Fan Idea: Uncanny X-men live Tv Series Season 1 breakdown

Fan Idea: Uncanny X-men live Tv Series Season 1 breakdown

Gave a brief view of my idea for an Uncanny X-men tv series now get the Season 1 breakdown to include Fancast, Episode breakdown and preview of Season 2

By Drakenxtreme - May 29, 2018 11:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Uncanny X-Men Series Overview and Ideas
With the Fox/Disney deal underway I would like it to be on ABC along side Agents of Shield or FX...ABC is ideal because crossovers of other Marvel characters is a must especially later in the series..

Series Overview and Manifesto
The show will be heavily adapted to the Uncanny X-men comic to the extent that generally each episode will be based on a issue. There will be no tights but costumes will be a styled on leather but stay as faithful as possible to the costume of that character during that issue. The series will not be dated n will take place in modern time unlike the comic but subjects of the issues will be addressed or changed to fit the times. Seasons will consist of 18 to 21 episodes, some comic issues will be combined to accommodate the season span. As of right now i have projected at minimum 30 Seasons, If ever made into reality the series will be the longest running Primetime Drama/SciFi series ever made..I know that sounds crazy but if i had to end it before 30 then it would end around Season 15 at least. 



Billy Zane as Professor Charles Xavier
For those who are not knowledgeable of the good Professor, he is the headmaster of an institute that helps young children with extraordinary gifts control their abilities as mutants. In my series he has just recently started the school and has enrolled 5 students who go to regular high school during the day and after school attend and live at the mansion in Weschester County in New York. He is also a mutant with the abilities of telepathy and he helps his students train to not only control their powers but also as the teen team X-men they help other mutants and protect humanity from other evil mutants. In the first season his position as mentor and helper to the X-men is key in their success and he tends to clash with Mayor Kelley in views and throughout the season there are hints on favoritism for Jean and hidden past.
Ive always liked Billy Zane as an actor and i struggled to figure out if i should allow this version of Prof X to retain a british accent so Billy Zane who has held british roles could use an accent if necessary. Billy Zane's charm will work well as the Professor tends to teach his students lessons the hard way and a little charm will help make him likable.

Dylan Sprayberry as Scott Summers/Cyclops
Scott Summers is the pseudo leader of the group of 5 teens. He is very reserved and stricter then the other teenagers. Its partly due to his mutant powers being unstable as he is unable to control his eye beams so he refrains from getting close to people especially Jean Grey who he has strong feelings for but doesn't act upon them due to his fear of his powers. One of the story lines he is involved with is the triangle of himself, Jean Grey and Warren Worthington III. Through out Season 1 he displays mild leadership skills and becomes essential to making the X-men a great team.
Dylan played Liam on Teen Wolf a young implusive werewolf so this will give the actor the chance to play lead and enjoyed his performance. 

Juliette Goglia as Jean Grey/Marvel Girl
Jean Grey is the sole female member of the group of teens and she posses the power of telekinesis. Jean is the heart of the group and cares for all her team members but specifically she holds a crush for Scott but does not act on it. She instead accepts the advances of her other teammate Warren Worthington III which produces a mild love triangle between the three. She is introduced in the pilot as the new girl in school and in the Xavier Institute.
Juliette Goglia I've seen her on Michael J Fox show and Easy A and i enjoyed her performance and she can portray a junior in high school.

Colin Ford as Warren Worthington/Angel
Warren Worthington III is the rich playboy that mutation gives him bird/angel type wings on his back. He has braces that tie his wings to his back so he can attend school and appear normal. Warren is not keen on authority but he does follow Prof X and Cyclops orders in combat but after combat is over he can be very rebellious. He harbors strong affection for Jean Grey and is not afraid to show it to her and try and win her over despite her feelings for Scott which creates a triangle between the three of them.
Colin Ford...i understand he is on Under the Dome but its just a fan cast and idea of mines that he would be cast.

