There have been rumblings that Alpha Flight could get their own movie at some point in the near future but in the meantime, it looks like we'll have to make do with an Easter Egg in the upcoming Deadpool sequel. As you can see below, Dopinder's taxi has made a return and it's topped by some signage which makes reference to the Canadian superhero team which has close ties to Wolverine.
Unfortuantely, it's less a reference to Guardian, Sasquatch, Northstar and the rest than it is simply just a way of including the name of the team in the movie in a way that many comic book fans will enjoy.
After all, it's a little tough to imagine that the X-Men Universe's Alpha Flight spend their spare time selling holidays but this is a cool nod nonetheless. Whether or not the Merc with the Mouth is going to make any sort of reference to his fellow Canadians remains to be seen, but there are probably worse ways for Fox to slowly introduce moviegoers to the group of heroes. We'll have to wait and see.