The New Spidey (PART 6)

The New Spidey (PART 6)

PART 6 of my take on the Spider-Man mythos. Only one part left!

By jacobat - Jun 26, 2012 04:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

RECAP: Alan and TJ have managed to remove the bullet from Alan's shoulder. But, to make matters worse, Steven has been badly beaten by Dr. Anderson's thugs and is in the hospital. Though Alan hastily arrives, fearing he has lost his father as well, his father is fine, but just badly injured.Unable to keep his secret any longer, Steven tells Alan everything, and Alan leaves, disgusted and angry. But when Alan and TJ both notice some suspicious looking men headed to Steven's room, they discover that they're trying to finish off Alan's father. Alan ends up suiting up again, attempting to take on the thugs. When he is overpowered and knocked unconscious, they take him to Biotech, just as Dr. Anderson wanted...

PART 6: Alan wakes up in the containment cell, and has no clue where he is. He then realizes he is at Biotech after hearing Dr. Anderson's voice nearby, who eventually walks into the light, just a couple of feet from the cell. Alan notices that his webshooters are gone, as well as his mask. Dr. Anderson starts off by saying that he wanted to talk to Alan man to man, no masks, so that he could see his true reactions. He also calls him clever for using web-shooters, while all this time he thought they were organic. Alan says nothing. Anderson goes on to point out that Alan has made quite a spectacle of himself, saying that everything that has happened is all because of Anderson himself, even taking credit for creating the serum because it was his idea, as well as killing Alan's mother. Alan doesn't speak. He knows there's nothing he can do. But, Anderson believes Alan knows how to recreate the serum, considering his father spent the most time working on it. (As mentioned before, their recreation is flawed because they had to make the best out of what they had. Unlike Steven's, their mutations come out more animal-like in both their characteristics, as well as appearance.) Alan still won't talk, so Anderson comes up with a plan.
 He grabs the nearest syringe of serum, and he turns to Dr. Rattner. He grabs him from behind and injects it into his neck. Rattner  becomes terrified, and he attacks Dr. Anderson, who has his thugs restrain him. Rattner doesn't understand how he could betray him so easily. But, Anderson simply says he should just realize that it's too late and he should accept his fate. While he is restrained, Anderson also injects him with the new mind-control microchip. Rattner is doomed. Anderson and his thugs release Rattner and quickly make their way to the next room, so as to avoid what comes next. Rattner turns to Alan, who is scared out of his wits because of what will happen next. He's already seen Ratt and what he can do. Who KNOWS what will happen to Rattner himself? Rattner approaches the glass barrier and apologizes to Alan for helping Anderson. He knows now that he was selfish and that what he was doing is wrong. Then, in the middle of his apology, he begins to transform. Alan stands back, against the wall. There's nowhere he can go, nothing he can do. Rattner goes from convulsing to changing into something hideous. A strange, rat-like creature. (Fitting, in it's own right.) Rattner, (Or if you like, Ratt II), attacks the glass barrier, cracking it. But then, he is taken over by something, and he stands completely still. Anderson's voice comes over an intercom. He tells Alan that since he won't talk, he'll just have to make him. Rattner is given Alan's scent via his mask, and he attacks the glass again. But, Anderson's mind control microchip stops him and sends a new impulse to his brain. Instead of going after Alan, he'll go after others who have Alan's scent on them. (You know who those people are.) Rattner leaps out of the window and is off to find and kill those with Alan's scent.
Alan nearly goes insane. He starts slamming himself against the glass. It's no use. He stops and thinks. He notices the crack left by Rattner. He gets an idea. He's reminded of physics where he remembers that if you apply enough pressure to a weak spot, it will give in. He repeatedly slams into the crack left by Rattner and eventually, and triumphantly, breaks the barrier. Alan quickly grabs his mask, as well as his web-shooters, and leaps out of the broken window in an attempt to track down Rattner. Anderson orders his thugs to follow Rattner, as the microchip also acts as a tracking device, so they can always know where he is. The thugs comply, and they are on their way.

I kind of imagined Ratt II to look like this...

Meanwhile, Jess confronts TJ at Alan's house, expecting to run into Alan. She asks TJ where Alan is, as she hasn't seen him or heard from him since earlier in the afternoon the day before. (NOTE- Alan was unconscious for several hours before waking up. It is now 8 in the morning.) TJ says that he doesn't know either, and he's here for the same reason.
From here we cut back and forth between what Alan is up to and TJ and Jess' conversation. Alan chases Rattner through the city as Rattner leaves a trail of chaos and destruction. Alan occasionally has to go out of his way to save a civillian or two. Jess grows suspicious of TJ, as she believes that he is lying and hiding something from her. He claims to be telling the truth, but he doesn't really sell it well enough. Jess decides to call Alan, but she hears a phone ring. She opens TJ's backpack to find Alan's clothes in there, as well as his phone. Now she demands to know what is going on. Meanwhile, Alan notices that Rattner has skipped heading for the hospital. They're taking a more familiar route. At Alan's house, Jess continues to question TJ, who has pretty much run out of answers. Alan rides a cop car as it gets closer to Rattner.  He jumps off of the car onto a nearby roof, where Rattner continues to follow the scent. He knows this neighborhood. Rattner is headed for his house. Jess and TJ hear the police chase and see the police cars turn the corner. Rattner and Spider-Man run across the rooftops. Rattner jumps from the rooftop towards Alan's home. Alan notices TJ and Jess, and he realizes he has to think fast. He leaps from the rooftop and swings towards Jess and TJ. He grabs them both and jumps out of the way right before Rattner crashes into the side of the house, taking out a wall. Alan swings them over to the police, but says nothing, afraid that if Jess hears his voice up close, she'll recognize him in front of the police. He swings back over to finish the fight with Rattner. 

