In Wednesday's episode of What If...?, we visited a reality where Ultron managed to make The Vision's body his own. After gaining the power of the Mind Stone, the villain unleashed his master plan and made short work of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Later, when Thanos came calling, he sliced the Mad Titan in half and upgraded himself with all six of the Infinity Stones.
With that, a new big bad was introduced who poses a threat to the entire Multiverse. Ultron ultimately reaches a higher state of consciousness and is able to travel through realities after hearing The Watcher's narration. He gains access to the entire Multiverse (portrayed as a series of prisms) and ends up battling an armoured Uatu through a series of different realities.
Now, The Watcher has to assemble his own team of heroes to counter this threat, and that's a battle we're expecting to see play out in next week's What If...? finale. The Guardians of the Multiverse are almost certainly going to assemble next week in a bid to put an end to Ultron, but The Watcher had broken his oath to never interfere, which could have major consequences for the MCU.
While we wait to see what comes next, Marvel Studios has shared some new stills from "What If...Ultron Won?" highlighting several key moments and that massive cliffhanger ending.
Check those out below and click here to take a look at our breakdown of the episode's voice cast.