Franz Drameh as Hank McCoy/Beast
Hank McCoy is the smart one of the group and his mutation grants him the ability of agility, strength and it altered his feet to appear larger than normal. He is more logical and scientific of the team and tends to speak very proper and intelligent. His brilliance often lead him to invent items that help the team out when their abilities are not enough. Through out the season he often seen with Bobby Drake who he is very close with and they hangout together more than the other teens. Hank struggles with his large appearance and balancing that with his exceptional mind.
Obivously Franz Drameh is of British-African decent and is a depature from the source but i feel with this role he can keep a variation of his accent though i watched his past UK work his accent can be very thick i would alter it to be more of a sophiscated american accent of intelligence, his physical stature also works with the role and he is use to being super hero after leaving DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Jimmy Bennett as Bobby Drake/Iceman
Bobby Drake is the youngest of the team and his mutation allows him to manipulate ice. In the series he will not have the ability of a ice form at first but will eventually learn to transform his skin to its icy form. He is a jokester and tends to kid around with Hank a lot. He is currently the only member trying to have a relationship with a regular human and keeping his after school activities secret from his girlfriend Zelda is a storyline he goes through during the Season. Though he is the youngest by a year to the group, thanks to Hanks guidance he has skipped a year and is in the same class as the rest of the teens
Jimmy Bennett is not new to super hero roles as he was on No Ordinary family and i liked his time on that show. He fits well to be the youngest of the teens and a jokester.


Sebastian Roche as Magneto
Magneto is a evil mutant with ability to not only control metal but also magnetic fields. He is a recurring villain for the 5 teens and Prof X. Prof X has hints that he knows Magneto while Magneto knows full well who Prof X is but it does not get revealed til later in the series. He recruits his own team of mutant to battle the X-men and two of the members, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch he has a past with that doesn't come out tip later in the series as well.
Sebastion Roche is my favorite villain actor..ive seen him in General Hospital as terrorist Jerry Jax from FRINGE to Vampire Diaries n 24 and i love his acting especially as villains. He was the only choice for Magneto.

Julian McMahon as Dr. Bolivar Trask
Dr. Trask is probably the most influential but least appearing character in the X-men Universe. He is the creator of the Sentinels, robotic sentries that target mutants and eventually become problems for both mutant and human kind. Throughout the season Trask views on mutants are that he believed them to a threat to humanity and he is constantly voicing these views in papers and open forums. He has a son Larry Trask who he realizes is a mutant as well and tries to hide that fact. He speaks about a daughter named Tanya that went missing and believes it was a mutants doing. Trask will eventually get the attention of Henry Gyrich who uses his influence with the government and help from Mayor Kelley to help with his Sentinel Initiative.
Julian McMahon is a very passionate actor and i loved his roles in Charmed, Niptuck and even as the evil Doctor Victor Van Doom.

Peter Facinelli as Mayor Robert Edward Kelly
Robert Kelly is the government official that at first is anti mutant but soon changes his view after many good encounters with the X-men. In the series he is in the beginning of his political career as just a simple Mayor of Westchester County where the X-men reside. He is approached by Henry Gyrich, a ex CIA n liaison between Kelly and a part of the government who want to find a solution to mutant threats. Kelly gives Gyrich the position of chief of staff and Gyrich introduces him to Dr. Bolivar Trask and together they lobby for money to help with the Sentinel Initiative. Also throughout the season Kelly and Gyrich try and find out info on the X-men in figure out if they are a threat or not.
Peter Facinelli is an actor i enjoyed seeing in many tv shows such as Damages, Nurse Jackie and Six Feet Under

Lance Reddick as Henry Gyrich
In the marvel universe Gyrich is an ex CIA with ties to many government organization that deal with super powered beings. He is constantly behind some of the underhand dealings that effect mutants and super beings alike. In this series he is still Ex CIA but he was sent to Westchester County to deal with constant mutant activity and he sets in motion the activation of the Sentinel Initiative with Kelly and Trask. He is the dark influence for Mayor Kelly to do whatever it takes to stop the mutants from rising above humans. 
Lance Reddick is thee actor to be that government official with secret agenda..from Wire, FRINGE, to even John Wick his voice and demeanor is perfect. 

