Deadpool the movie will (hopefully) come out within a couple of years.
This is my version.
First thing's first, This is NOT in the same continuity as X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the real movie won't be either.
The Characters:
Deadpool: The Merc with a mouth, Deadpool is a former weapon x experiment turned mercenary. He posseses a mutant healing factor and a massive ego. he quite often sees in P.O.V which for normal people stands for Point Of View but for Deadpool it stands for Pool-O-Vision.
Thing 1:One of the voices in Deadpool's head, Deadpool has named this one Thing
Thing 2:The other voice in Deadpool's head, Deadpool has named this one Thing 2.
Weasel: Deadpool's computer hacker best friend, Weasel helps Deadpool think up plans and is quite often his voice of reason. He is the one that puts out an internet ad for "New Sidekick for Deadpool". He also hires Taskmaster to help Deadpool with his "Master Plan".
Bob, Agent of Hydra: The only person to answer the invitation to join Deadpool and the Lackeys! Bob is a failed agent of hydra who ends up becoming Deadpool's sidekick. He idolizes Deadpool and still idolizes him even when Deadpool beats him with a big stick.
Siryn: the daughter of Banshee, When Banshee goes off to fight Black Tom she remains with Deadpool to protect him from Black Tom's minions. She resists Deadpool's constant flirting until the end where she gives in and kisses him.
Banshee: Banshee is Black Tom's cousin and a member of the X-Men. he discovers Tom wants Deadpool for some reason and goes to face him. however he is defeated by Tom's oversized pal..... The Juggernaut! he is imprisoned in Tom's castle until the end of the film where Deadpool pulls off his masterplan and defeats Black Tom.
Taskmaster: A mercenary like Deadpool, unlike Deadpool Taskmaster is sane. He is also one of the best mercenaries around. he is part of Deadpool's "Master Plan" and is hired by Weasel.
Black Tom Cassidy: Black Tom Cassidy is a criminal who wants to kidnap deadpool and clone his healing factor. he is cousin to Banshee and uncle to Siryn. his best friend is Cain Marko, The Juggernaut.
Juggernaut: Cain Marko is Charles Xavier's step brother. he is also Black Tom's best friend. He defeats Banshee for Tom and fights Deadpool. he is defeated at the end.
Deadpool's Master Plan: Deadpool's plan is for him and Siryn to go and fight Tom and the Juggernaut so they can be captured. then he sets up the teleporter that Weasel made him, in Black Tom's prison, this teleports the real Deadpool and Bob to Castle Cassidy as the captured Deadpool is actually Taskmaster in disguise. Deadpool and Bob then sneak up on Tom and take him down before the juggernaut can notice. then Deadpool sets a landmine and tricks the juggernaut into stepping on it which causes him to be blown away into the ocean by the explosion. Then Deadpool can attempt again to woo Siryn. the shocking thing is, this time it actually works.
The Cast:
Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds

Thing 1 - James Roday
Thing 2 - Dule Hill
Weasel - Justin Long
Bob, Agent of Hydra - Anton Yelchin
Siryn - Isla Fisher
Banshee - Simon Pegg
Taskmaster - John Simm
Black Tom Cassidy - Stuart Townsend
Juggernaut - Vinnie Jones
After the credits there would be a scene where Black Tom Cassidy walks into a dark room and the lights come on. there is a big round table in the middle with a pciture of Deadpool on. A knife rests in the picture and the table is surrounded by a group of villains. these include: Frosty the Fire Skrull, Slayback, Norman Osborn, Dr Killebrew and Wackbeard the Pirate. Osborn speaks as Tom sits down. He says "Welcome Tom to... The Anti-Deadpool society...