Indiana Jones 5 has been hit by delay after delay, and been through its fair share of writers and directors to boot. Last September, it was reported that Spider-Man scribe David Koepp had signed on to pen a new draft, but he's now confirmed to Collider that the hiring of director James Mangold means he's no longer involved in a creative capacity.
"When James Mangold came in...he deserves a chance to take his shot at it," Koepp revealed. "I'd done several versions with Steven [Spielberg]. And when Steven left, it seemed like the right time to let Jim have his own take on it and have his own person or himself write it."
Fans weren't thrilled by Spielberg's creative decisions in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, so Mangold now taking a crack at the iconic character is news which could be welcomed.
Jonathan Kasdan and Dan Fogelman were both tasked to write separate drafts of the screenplay before departing Indiana Jones 5, and Spielberg was attached to direct before walking away from the project in February. It was then that Mangold was enlisted to take charge of the franchise.
As of now, the next Indiana Jones film is set to be released in theaters on June 29, 2022.
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