Jake Cherry as Larry Trask
Larry Trask is the son of Dr. Bolivar Trask who happens to be a mutant to his father's dismay. In the series he does not recognize himself as a mutant and dismisses is precognitive dreams as deja vu. He has a strong opinion of mutants especially the X-men when it gets talked about at the high school that he attends with the other 5 teens who are mutants themselves. He shares his hatred of mutants with his father due to him also believing a mutant had a hand in his sister disappearance. His father gave him a medallion eventually to suppress his mutant powers so that when the Sentinels were operational they would not target him.

Abgail Breslin as Zelda
Zelda is a pretty much just Bobby Drake's girlfriend. Most of the season it deals with her being oblivious to the fact her boyfriend is a mutant super hero. She hangs with Jean throughout the season mostly discussing Bobby and his activities. At some point she thinks there is something going on with Bobby and Jean but dismisses it. There is a bit of love triangle with her, Bobby and Larry.
Abgail Breslin is a great young actor and i believe she can makes this non important comic character very likable and possibly a stable of the series

Guest Stars

Aidan Turner as The Vanisher
Vanisher is the second evil mutant that X-men encounter. His ability of teleportation proves to be a bit of problems for the X-men but they eventually stop him.
Aidan Turner, he has done Being Human, The Hobbit and Mortal Instruments

Haley Joel Osmet as Fred Dukes/The Blob
Fred Dukes was a orphaned teen who joined the circus and became a side show attraction due to his ability to absorb physical damage into his body and is practically un movable. He at first joins the X-men and gains a crush on Jean but his morals are not the same as the X-men and he becomes a villain.
I know Haley joel Osmet is a stretch but he hasn't done any big movies lately and honestly he has gotten a lil big so i figured he can make this role very enjoyable and do it justice due to his acting ability

Evan Jonigkeit as Toad
Toad is the faithful servant of Magneto and a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. He will have his original powers which is agility, super leaping ability and reflexes. He will be awkward and a bit of an outcast. He has a crush on Scarlet Witch which is not returned due to his mannerisms and appearances.
Evan Jonigkeit played a young Toad so i figured he would reprise his role as younger version in a modern telling of the Uncanny X-men

Sam Neil as Jason Wyneguard/Mastermind
Jason Wyneguard is a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants with ability to project illusions. He is a gentleman and is the voice of reason and sorta a advisory role for Magneto besides just underling.
Sam Neil just breathes advisor but also shady as well especially when i saw him in his role on HappyTown

Elizabeth Olsen repsies her role as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Wanda Maximoff is one half of the Maximoff twins which consist of her brother Pietro Maximoff. She has various abilities such as telekinesis, effect on probability and etc. Her and her brother Pietro are not fond of working for Magneto but they owe him a debt and there is a secret about their past that involves Magneto as well. She is constantly being shown affection by Toad and she dismisses him every time. After the events of Avengers 4 Pietro and Wanda's past have been slightly rewritten and their debt owed to Magneto is part of that change. 

Evan Peters as Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
Pietro Maximoff is one hald of the Maximoff twins which consist of his sister Wanda Maximoff. He has the ability of super speed and his attention span is close to below 0. Him and his brother Wanda are not fond of working for Magneto but they owe him a debt and their is a secret about their past that involves Magneto as well. After the events of Avengers 4 Pietro and Wanda's past have been slightly rewritten and their debt owed to Magneto is part of that change. 

Tom Welling as Namor
Namor is considered a hybrid mutant..that he is both atlantean and a human mutant. The ability to breathe under water, he makes contact with the team after his defeat by the Fantastic Four and he is approached by Magneto to join the brotherhood.
Tom Welling has been are Clark Kent for a decade and i think its only fitting he step into the Marvel world as the prince of the ocean

Brendon Thwaites as Unus the Untouchable
Unus is a mutant with the ability that grants him a force field that makes him untouchable. He uses this to be a wrestler but soon is approached by the Brotherhood and to prove himself he does criminal acts that attract the attention of the X-men

John Glover as Lucifer
Lucifer was originally thought to be a mutant and he makes a guest appearance for a episode that features the Avengers
John Glover is a brilliant actor and i loved him as Lionel Luthor as well as guest spots as an attorney in the Good Wife

