The season finale was two episodes long and was advertised as a mini movie to wrap up the first season. After saving April’s father the turtles learn that even though they stopped the Krang from kidnapping April the Krang still had one final move to make in order to fulfill their plans. This plan is to warp the technodrome to earth and take over the world. The turtles use Don’s new flying gliders and a robot turtle he built to infiltrate the TCRI building the Krang have used as a lair. But this is not even the best part of the finale. April’s father is controlled by the Krang and is used to manipulate April into a trap.
Before she leaves April tells Splinter off because he won’t go help the turtles. This causes Splinter to decide he will help by taking care of Shredder once and for all. The battle between Splinter and Shredder is total awesomeness! Splinter shows why he is the master, and Shredder gives him one hell of a fight. He also tells Splinter that Kari is actually Splinter’s daughter. Anybody with half a brain could see that one coming. Splinter beats the shit out of Shredder, even knocking his helmet off. Just as Splinter is going to end Shredder Kari stops him and demands he fight her. Knowing she is his daughter he escapes leaving her to believe he is a punk.

Meanwhile the turtles have a hell of a time with the Krang. First they fight the molten monster, then save April from the head Krang which is also named Krang voiced by Roseanne. It looks like they saved the day but they did not destroy the teleporter in time and the technodrome is released. They make their way inside and it looks as though Leonardo sacrifices himself to destroy the technodrome. Of course he pops out and reveals that he survived. The end shows April apologizing to Splinter and him telling her she was right to tell him off. Then they party it up and celebrate saving the world with a dance off. At the very end we see Krang is still alive under the sea.
What did I think? Well the Krang battle was kind of weak and I miss the technodrome of my childhood. But the battle between Splinter and Shredder is epic! My main question is why is April so special that the Krang need her brain to complete their plans? We will see in the future I guess. This show is great for kids and adults who have grown up with the turtles. It has a great balance between dark and humor. People seem to hate CG animation but I think it is used great in this show. Between this incarnation of the turtles and the new Avatar cartoon, Nickelodeon is by far giving us the best animation. I look forward to next season. I give this finale a solid 8/10