I imagined the police car-riding bit to look like this...

There's a very intense fight with Rattner, where they destroy a good part of the house. Because he's still injured, Alan has to use various objects as weapons, like the dinner table and even a couch.  He does manage to inflict a good amount of damage on Rattner, though. He beats Rattner until he is on the verge of going into unconsciousness. Outside, TJ notices the police readying their weapons. He yells for them to stop, telling them Spidey is on their side, he realizes something: They're not real cops. They're Anderson's thugs. One of the thugs throw and lock TJ and Jess into the back of the second cop car. They are also gassed and driven to Willis Tower for the next phase of the plan. (For those unfamiliar with the landmark, it's basically the Empire State Building of Chicago.)
Alan is unaware of this, as he is regaining his breath as Rattner leans against the wall, barely conscious. Suddenly, his spider sense goes off and the next thing he knows, a barrage of bullets comes flying through the window. shards of glass strewn just about everywhere. It's like a vortex of razors. The "police" that are still out in the front slowly creep closer to the house. They enter and carefully examine the rooms. They see the dead bodies of Spidey and Rattner laying in a pool of blood. One of them crouches beside Rattner and checks to see if he's alive. Nope. He turns to Spidey and notices something. Suddenly, he jumps up and swipes the man's legs out from under him. He takes on the rest of the phony officers in one incredibly slick and almost iconic sequence and takes them all down. He looks around to make sure they're all unconscious. Check. It was almost too easy for him. 
He runs out to the front of the house to see that only two of the three police cars remain, and TJ and Jess are nowhere to be found.  Alan realizes that it was a trick. He hears over the radio that there are two hostages being held at the top of Willis Tower. It's them. He also overhears that all units have been pulled to deal with the situation. Great. More cops to shoot at him. He zips off into the skyline and is practically flying towards Willis Tower. All the while, he can only think one thing: This is gonna hurt...

THE CONCLUSION will be up shortly. And, as always, constructive critcism is greatly appreciated as well as encouraged. THANKS!
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CaptainAmerica31 - 6/26/2012, 10:16 PM
Awesome! I see you took that best up the cops from TASM, cool. This was a very good part, props man. I think you should do another new Spidey story with Alan, a sequel! That would be awesome. I'm a big fan and I hope this "Neo spiderman" will translate into a comicbook one day.
superherofan21 - 6/27/2012, 1:00 AM
Yet another fantastic chapter to this story. Well done. I really get a menacing vibe from Dr. Anderson, and he reminds me of Norman Osborn and Otto Octavius. Perhaps Anderson becomes a supervillain later on? He certainly seems psychotic enough. I'd love to know more about his past and how he came to be the villainous businessman he is. Maybe a prequel is in order? I also like the chase/fight scene. Very adrenalin-pumping. And I love the end. It really keeps me on the edge of my seat, waiting to see if Alan can save TJ and Jess and what obstacles he may encounter. I can't wait for Part 7.
AutobotCommander84 - 6/27/2012, 4:55 AM
I don't see why you don't call Jess by the name Jessica. Jess sounds to me either too southern or too much like a guy's name (the name of the son of Joe Harnell, the composer of "The Lonely Man", is Jess Harnell, who does the voice of Ironhide and man other characters in the Transformers films.)
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 7:14 AM
@Spidey31 I'm glad you like it. I also like the cop fighting part. But, I felt it was better to make them turn out to be Anderson's thugs 'cause it adds to one of the themes: deceit. And yes, I do plan for a sequel, I just need to get my ideas. I also hope it could be made into a comic some day. Maybe it will. All I know is that I wish I'd come up with this sooner. Maybe they'd have used THIS idea for Ultimate Spider-Man.
I'm not racist or anything, I just feel that Miles doesn't really NEED to be Spider-Man. He just decided to 'cause he thought it was cool.
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 8:01 AM
@superherofan21 Thanks, I'm glad you think so. I've thought about a prequel, but I feel as if, with all the ideas I can think of, I'd be copying TASM too much. I mean, I could obviously make a story about Anderson, but it would have to be kind of short so as to not copy TASM.
Also, since I treat my stories like movies, I plan to make a fancast. What do you think?
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 8:04 AM
@AutobotCommander84: I see what you mean, but Jessica has always sounded a tiny bit girly to me. She's supposed to be less girly than the other girls in the school, but not exactly a Tomboy. You know what I mean?
Also, I've always felt that Jessie felt more Southern, as well as more of a boy's name instead of Jess.
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 11:40 AM
PART 7 is up!!!
AutobotCommander84 - 6/27/2012, 3:09 PM
@casualguy True. I will admit, I'm glad you named her Jess instead of Jessie. I don't really like that name for a girl.
jacobat - 6/27/2012, 6:11 PM
@AutobotCommander84 I'm glad you see what I mean. Jess just kind of sounds better for a beautiful, yet independent character like her.
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