Sebastian Stan reprises his role as Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
The Winter Soldier will be making an appearance in the series when Lucifer begins making trouble.
Sebastian Stan will guest star for one episode along with the other Avengers minus Hulk

Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Thor will be making an appearance in the series when Lucifer begins making trouble.
Chris Hemsworth will guest star for one episode along with the other Avengers minus Hulk

Anthony Mackie as Sam/The Falcon
HawkEye will be making an appearance in the series when Lucifer begins making trouble.
Jeremy Renner will guest star for one episode along with the other Avengers minus Hulk

Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man
Iron Man will be making an appearance in the series when Lucifer begins making trouble.
Robert Downey Jr. will guest star for one episode along with the other Avengers minus Hulk

Scarlet Johansen as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Black Widow will be making an appearance in the series when Lucifer begins making trouble.
Scarlet Johansen will guest star for one episode along with the other Avengers minus Hulk

Alan Ritchson as Ka-Zar
Ka-Zar is encountered in the wild Savage Land by the Uncanny X-men. He is speaks in broken english and appears to be primitive in nature but there are hints that he has knowledge of the outside world.

Anders Hove as The Stranger
The Stranger is a being that visit Earth and is thought to be a powerful Mutant but turns out to be much more than that. He is key to the fate of Magneto throughout the season.
Anders Hove plays creepy curious so well especially in his role of Cesar Faison on General Hospital

John Cena as Cain Marko/Juggernaut
Cain Marko is the step brother of Professor Xavier who has gain the ability to become the unstoppable Juggernaut. His hatred for his brother has no bounds and fuels his power.

Drew Garrett as Johnny Storm/Human Torch
Human Torch is 1/4th of the cosmic group the Fantastic Four. He makes a guest appearances in the episode of the Juggernaut and helps out the X-men.

Cobie Smulders as Agent Maria Hill
Agent Victoria Hand makes a guest appearances during the aftermath of the Sentinels uprising

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
Nick Fury makes a guest appearance during the season finale of Uncanny X-men while talking to Agent Hand about the X-men

Season 1

Episode 01 (01x01): X-Men (Pilot)
The world has experienced a evolution; as humans have been endowed with amazing abilities and dubbed mutants. 5 high school teens Scott, Bobby, Hank, Warren and Jean go to a special institution that allows them to not only control their abilities but use them for good of humanity. This school is created and run by another mutant named Professor Charles Xavier who wants equality between Mutants and Humans. Dr. Bolivar Trask continues to voice his opinion on the need of protection against Mutants but it falls on deaf ear. Mayor Robert Kelly visits Capitol Hill on a meeting to discuss possible run for deputy governor of New York but his wavering stand on mutant rights prevents him from being candidate. Meanwhile Jean Grey enters Westchester County High School and Scott becomes immediately taken by her. He gets a surprise when she shows up at Xavier Institute and is the newest X-men. Meanwhile an evil mutant named Magneto takes control of the Defense Base in Washington DC and the X-men go to stop him. Afterward Henry Gyrich approaches Dr. Trask with help in his venture to save humanity. Mayor Kelly decides to take a stand against Mutants when he returns to Westchester County. The X-men celebrate their first victory as a team against Magneto and hope for a bright future.

Episode 02 (01x02): Vanish
Talk of the Uncanny X-men circulate through out Westchester County and the 5 teens deal with the fame as heroes. Dr. Trask's son Larry Trask make it no secret that the X-men will soon be a danger and are freaks. Warren tries hard to go beyond his physical limitations with his abilities but Prof X wants him to go easy. Gyrich and Trask discuss using Mayor Kelly as a way to get political backing. Mayor Kelley is approached by Gyrich and claims to be a government official to help transition him to Governor. Meanwhile a mutant calling himself the Vanisher steals U.S. defense plans and intends to use them to bargain for power. Professor Xavier calls upon his X-men to stop this new mutant before he brings the states to its knees.

