FAN CAST: X-Men First Class

FAN CAST: X-Men First Class

Here are my choices for who should play the original team as well as Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants!

By JoshWilding - Dec 09, 2009 11:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Josh Wilding

The first thing that a lot of you will notice in this cast is that the actors I've chosen are a little older than the young X-Men team. However, rather than have a movie with unknown teenage actors which I think would result in what I dislike about the Harry Potter movies - poor acting - I would much prefer to see slightly older (but still under 30) actors in these roles and in many ways I'd prefer First Class to be a reboot of sorts featuring the original X-Men rather than X-Men 90210! Anyway, with this in mind I look forward to seeing what you guys think!


Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier/Professor X

Professor X

Charles Xavier is Professor X, head of the X-Men and founder the Xavier Institute for mutants. His telepathy makes him one of the world's strongest mutants.

Jared Padalecki as Scott Summers/Cyclops


Cyclops is a mutant with the ability to absorb solar energies and redirect them as a concussive blast through his eyes.

Laura Prepon as Jean Grey/Marvel Girl


She is a founding member of the X-men and former love of Scott Summers. An omega-level telekinetic and telepath, Jean has gained near limitless powers as a recurrent host of the Phoenix Force.

Chad Michael Murray as Warren Worthington III/Angel


Warren Worthington III is Angel, a mutant and member of the X-Men. He sports large angelic wings, like his namesake, which allow him to fly.

Michael Terry as Henry 'Hank' McCoy/Beast


One of the original X-Men, perhaps most notable for his blue, rough exterior yet kind and gentle heart and intelligence.

Dave Franco as Bobby Drake/Iceman


The youngest member of the original X-Men, Bobby is an Omega-level mutant with the ability to drop his internal and external body temperature allowing him to turn his body into ice and project ice blasts.


Joseph Fiennes as Erik ‘Magnus’ Lehnsherr/Magneto


Magneto is one of the most infamous and powerful Marvel villains, bent on affirming homo superior's birthright as Homo sapiens' successors. He has a long and turbulent friendship with Charles Xavier.

Michael Rosenbaum as Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver


Quicksilver is a mutant with superspeed. He is the son of Magneto, and twin brother of the Scarlet Witch.

Serinda Swan as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch


Daughter of Magneto, twin sister of Quicksilver. She uses her powers to manipulate probability and alter reality.

Eric Balfour as Jason Wyngarde/Mastermind


Founding member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Jason Wyngarde was the original Mastermind. He was instrumental in the creation of Dark Phoenix.

Joshua Gomez as Mortimer Toynbee/Toad


Toad is a supervillain and enemy of the X-Men. He is member of the Magneto´s Brotherhood of evil mutants.

So thats it, let me know what you think in the usual place! Thanks for reading!!!

And if you haven't yet seen them, here are a list of links to my other fan casts!

The Avengers
The Avengers II
The First Avenger: Captain America
Dark, Mighty and New Avengers
Dead Space
Captain Britain
Fantastic Four
Spider-Man: The Second Trilogy
The First Avenger: Captain America II
Moon Knight
X-Men 4
Doctor Strange
Young Avengers TV Show
New Warriors TV Show
The Inhumans
Alpha Flight
Spider-Man: Sinister Six
The Punisher
West Coast Avengers
The Ultimates
The Defenders
Black Panther

And don't forget to check out my biggest fan cast of 205 Marvel Characters!!!

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LEEE777 - 12/9/2009, 11:18 AM
You really want to WIN don't you @ JOSH lol! ; D

Well i like most of 'em dude, but not happy will the MAGNETO pick (Dont you have him as your DR DOOM pick?), CLIVE OWENS born for a young MAGS role!! But he's okay.

Kudos you kept the ORIGINAL X-MEN in this!! No STORM or QUEEN thank god lol! : D

Only one i really hate is CYCLOPS, not only is he so wrong for that part its not funny, he's too old plus you've cast him as NOVA and many more MARVEL roles dude, you can find a better CYCLOPS than him, its like casting ackles as WOLVERINE lol!

: D

Like you said as well as me, PERFECT NOVA!!

