BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DOJ Theory - Is Doomsday Really "Doomzarro"?

BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DOJ Theory - Is Doomsday Really "Doomzarro"?

Typically when one sits down to write, elaborate, or really just invest time into a theory, it's because they themselves believe in said theory and are ready and willing to back it 100%. That being said, I am not; I could certainly see this "theory" as something completely implausible...

Editorial Opinion
By TheRockmore - Dec 20, 2015 05:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman vs. Superman

Now, with that little clarification out of the way, let’s dive into the theory.
Regardless of the claims made around the web by those bandwagon fan-boys who claim to know source material but really aren’t as familiar as they say, I think we - and by we I mean those who have actually researched source – can agree that the version of Doomsday seen in the latest Batman v. Superman trailer is far from the character's final form.
For those unfamiliar, Doomsday’s origin is typically as follows:

Doomsday's creator was a mysterious alien named Bertron, who wished to create the ultimate life-form. To do so, Bertron and his team sent a baby onto the surface of the planet, where it would be instantly killed by the harsh environment or the vicious creatures inhabiting it. Each time, whatever of the lifeforms remains that survived were harvested and used again, to create a better, stronger version than the previous. In short, the mad scientist was using the method of cloning to accelerate the evolution of the being he was creating. Through decades of this process, the being who would eventually become Doomsday was forced to endure the agony of death, thousands upon thousands of times; the memory of these countless deaths was recorded in his genes and drove it to hate all life. Eventually, Doomsday gained the ability to evolve against what killed him in his prior life without the need of Bertron's technology. At this point he proceeded to hunt down and kill all of the lethal creatures that inhabited Krypton. When it saw Bertron, Doomsday considered him and the team to be a threat due to their roles in his multiple deaths and attacked the ship they were working in. Bertron himself met his death at the hands of his own creation.
Source: DC Wikia


While it’s quite clear Batman v. Superman will not be adapting that origin (as Lex is seen “creating” Doomsday) it’s worth noting that Doomsday’s ability to evolve – as he needed to survive and cheat death – became a much more integral part of the characters story than his actual origin. Point being, Doomsday will evolve.

As for my actual theory – or the reason you clicked this post – it goes as follows:

The version of Doomsday featured in Batman v. Superman will be an amalgam of Bizarro and Doomsday and will begin his evolution by becoming an imperfect clone of Superman, and end it by becoming Doomsday as we are familiar with him in the comics.

Why do I think this? There are various cues given throughout the trailer, and interviews concerning the movie that hint at the aforementioned theory being possible, that, coupled with the fact that Bizarro would make for one of the strangest (strange in a bad way) movie villains ever (even if he were merely a “pointed gun”) leads me to believe there is some credibility to my train of thought.

As aforementioned “Doomsday’s” origin in Batman v. Superman is vastly different than the one featured in the comics for the character of the same name. That being said, the origin of “Lex Luthor creates an imperfect Kryptonian clone” is spot on in concerns to another DC character, Bizarro:

The first was a failed clone of Superman developed by Lex Luthor and a scientist named Doctor Teng. The second Bizarro was another failed clone developed during a time when Luthor was himself dying from a genetically engineered clone plague. This Bizarro however, has nothing at all to do with Lex Luthor.
Source: DC Wikia

While thus far this amalgamation of origins seems fairly straight forward and obvious, below is where I’ll delve into the more hypothetical points that I feel support this theory.
 The Red Cape(S)
The first official trailer for Batman v. Superman featured Jesse Eisenberg delivering the line, “the red capes are coming, the red capes are coming”. Assuming that there aren’t any other heroes being introduced in this movie other than the ones we know of…who else outside Superman where’s a red cape? Much less multiple red “capes”.

 The answer? If Lex’s plan is to create his own, controllable clone of Superman, then why only begin with one attempt? Each time that Bizarro’s origin has been featured in a non-comic medium a lab with multiple Superman-like clones being grown within it is typically featured. If Lex’s plan was [originally] to build an army of “Supermen”, then it would be suiting that “capes” would be plural.

Son of Krypton vs. Bat of Gotham

While this movie clearly begins by pitting The Dark Knight (Batman) vs. The Man of Steel (Superman) it’s become quite apparent via trailers and interviews that it’ll be Lex Luthor who is pulling the strings in this fight. Lines such as “son of Krypton versus bat of Gotham” and  “day versus night, black versus blue”, etc. make it seem as if Luthor is absolutely giddy about this fight’s occurrence.