Episode 03 (01x03): Blob
Scott feelings for Jean grow especially when Warren takes Jean out on a date to a carnival. There Jean encounters a mutant named Fred Dukes who is known at the carnival as The Blob who displays the ability to absorb any physical harm to himself making him unmovable. Jean befriends Fred in hopes of maing him a X-men but it seems Fred’s nature is not so good hearted and becomes a formidable foe for the X-men instead. Meanwhile Gyrich and Trask plans move forward in securing the plans to initiate the Sentinel Initiative. Trask's son Larry has a dream that leads him to the exact location of where the X-men fight the Blob, but he dismisses it as Deja Vu to his father. Mayor Kelly tells Gyrich to get as much info on the X-men as possible.

Episode 04 (01x04): Brotherhood
Professor Xavier surprises the team with a party to celebrate the anniversary of him forming the team. As the X-men recall moments of their past, Magneto has decided his own band of mutants and they decide to take over an entire country and hold it hostage. The team take action but the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants are not push overs and Professor Xavier may pay the price. Meanwhile Trask realizes his son is a mutant and his faith in his work is effected. Gyrich informs Mayor Kelly of the info he gathered on the X-men and that if wants to be governor he has to help with the Sentinel Initiative.

Episode 05 (01x05): Test
The X-men recover from their last battle with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and deal with the lost of Prof. X mental powers. Scott takes it the hardest and tries to find ways to bring his powers back even isolating himself from the team and Jean. Meanwhile the Brotherhood try and find the X-men but the X-men end up finding them and are lead to the Brotherhood HQ orbiting Earth called Astroid M. As they battle the Brotherhood are the X-men truly alone? Meanwhile Trask finally gets the funding and backing to start the Sentinel Initiative.

Episode 06 (01x06): Sub-Mariner
The triangle of Warren, Jean and Scott continues as Warren advances for Jean continue and Scott reluctancy to share his feelings with Jean continue. Meanwhile in Atlantis, the Sub-Mariner, Namor fumes over his recent lost to the Fantastic Four and soon joins up with Magneto’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The X-men spring into action to stop them but not everyone on the Brotherhood agree’s with Magneto’s vision and it could be a weak point for the X-men to exploit.

Episode 07 (01x07): Blob Returns
Professor Xavier graduates his student mutants and they celebrate. Scott gets close to telling Jean his secret crush on her but when he is informed that Prof X wishes to give him the position of team leader he puts a lot of pressure on himself and he agains isolates himself while the others go out. Bobby’s girlfriend Zelda is introduced and she is not happy about Bobby being always busy. Meanwhile Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver wish to finally free themselves from Magneto grasp but his plans for the X-men supersede everything as he enlist the help of the Unmovable Blob Fred Dukes to join his team to defeat the X-men. Can Scott fully lead the group in stopping the Brotherhood and the Blob?

Episode 08 (01x08): Untouchable
The X-men continue to train and progress; Bobby reveals a Ice form that makes him seem transparent while Jean’s powers also progress. Scott is conflicted with revealing to Jean his crush but trying to be a good leader while Warren continues to try and pursue Jean. Bobby and Hank deal with the prejudice of being of mutant when Hank saves a man from falling using his powers with out his uniform and a crowd attacks him. Hank questions helping humans and doesn't understand helping regular humans when they hate mutants and he decides to leave the team. Meanwhile Prof X has gone off on a mission to find the mysterious figure known as Lucifer and tries to mentally encourage Scott to be a good leader. Hank starts to wrestle and encounters another mutant named Unus who he cannot touch as he is repelled at every attempt. Unus is approached by Jason Wyngarde, one of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants known as the Mastermind and Unus must prove himself worthy of joining. The remaining X-men must stop Unus from wreaking havoc on the city but it may well be Beast that can stop him. Meanwhile the incident involving Hank and Bobby reach Mayor Kelly and Gyrich and are now sure the X-men go to Westchester County High School.

Episode 09 (01x09): Vengeance (Mid-Season Finale)
Professor X quest to find Lucifer reaches its peak as they come face to face. Meanwhile Scott receives a mental message from the Professor to come to his location but the X-men soon encounter the powerful Avengers in the form of Thor, Iron man, Falcon, Winter Soldier and Black Widow. Both teams drawn to the evil plot of Lucifer but in the end the X-men and Avengers clash when Professor wishes to handle Lucifer himself. Meanwhile Trask invites his son Larry to witness the activation of the Master Mold and the Sentinels but the Master Mold recognizes a mutant in the area and Trask realizes he has to mask Larry's identity.

