Synopsis: A young boy, Bruce Wayne, witnesses his parents murder in the streets of Gotham City. This tragic event scars his psyche in such a way that he grows up to become "The Batman" - a mysterious vigilante dedicated to dealing out justice when the system fails.
Release Date: 1989 - Warner Bros.
Director: Tim Burton
Cast: Michael Keaton - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Jack Nicholson - The Joker, Kim Basinger - Vickie Vale, Commissioner Gordon, Billy Dee Williams - Harvey Dent, Michael Gough - Alfred Pennyworth, Jack Palance - Carl Grissom, Jerry Hall - Alicia Grissom.
Fighting crime with the detective skills of Sherlock Holmes, his Bat persona strikes fear in the criminals of Gotham City. When "The Joker," a strangely disfigured and maniacal crime boss, takes over the mob, Batman must use all his skill to stop the villain from taking over the city. With sexy reporter Vickie Vale threatening to domesticate him, will Bruce Wayne and the Batman prevail?
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