The question is…why? First off Luthor, being in his right mind, would – like most fans – question how Batman could possibly beat Superman – if he were too do that, why would he pit Batman, a merely mortal, against a god? Unless this fight isn’t a fight to the death as the trailers have made it out to be, but all Lex really needs is Superman’s blood, something that some fans seem to have noticed in a shot of Superman being punched in the face by Batman himself. 

Why Now Batman?

Recently it was revealed that Dawn of Justice takes place 18 months after the events of Man of Steel, and, while it’s understandable that Bruce Wayne might want to smack down against the Man of Steel for what he did to Gotham (Gotham and Metropolis are sister cities in the DCEU), why wait 18 months?

The answer to this does have a few potential answers and so I’ll simply list them below:

  •  It took 18 months to develop the bat-armor à Possible, but I would hope this wasn’t the reasoning)
  • Lex Luthor twists Batman into doing it for his own reasons à As aforesaid this is certainly possible)
  • “Superman” is causing destruction à What if “Bizarro” is created prior to the Batman v. Superman smackdown? And Batman wants to stop Superman due to actions being perpetrated by an imposter Superman? This would explain why Superman has to tell Batman during their fight “if I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already”, while the line might want to drive home that Batman is only winning because Superman isn’t willing to kill him, it also could be that the imposter has been killing people, and this real Superman won’t

The Super-Kneel


The first comic-con trailer featured Superman kneeling before Lex Luthor, while this could easily just be a result of Lex's rise to power, it could also be due to the fact that the Superman seen in front of Lex is nothing more than an imperfect clone. 

The Genesis Chamber


Another shot from the more recent trailer featured something that resembled the Kryptonian genesis chamber featured in the beginning of Man of Steel. Man of Steel conveyed the notion that said chamber worked based on the information in the Codex, and while it’s completely possible that this chamber was built based on information gathered or grown from Zod’s body – something Lex clearly has. It’s also worth noting that the only remaining traces of the Codex are not within Zod, but rather in the DNA of Kal-El…this ties back to Lex needing Batman to make Superman “bleed”. 

Lex on the Scout Ship


This comes straight out of a comment I spotted on Youtube (I know, “super credible” right?), but I thought it was worth noting.
There’s a scene in the newest Batman v. Superman trailer that features Luthor on the scout ship featured in Man of Steel. While it’s entirely possible that Clark let Luthor on to explore his Kryptonian tech as a sign of good faith, the Youtuber noted that it’s possible that this isn’t truly Clark standing behind Lex. 

Seeing the Superman We Know Be Gone...and The Jedi

It's also worth noting that a lot of the quotes and promo material surrounding the movie have hinted at a "Bizarro-like" twist as well, such as the quote above which mentions "seeing the Superman we know, be gone, and then replaced with this reproduction is really going to make fans think of how we look at these super beings", and the "Sith Superman" photo Zack Snyder released.


In closing, I’d like to restate my “theory” as stated above:
The version of Doomsday featured in Batman v. Superman will be an amalgam of Bizarro and Doomsday and will begin his evolution by becoming an imperfect clone of Superman, and end it by becoming Doomsday as we are familiar with him in the comics.
And relay the story as I see it playing out:
We can clearly see that the movie will feature two fights between Batman and Superman; the first ends with Batman in full costume standing up to face the Man of Steel, and the second fight between the two features Batman in his armor, once again gearing up to face the Man of Steel.
But what if one of these fights features Batman fighting someone he merely believes is the Man of Steel, but is really someone else?


Continuing on, and tying back into Doomsday’s element of “evolution” and “Berton’s curse” there are ample oppurtunities throughout this film to see Doomszarro evolve into the creature we see at the end of the second trailer and even beyond then.

  • Let’s assume Batman fights Doomszarro in one of the two “Batman vs. Superman” fights and Batman bests the creature not due to strength, but due to it’s lack of intelligence, that would prompt it too evolve.
  • Let’s again assume Batman and Superman (as the trailer hints at) face off against Doomszarro before Wonder Woman shows up…again, they best it, and another evolution is prompted.
  • Facing all three trinity members would then also prompt various evolutions from the character. (We know he grows a bone-sword after Wonder Woman cuts one of his hands off).

Again, don’t bite my head off in the comments, heck I don’t even see this as more than a whim that I came up with in a dream. If you can add to the theory or make it more coherent, please do! If not, well…don’t be an a*s. 

