Hows it going my fellow CBM fans? I thought today we could have some fun discussions on what makes some of the current villains in the DCEU and MCU good and bad. Since the first Ironman movie we've seen villains that have made short appearances to long time arch rivals with some of our favorite super heroes. Some of the best villains stand out way above the other forgettable villains in which the actors performance, the way the character was written and the overall heroes capability to handle the villain can be considered above average. Some of the other villains are just as easily forgettable as they serve no purpose other than to further the plot and give our heroes someone to go up against.

I'd like to mention that I try not to be bias towards either studio and anything written here is just an opinion. I like many others can be harsh when judging an actors performance or the way a character was written. So with my best intentions as to just kill some time and start an interesting discussion of which Villains rule the Universes. Here are my current Worst 6 and Top 10 villains amongst the DCEU and MCU (This has to do with only villains whose performances we have seen on the big screen so far).
TOP 6 Worst Villains in the DCEU and MCU:
#6 Whiplash from Ironman 2 - while some might argue he is worse than the others on this list I will point out that Whiplash ended up being a worthy adversary to Ironman. Mickey Rourke's performance wasn't great, but that could be due to the way the character was written as some scenes that were cut with more emotional motivation for the character could have made for a better on screen interpretation. I'll admit that the scene at the Monaco Grand Prix was actually pretty awesome. I still love watching Whiplash reveal himself to the world. |
#5 Lex Luthor from Batman vs Superman - Ok, this one is my opinion and while you may not agree I do have some reasons why hes at number 5 on the worst villains list. I foresaw problems with them casting Eisenberg as Luthor when they first announced the role. Jesse Eisenberg gave it a good try but his performance comes off awkward annoying and insecure. His character wasn't totally written bad but the disconnect from script to on screen happens when we first meet Lex at his mansion and his performance resembles something that Jim Carrey did with the Riddler in 1995 for Batman Forever. The only scene I could consider something I enjoyed with his character is when he is talking to Lois and he tells her the fastest way to get Superman. |
#4 Malekith from Thor 2 - Not sure Malekith deserves the four spot but me being a big Thor fan and being excited going into Thor the Dark World when it premiered I was disappointed at the main villain. Loki in Thor 1 made it hard for the next villain in line to top what was already done, but Malekith started off great. The actor Chris Eccleston did his best and he came off menacing and dark, but the villain Malekith was written to resemble a being so powerful even Odin was on guard. But the movie itself never shows him being more than a slight threat till the end when he takes the aether. His own sidekick Kurse came off way more badass and unstoppable. Long story short the final battle couldn't even save this villain as when he receives the aether he is barely strong enough to defeat Thor and he is defeated by the group of humans and their technology rather than just by Thor himself. The final result ended in another forgettable and disappointing MCU villain. |
#3 Joker from Suicide Squad - I was not a fan of the casting of Jared Leto as Joker and after seeing the movie I don't think he was the right choice for the role. I don't put the entire blame on his take of the Joker but the movie itself didn't help make the character look any better. I think there is a lot of room for improvement as long as they make him a main villain and not just the irrelevant side cameo villain. I'm sure there is a Suicide Squad cut where the Joker has a much bigger darker role but it looks like we will never see that cut. |
#2 the Mandarin from Ironman 3 - I might be the only person that thought Ben Kingsley did great in his performance. At the beginning he really comes off as that Apocalypse Now bad guy who is trying to make the world the way he believes it should be. But then the writers got all "hey lets make a plot twist people will love" and didn't realize people would friggin hate it. Yeah I blame the writing for this villains spot as number 2. The twists disappointment made what was a decent movie into one of the most hated Ironman movies ever. |
#1 Enchantress from Suicide Squad - While the look of Enchantress is first dark and scary she looks like she could be a cool villain. But then her brother comes along and gives her back her heart and she becomes a beautiful devil woman with dance moves like the Waving Inflatable Tube Woman. The performance by Cara Delevingne wasn't bad but the writing and plot for this movie made it bad. She started off great and ended as a joke. I myself felt like they tried to rip of Ghost Busters 1's Gozer. They might've had a better chance with her as a villain if they just kept her as a dark witch that wasn't able to free her brother till the final conflict. |
SOON TO COME! TOP 10 Villains.... Until Next Time My Fellow CBM Fans.
I'm going to see Wonder Woman tonight, so I'll make my BEST list tonight or tomorrow.