Anyway dude like them, so i will be giving you a thumbs up dude, like your MARVEL GIRL pick i was thinking her, but ive cast her as FIRESTAR is AVENGERS, thats if i did a FIRST CLASS casting lol! But i might of used her for JEAN, shes great for that role too.

Anyway dude thumbs up from me and quality casting! ; )

This would be a REAL FIRST CLASS movie, not that BORIGINS 90210 sh1t FOX may do!
peterparker420 - 12/9/2009, 11:26 AM

I'm NOT TO SURE ABOUT Michael Rosenbaum as QuickSilver,

but all the rest SPOT ON!


"Josh Brolin talks Jonah Hex on Tonight Show"
in the NEWS section!
ManofTomorrow - 12/9/2009, 11:40 AM
@josh gr8 casting choices, but im not much of a fan of chad michael murray or rosenbaum as quicksilver
other than that everyone fits the role

@LEEE its good keeping to the original but i would'nt mind seeing a young emma frost, even just a cameo. i only say this cuz i think elisha cuthbert would make a perfect white witch


Spilox - 12/9/2009, 11:41 AM
Dude, very nice casting!
Very daring with Rosenbaum, but i like it. :D
And i think Jared could pull of cyclops. But not totaly sure about it.
But your choice for magneto can be better. Just used good old Ian Mackellen.

Oohw, and good luck in the competition ;)
TheDemonHunter - 12/9/2009, 11:46 AM
Laura Prepon as Jean Grey? As in Donna from That 70s Show?

As a long-time fan of that show, I just don't see that one working to be honest.

I'd rather see Michelle Trachtenberg as the young Jean Grey, still trying to find her way with her powers.
JoshWilding - 12/9/2009, 12:00 PM
LEE: Nah, I make these casts because I love putting them together! Sure, it'd be kinda cool to win but I find the competition to be a little tainted when people like you and TYLER arent up there as well not to mention the whole email votes thing which just doesnt sit right with me!

Thanks for your comment though man! Glad you like it! I actually cast Rupert Everett as Doom (they look similar though) and Joseph's older brother Ralph as Baron Zemo!Owen is a good choice for Magneto but I think you might come around to my pick when you see him in FlashForward!

Padalecki is perfect for Nova but I do think he'd make a decent Cyclops (at least a younger version anyway) I'll have to think about that Ackles for Wolverine thing though..! (j/k) Im pretty sure its just Nova and Quicksilver I've cast him for in the past though! (I've done too many cast to remember, lol!!)

And yeah, these characters (and only these) should be in First Class! However, we both know Fox will just [frick] it up and fill it full of cameos of characters who shouldnt even be in the movie! :(

PETE: Cheers bud! I'll be sure to check your article out ASAP! :)

ManofTomorrow: Thanks! TO be honest I struggled with those two characters and out of the two the only one I really like is Rosenbaum for Quicksilver as I think he'd do a great job in that role! I'm not 100% sure about Murray either and there are probably better picks out there but he wouldnt be too bad a choice I dont think! Love the Elisha Cuthbert picture by the way! She is one of the hottest women alive! :D

Spilox: Thanks man! Yeah, Rosenbaum was a bit of a different choice but I have a feeling he'd be good in the role especially playing a younger version of the character anyway! I was never really a big fan of McKellen's Magneto in the X-Men movies but his performances in all 3 films were great to be fair - I'd just like to see a younger actor give a fresh take on the role!

TheDemonHunter: To be honest, I've only seen a few episodes of that show but from what I have seen I think she'd be quite good as a young Jean! Funnily enough, I considered Trachtenberg but I have her lined up for a different role that you'll see in one of my next casts! :)
InTylerWeTrust - 12/9/2009, 12:37 PM
Cool cast.

I started the Padalecki as Cyke thing, I don't think he's perfect for the role, but he's my favorite choice for Scott. He's 1000000000000 times better than Pocock from Origins.

I don't like Prepon as Jean, she doesn't have the strength or heroism required IMO. Emily Blunt for Jean.

Murray isn't that good of an actor, but he'd be a decent choice for Warren I guess.