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Scorpo - 12/20/2015, 7:41 PM
Thumbs up though
HarrowRed - 12/20/2015, 8:50 PM
This also explains why in the trailer there's a shot of Batman narrowly avoiding a heat vision blast. It could very well be from Doomsday at the end, but it could also be from a Bizarro Superman earlier on.
BlackIceJoe - 12/20/2015, 11:21 PM
Great article as always. Thumbs up for you. I really like the idea of having Lex wanting to make a lot of Superman clones. I can see him doing it for his own reasons and because the government wants him to do it too. After they are destroyed in this movie it also gives the government another reason to make more experimental superheroes or creatures. Maybe Cadmus plays a big part in the Justice League movie, or Lex goes about making his Every Man Project to give people powers that he can control and take on the supers. This could even allow for Nathan to become Captain Atom.

brainuser01 - 12/21/2015, 12:45 AM
Was craving for a Arrowverse article for quite a sometime now. Great article.Its obvious that there is sooo much more to this movie then meets the eye through the trailers.What we saw in trailers were just about the things they wanted us to see and hardly resemble the main storyline,heck if you watch the trailer close enough you could see that nearly no scenes they showed there had relation to the next scene,they were almost barely put together,the trailer story is far from the mainstory + only a fool would believe this doomsday to be his final form, but people complains,thats what they do :-)
EricBorder - 12/21/2015, 1:23 AM

Cool article. This is pretty much what that fake article from Cosmic Book News was saying, the one that was posted a week or so ago

I can't wait to see how the story unfolds, March 25th can't get here sooner, haha.

I'm so hyped for this movie
EricBorder - 12/21/2015, 6:10 AM

Oh, I didn't see this was in the article, ha

Yeah man, the quote from the interview below never happened. Some site made it up, so it's still possible, but there's nothing really backing it now, other than that fake interview

TheRockmore - 12/21/2015, 8:44 AM

Not that I doubt ya, but do you have a source saying that it didn't happen/was never said?
EricBorder - 12/21/2015, 9:08 AM

Yeah, just read the updates on the original article. They actually took the interview from a post on a forum of all things, haha. Premiere magazine responded to them and said that no interview ever took place

Update #2: Premiere Magazine got back to us and said they haven't interviewed Patrick Tatopulos about Batman Vs. Superman.
EricBorder - 12/21/2015, 9:10 AM
Doesn't matter that it was fake though, I'm so hyped for this, and there are so many surprises in store

This was a real interview though, Michael Wilkinson dropped some some awesome news

Can't wait for this movie
TheRockmore - 12/21/2015, 11:34 AM
@EricBorder Thanks bud!
LordHarryLatts - 12/21/2015, 2:08 PM
I really don't want to know anything more about this movie. I'm ready to go. And 42 years old, you'd think I'd be embarassed at how excited I am for this....but seeing Bats, Supes and Diana in all of their awesomeness...nah...I'm friggin' excited.
MichaelSacal - 12/22/2015, 4:19 AM
I've been saying for months now that Doomsday will start out as Scoot McNairy's character, who blames Superman for the injuries he sustained during the Battle of Metropolis. Luthor will turn him into a duplicate of Superman by first having him undergo reconstructive surgery and then rewriting his DNA using a method devised from studying Zod's genome. The process will be imperfect, hence the Bizarro nod, and result in this duplicate then becoming Doomsday, either as a natural part of the imperfect process or because Luthor will activate a dormant "Doomsday gene" that was transferred from Zod's corpse to McNairy's character during the gene resequencing process.
MileHighRonin - 12/22/2015, 6:15 AM
I would prefer this over Lex having Red Kryotonite.
Timoyr - 12/22/2015, 6:32 AM
"We know he grows a bone-sword after Wonder Woman cuts one of his hands off" What? From what do we know this?
ComicsDoneRight - 12/22/2015, 6:46 AM
Been saying this since June on our podcast. This is gonna happen, and it will be amazing. (Even though I personally wanted regular Bizarro)
ComicsDoneRight - 12/22/2015, 7:28 AM & on iTunes as NerdRagePod

or you can follow us on Facebook/Twitter
(I'll be posting a news episode up tomorrow morning too)
ComicsDoneRight - 12/22/2015, 2:05 PM
Thanks for asking by the way @dethpillow
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