Speaking out loud, do we know who the lost hero is? Is G.I. Joe this hero? Or even Bucky himself. The Captain was lost to a death write off only to return like a former blue tight wearing man of steal. Its not easy to see or understand but the Captain does need a lift, a boost into what we call society today. The Captain never really solved any of the wars problems in his day, but he is needed now. More than ever he needs to be that spokes person. He was an icon of America, the patriot of all patriots. As a U.S. soldier with several tours under my belt its hard for someone to comprehend what it is that we fight for.
It's not as if we want to be heroes. But we go to war to find ourselves. Measure your place in life. I've read Captain America since 1985 as a kid and wanted to be him. I read him now and admire him. But his patriotic stance has taken a back burner and not grasping whats really happening. Its not as if comics don't have freedom of speech or translation of ones ideas. The Captain is the Lost hero and i feel like he still is today. But i want your ideas i want to hear your thoughts, can we save America an we make it understand its place in this world.