I'm not familiar with your Beast or Ice-Man choices though.

Haven't seen Fiennes act, but he does look the part.

I suggested Rosenbaum as Quicksilver a little while ago, but he isn't my choice any more. My new Pietro is in my Avengers cast. But Rosenbaum would still be good in the role.

Swan is decent for Scarlet Witch, but Eva Green is better IMO. And I'm not familiar with your Mastermind or Toad choices either.

Cool cast overall. I like that you didn't use teen actors for the role, the First Class should all be in their mid to late 20's IMO. I don't want to see teenagers as the X-Men, it would turn me off.
JoshWilding - 12/9/2009, 1:18 PM
TYLER: Thanks man! Teenage actors in First Class is a big no for me as well! It was indeed you who put the Padalecki idea in my head so I have you to thank for that!! Emily Blunt is a great choice - I'm not sure why I chose Prepon but I remember seeing a little of her acting a while back and I've always wanted to cast her in something...a young Jean just seems like a good fit to me!

I had a few other actors lined up for Warren but they were all actors from Smallville or Supernatural (they're the only shows that I've seen a lot of young American actors in to be honest!) My Beast choice is an actor from Bones - he's pretty unknown but is a brilliant actor who's great at playing a likeable yet smart guy which makes him perfect for Beast in my eyes! He's also pretty well built so with some added CGI, I think he has the right look and frame for the character!

My Iceman choice is actually James Franco's little brother! He's just started in the new season of Scrubs and his character in that is a pefect match for the young and cocky Bobby! He's also incredibly funny, another quality that Iceman should have IMO! Fiennes is a great British actor and I'd recommend checking him out in FlashForward (dont worry, his American accent is excellent unlike a certain Aussie, lol!)

I also like Eva Green for Scarlet Witch but for a younger version of the character, Swan would have to be my #1 choice...the guy I've chosen for Mastermind was in a couple of seasons of 24 but I think he's been in a lot more than that since leaving the show. Oh and my Toad choice is an actor from Chuck! I know it seems like I cast a lot of TV actors but thats mainly because I think they all have the potential to do more than just be stuck on TV for their whole careers - and a fair few of them are better actors than a lot of the ones in big budget movies IMO! :)

MTL: You're more than probably right but for now I'm hoping we'll see the original cast! (though knowing Fox, I highly doubt that unfortunately) ;(
Set2Fallfirst - 12/9/2009, 1:26 PM
@ this is awesome especiall your pic for toad man! I only have one grip instead of whats her face for scarlet witch try Kirsten Storms all shed have to do is dye her hair black man. her sister and I are friends she would be perfect. this is her most recent photo and O YEA i watched dexter holy christ chex it was fantastic. "hello dexter morgan" Next sunday im gonna be so happy but sad last episode
flames809 - 12/9/2009, 1:59 PM
greta cast i just think they all need to be young in there teens and i really mean in there teens not a actor in his 20's playing a teen
Set2Fallfirst - 12/9/2009, 2:12 PM
@flames there are its just casting directors look more for guys like me in my 20's to play a teen because of child labor laws. basically i can work a 12 to 18 hr day. when you can really only work a 8 hr day.
JoshWilding - 12/9/2009, 3:11 PM
Set2Fall: Thanks bud! Wow, she certaintly is a stunner! I'll have to think about using her in a future cast!

I cant wait until next week!! What an amazing ending man!! It was breathtaking, lol! When Trinity stares down at Dexter and says, "Hello...Dexter Morgan" I had freaking goosebumps! The preview for next week's episode is quite something - I hate the fact its coming to an end but like you I cant wait!!

flames809: I get your point but I'd rather decent actors in their twenties rather than amatuer actor in their teens - this movie is already doomed thanks to Fox's involvement, at least a decent cast might just save it! :)
CRITIC17 - 12/9/2009, 3:38 PM
Well done again Josh!!! I agree with every single one...!!!! I checked out Nemesis man!! Sounds awesome, Bruce Wayne as the Joker would RULE! I hear they might even make a movie!!!
DDD - 12/9/2009, 3:40 PM
Damm fine cast Josh@!

