Today finally presented us with our first official look at Henry Cavill in his tweaked Superman outfit for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Now we'll take a little look at the nice little design tweaks, and what sets it apart from its Man of Steel counterpart.
S Symbol - The iconic logo hasn't been all too drastically changed on the new suit, though the symbol has been slightly shrunken down in comparison with the original. It appears that the yellow behind the "S" may be a brighter shade than that of the piss color we got with the original Man of Steel costume, but the lighting makes it hard to determine. There is also a very subtle curved line in the middle of the "S" itself.
The Cuffs: A very sleek change to the costume is that of Superman's cuffs. The stripes on the arms have been spaced apart and the color has been changed to match up with the raise in saturation of the blues.
The Belt: A very apparent change is that of Superman's belt, which has been slightly thickened towards the ends, and the original oval "buckle" has been changed to rectangle with a barely noticeable crescent "S" inside of it.
Boots: (Shout out to
KalEL3412 for pointing this out to me) The only change to Supes' boots is the inclusion of an additional "M" at the top.
The Hair - Another very cool change doesn't come courtesy with the new costume, but the character design. The Man of Steel's new hair was do the first thing most of us noticed when presented with the new image. Kal El's new hair seems to be receding and much more slick, which (coupled with an even more prominent chin) was extremely reminiscent of the classic Superman look in the classic One Shot Story Kingdom Come, which (arguably) presents us readers with The Man of Steel at his most iconic. To me this very well could represent us with Clark Kent's gradual transition across the DC Universe, ultimately leading to the ultimate, classic interpretation of Superman.
BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE - Zack Snyder will direct. It's written by Chris Terrio, from a screenplay by David S. Goyer. The film stars: Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent and Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne. The cast also includes: Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Ma Kent, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince. Will arrive in theaters May 6, 2016.