Several billion dollars ago before Marvel Studios made its first buck in the movie industry the head of Marvel Studios had a plan, obviously that plan has panned out just fine for the 41 year old Feige who just last week proudly boasted that "Marvel Studio Films has the number one movie production team in the world" and it's true! Truly so far ther has been no competition for a movie company who based all of its movie material from its comics but you don't have Marvels kind of success unless you pay close attention to all the details.Everything well thought of even prethinking when and where should characters come out, this is who should play the character, these are the writters, this is the director and this is how the character should look. I'm sure it takes a huge team effort, but Feige is definitly the Captain of Marvels ship.

A short time ago following the success of Marvels first two movie phases, Feige announced the lineup for Marvels phase 3 films at a private location in California ( El Capitan Theatre) in Hollywood, Media and fans alike gathered and screamed as every film title and release date appeared, but two film titles stood out to me 'Black Panther' and 'Captain Marvel ' they show why Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios are leading the way. In this era the golden age of the superhero movie, Marvel will led us down a path of diversity. Feige's first minority "Black" lead superhero where the studio proudly presented Boseman as The Black Panther. Marvels brain trust has always gotten the right actor at the right time and scored a big one once again with the addition of Boseman. When announced the crowd went off as he stood between Chris Evans (Captain America) and Robert Downy (Iron Man). Another triumphant moment of the night came about when a reporter asked Feige a great question. Would he be open to the idea of a minority director and a female director for the two projects. Feiges response was "Yes".
Upon further review I noticed Marvel has had neither one before, but I will do you one even better not even DC Comics has at this point and it's 2014...and I'm not sure if Disney has either... truly ashame when you look at the talent that's out there from directors of all colors and genders. There are producers, directors, and writters more than capable of bringing these characters to life along wih this minority actors male and female settled for side kicks and assistants in an industry dominated by white actors and directors. I think this is great if The Black Panther hits big and it should! The flood gates will be open and so will peoples minds but not just the idea for black and minority superheros but maybe black and minority directors to have a chance to contribute their genius and their talents.
The Russo brothers will get the first crack at the Black Panther when they direct Captain America 3 'The Civil War'. The Russo's happen to be my favorite directors at this time in the Marvel world. Their work on Captain America 2 'The Winter Soldier' put everything else to shame. After that Feige said as usual Marvel will hire its best directors. He also said he's been in contact with Reginald Hudland the former head of BET, and producer, director and writer of the Black Panther comic book series 2005-2008, but I guess he will serve as an advisor. I hope Marvel takes a long look at Antoine Fuqua an Incredible movie director whose films include 'Training Day', 'The Replacement Killers', and "The Equalizer' just to name a few. With Marvel Studios ProductionFuqua and lead man Boseman would be an outstanding duo...I truly believe that!

In a world where woman should be treated as equals it's only right that Marvel put forth it's first female lead. That's powerful! Even more powerful with a female director. Stepping out of the box and daring to be different in order to make change to an industry that has only been one way for so long takes guts. I like to take this time to thank Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios for once again being pioneers and ground breaking making thier own rules to this movie making game by raising the bar with the quality of their movies and now the expectations of other movie compaines. Much respect!! Make Mines Marvel!
P.S. I must admit I was annoyed with Kevin Feige at first for making me wait for Black Panther and I couldn't understand why...BP is such a great character. Better late than never. Please leave comments and share with others.
P.S.S. After they announce the casting for Captain Marvel I will give you my thoughts and ideas about a director. Peace.