
UPDATE: Scarlett Johansson Is Confronted By OLDBOY's Choi Min-sik In Latest Clip From LUCY

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ICStoopedPeople - 10/16/2012, 12:56 PM
[frick]ing Ziggy man, needs to get his shit together.
TucsonRican - 10/16/2012, 1:33 PM
Ziggy, put your [frick]ing dick away! Goddammit!!
IIIAdamantiumIII - 10/16/2012, 3:19 PM
Generation kill
astromerc - 10/16/2012, 6:07 PM
I just watched Oldboy last night. Never read about, never really knew much until I read abou it here... Man that is one sick movie, sick in the head. I cannot see this doing well unless they make some major changes.
NovemberGrey - 10/16/2012, 6:44 PM
People talk alot about Hollywood ruining movies with remakes, but I think Oldboy is a perfect example of a film that SHOULD be remade. It was a cool idea, with some awesome scenes, but also some horrible writing, and bad acting. Potentially it could be made into an awesome remake, time will tell.
astromerc - 10/16/2012, 7:52 PM
@NovemberGrey - You got it! The concept is really cool, loved it, but the shocking ending I could have done without. The movie has this, Girl with the dragon tattoo feel to it, mixed in with little Kill Bill which is a good thing. I wonder how M. Night would do if he was doing the remake.
LaputaHeir - 10/16/2012, 11:48 PM
He worked with Spike before as one of the bank robbers in "Inside Man".
AlexDeLarge87 - 10/17/2012, 2:00 AM
astromerc@ Each with their own but to me the shocking ending crowned the movie. It had one of the most surprising endings i´ve seen in the longtime.
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