothy 'Dum Dum' Dugan (last seen in 'Captain America') features and the name 'Phillips' is mentioned by Stark - this most likely refers to Colonel Chester Phillips (played by Tommy Lee Jones in 'Captain America')
Director Louis D’Esposito says “What we’ve discussed is that there are going to be more Peggy Carter stories that we need to tell. She is wildly popular. Hayley loves it, and we love it. What we’ll do and how we’ll do it has not been determined yet, but those discussions have started. It’s in our consciousness that we need to tell another Peggy Carter story, somehow. Yet to be figured out yet, though.”
I think that since Howard Stark requests Peggy to run S.H.I.E.L.D with him, and it seems 'Dum Dum' Dugan and Colonel Phillips are still involved, it is conceivable that any or all of these characters could reappear any time that S.H.I.E.L.D is shown from mid-40's onward e.g. a flashback in the 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D' TV show, or if Ant-Man retains its rumoured 1960's setting, or if they ever made a Nick Fury origin movie etc.
Also, since Nick Fury states that he knew Howard he could also appear in any flashback scenes (a 20-something year old Nick Fury from roughly the late 1960's/early 1970's) even if they never make his solo origin film.
If Marvel decide to really embrace the idea they could do a retro SH.I.E.L.D movie with perhaps Howard Stark, Mrs Stark, original Jarvis, Dum Dum, Chester Phillips, Peggy Carter – and depending what decade they set it in (a Cold War film?) even Nick Fury and or Hank Pym...
What do you think is the best way to use these characters and period setting?