We have already heard that Marvel is planning on bringing some of it's stable of heroes to television in their own live action shows.
The Hulk is one hero they have plans for and we have also heard
The Punishers name kicked around.
In a video interview with NEWSaRAMA, Marvels head of Television Jeph Loeb tells us a few Marvel heroes we won't be seeing. He also explains that Marvel is taking it's time and trying to do each show properly.
Transcribed from NEWSaRAMA's video interview...
"I can tell you that we are circling around the properties we are going to be doing for live. I think we're well aware of what the fan base has been talking about."
"Some of the things obviously we're not going to be doing. We're not going to be doing an Iron Man live television show. They do the movies beautifully. I think when people see what THOR is, they'll be absolutely mind blown. And it's all leading up to The Avengers movie."
"So while I think it's fantastic that the fan base wants an Avengers television series, they will get an Avengers television series in the animated world. But we're not going to compete with that in any way in the live action world."
"We are looking for those shows that are producible, that we can do with the heroes that we know and love and remain true to the spirit of the shows. But it is going to be a process. One of the things that people kind of need to remember was that when the studio came along they didn't just automatically go out and make Iron Man. They waited until they got the script right. They waited until they got the right cast, the right director and they made a great movie."
"We want to embrace that same thing, so we just haven't made all those decisions yet. Let me just put it that way."
To watch the video click on the link below.
Hawksblueyes: Who do you believe we will end up being able to view weekly?