Joseph Fiennes as Magneto is an inspired
casting! He is awesome on Flash Forward!
But then again the whole cast of Flash
Forward is exceptional! The acting and
writing on there are fantastic! I'm hooked
on that show like crack! lol

Yes, it's better for working Hollywood to
have older actors who can play younger to
perform these parts. Longer work days and far
better acting from more seasoned actors!
starsofwar - 12/9/2009, 3:42 PM
that picture is not Laura Prepon
THEPHOENIX - 12/9/2009, 3:49 PM
Nice job! i like some of them. I'm not crazy about your Jean and Quicksilver pics though...

Rossenbaum is in his 30's, as is the lovely Padeleiki. I suppose it depends on if you are doing an origin movie.
InTylerWeTrust - 12/9/2009, 3:51 PM
Padalecki is 27.

If they do make First Class, I'd rather it be new continuity, so we don't get the "prequel lockdown" where we know everyone will turn out fine. And then the story can branch off into new directions as well, and not be held down by Origins and the other X-Films' continuity.
JoshWilding - 12/9/2009, 4:05 PM
CRITIC: Thanks!! Yeah, it looks amazing - I hope the movie rumours are true because even though I obviouly havent read it yet, I have a feeling it would make an epic film!

starsofwar: I think it is but just in case Google was wrong here she is! Sigh...I love redheads! ;D

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PHEONIX: Thanks - as TYLER said in his comment underneath yours, I too would rather this movie be in a new continuity rather than them try to force it into whats already happenned. For that reason, I dont think it would matter all that much that they arent teenagers because it would be a reboot of sortsfeaturing the original team!

DDD: Thanks man! :) I love FlashForward! I'm completely hooked on the show as well! Its getting more and more intriguing each week especially after the revelations in the last episode! :)
CRITIC17 - 12/9/2009, 5:04 PM
@Josh: Never got to see flash forward... looked cool though!!! Anything by Mark Millar should be made (correctly) into a movie, which is one reason why I don't like Wanted... its only ok...
ASSASSIN666 - 12/9/2009, 8:05 PM
Damn good casting, makes me want a first class movie.
DDD - 12/10/2009, 3:43 AM
Damm Josh@ that pic of Prepon makes my eyes water! lol

She looks like she's about to burst out of them clothes,
which I wouldn't mind at all! :D And such an awesome
actress too! What more could a red-blooded American guy
want for a young Jean Grey! Yersireeee!!!!
LEEE777 - 12/10/2009, 8:56 AM
JOSH @ My bad you have a completely different DOOM, hard to keep track with all these CASTS ppl are doing all the time man lol!

An yep your [frick]ing right man,,, FOX will [frick] it up, its a pity coz the X-MEN early years are [frick]ing rich with great X-History an all we're gonna get is a [frick]ing BORIGINS 90210 from [frick]ing FOX with a pugly EMMA FROST an a sh1tting shouldn't even be there STORM!

Hell i wouldn't put it past FOX to put WOLVERINES [frick]ing son in it somehow,, (Shouldn't of wrote that, someone there might get some ideas lol).
safecrash - 12/10/2009, 11:39 AM
Padalecki is, so far, the best pick for Cyke.

Prepon would be better as Firestar. For me it's either Amanda Righetti (Grace from The Mentalist) or Emma Stone (Wichita from Zombieland)

Garrett Hedlund would be a better Angel, than Chad Michael Murray.

Have you ever considered Enver Gjokaj (Victor from Dollhouse) for Beast.

I've never seen Dave Franco in anything, but he lloks the part.

Ralph Fiennes would be a better "young" Magneto than his brother.

Gaspard Ulliel for Quicksilver.

1chris2 - 12/11/2009, 1:29 PM
i would like to see beak,chamber,husk,sinister,and apocalypse castings on here,and in the next films.
OptimusPrime114 - 12/22/2009, 9:07 AM
Robert Pattinson for Quicksilver!
MONTEZ - 5/4/2010, 12:54 PM
chris pine for cyclops, daniel craig as magneto, rachel mcadams as jean, and ben foster deserves the chance to truly play angel.
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