WB has been working on bringing their Justice league onto the Big Screen but its a work with progress.Same with the team behind The Stop motion series coming in August of this year featuring Batman (Nolanverse)and his new adventures,the team also said that they would create their own continuity for their Nolanverse,GothamLives universe and they have an idea who will be featuring in their justice league take par that this is just an concept but if it would happened it would have a lot of real world properties
The members are Batman,Superman,Princess Diana,Arrow,GreenLantern.
They also told me that theories like Multiverse theorie and black wholes will play a part and other scientific theories,also politics will be a short characteristic in this story.
Also heres The tweet from GothamLives
So i think its gonna be either braniac or maybe something that we dont expect stay tuned for GothamLives coming out on youtube and new news from me and their twitter.
Gotham Lives takes place right after the events of The dark knight rises.As Gordan and The Batman are on the brink of stopping the Mob from rising in power again but then a new threat comes to Gotham. The Black Mask and all he wants is power and the Mob to make Gotham a living drug cartel and is willing to get any connections he wants but when he does this he awakens an "ancient" cult called The court of owls and they rise to take Gotham city back from the Batman,the people and Black Mask and when that happens there's a War for control and Batman's in the middle of it with the cops and Gordan.
SO tell me what you think of this whole Nolanverse,Gothamlives universe comment below and thumbs up lets get this on the main lets get the word out there!