"Sherlock Holmes" directed by Guy Ritchie starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law in this new take on one of the most known fictional detectives of our time. It's full of action though it has plenty of mystery solving to keep the film grounded and stay true to Sherlock Holmes, at least enough to make it still feel like Sherlock Holmes.
Acting: Everyone fills their rolls well, Downey's take on Holmes is perfect, his expressions and personality fit the new Holmes without losing what made this detective special. Law's Watson was also refreshing, and both Downey and Law's chemistry felt genuine and they reminded me of my friend who is practically like a brother to me, always bickering and pushing each other's buttons. Rachel McAdams plays Holme's love interest Irene Adler, who also happens to be a criminal. I can't help but note the somewhat similarity between Holmes with Adler and Batman with Catwoman. However, that's not a bad thing, I like the awkward relationship of opposites attracting though I felt her acting was a little flat it did not take away from the enjoyment of the film. Then you have the main villain Lord Blackwood, played by Mark Strong who honestly after seeing this movie I could see him as Dr. Doom. He did a great job filling the roll of a dark mastermind wishing for world domination. The rest of the supporting cast was great as well, really nothing stood out as out of place or under skilled.
CGI: Yep, their was some believe it or not, but thankfully not too much. I could only say that the scene on the partially constructed bridge stood out to me as fake. Maybe it was the unnatural way the camera panned around the structure, but I wasn't all too impressed and was quite noticable.
Cinematography: Ritchie's angles, camera pans, and slow motion placement made this a fun ride, though occasionally overbearing. The slow motion was done tastefully, I was worried it was going to be a knock off from Zack Snyder's style of action, but instead it helped ground Holmes as not someone who is kung-fu master but a man who calculates every single movement depending on environment and the type of opponent. You couldn't help but smile every time Homles brought a beat down on someone. Speaking of beat down...
Action: Lots of action though tastefull as I said, Holmes calculating his movements, Watson is more handgun oriented, but this doctor will most certainly kick your ass. Their team ups were a blast, bickering even as they duel with multiple foes. Then you have the introduction of the main muscle of this opposing villainous gang, a giant French man who appears numerous times and every time it's like watching a cartoon seeing him take on two tiny intellectual men.
Dialogue: I was surprised on how clever this really was, I even noted some quotes from Holmes that derived from the original stories. Downey did a terrific job making you believe his silver tongue and trying to make sense of his overly exaggerated depictions of his every thought. This movie really only had one cringe moment which was Watson exclaiming, "Relax, I'm a doctor." I shrugged this one off, I think the writers were trying a little too hard on that one.
Music: The score in this was well done, it met with the demands of the feelings being portrayed in every scene. Nothing out of place here, it was spot on!
Sound FX: Simply perfect.
Overall this movie was very enjoyable and original, it even includes some old familiar characters from the original stories and has the perfect set up for a sequel, one that I hope gets made. This movie almost made me think of a real life Scooby-Doo mystery, minus the crappyness, the explanations of the mystical events that take place and Holmes noting the smallest of details throughout the film makes Downey a very convincing Sherlock. Though I notice some call this movie a main-stream representation, I'd have to disagree. Sure their are moderate uses of explosions and fighting, but I believe it's just making Sherlock Holmes more realistic considering, his fighting techniques are unknown to the general public, and these particular styles fit the characters well without feeling out of place.