Episode 10 (01x10): Ka-Zar (Mid-Season Premier)
Scott and Jean continue to prance around their feelings for each other but meanwhile the world gets a glimpse of world lost in time, when a caveman and a sabertooth is witnessed on TV. The X-men are sent to investigate and find a land where prehistoric creatures and people live and they encounter the caveman named Ka-Zar who protects this land. Can the X-men survive this Savage Land?! Meanwhile Trask develops a medallion that suppresses his sons mutant ability and prevents the Sentinels from targeting Larry.

Episode 11 (01x11): Stranger
Professor Xavier detects the presence of a powerful being on Earth and send the X-men to find him before he is enlisted in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Meanwhile the being calling himself the Stranger explore the city and displays remarkable power that draws the attention of Magneto. With both the X-men and Brotherhood trying to enlist him what will the Stranger choose and what exactly is this Stranger.

Episode 12 (01x12): Brothers
Professor Xavier is startled by the alert of another power mutant enroute to the mansion and preps the X-men for the arrival of his brother. Professor tells the tale of his origin and how strained his relationship with his brother was. Eventually his brother Cain Marko bypasses all the defenses of the mansion and is revealed have become an Unstoppable Juggernaut. Meanwhile Larry and Zelda clash when it comes to the X-men and Larry retells the tale of his sister disappearing and how it effected his dad and himself.

Episode 13 (01x13): Unstoppable
Juggernaut makes no effort to hold back his anger at his younger step brother Professor Xavier and makes quick work of his X-men. Professor Xavier enlist the help of the Fantastic Four’s Human Torch Johnny Storm to help stop the Juggernaut but will it be enough to stop the unstoppable. Trask informs Gyrich that the Sentinels are operational and ready for the world to see. 

Episode 14 (01x14): Sentinels
While the teens heal up from their battle with the Juggarnaut, Trask's Sentinels Initiative has come to reality. Professor X and Trask are set to debate the issue of Mutants and the Sentinels program. It gets interrupted by the arrival of Trask Sentienels which attacks Prof X and Trask and kidnaps Trask. The X-men race to action to find the Trask stop the sentinels but it seems Trask is not as in control of his creations as he thought!

Episode 15 (01x15): Master Mold
As the X-men attempt to rescue Trask, the creator of the Sentienls come face to face with his most dangerous creation The Master Mold. Master Mold is both the manufacturer and mental link of the Sentinels and deems the only way to save humanity from mutants to enslave them. Beast is later captured and subject to interrogation by the robotic menace while the X-men continue to infiltrate the base of Master Mold but his plans of world are far greater then the Xmen realize. Meanwhile Gyrich and Mayor Kelly try and save Kelly's political career incase the Sentinels turn out to be a bad idea and ruin his chance at Governor.

Episode 16 (01x16): Sacrifice
The X-men become captured by the Sentinels as Prof X continues to find ways to shut down the robots. Master Mold has coecired Trask to build more powerful Sentinels in order to take over the world. The Xmen try their hardest to break free and with teamwork the achieve freedom but Trask has already helped Master Mold achieve his goal but he does the ultimate sacrifice to protect the world. Meanwhile another threat looms for the X-men as they fight for their lives against Master Mold and his army of Sentienls.

Episode 17 (01x17): Survival (Season 01 Finale Part 1)
As the X-men recover from their battle with the Master Mold, a mysterious figure has infiltrated their mansion with ill intent. One by one as the X-men return to the mansion they are attacked by unseen figure until all that stands is Bobby who is recovering in the hospital. Things get more dangerous when Warren’s parents drop for a visit and they are greeted by a villain long thought gone. Meanwhile Larry faces the news that his father was killed and he believes it to be the fault of the mutants. Gyrich is approached by Maria Hill of S.H.I.E.L.D who informs him that Fury believes S.H.I.E.L.D has been compromised and that all political projects have been suspended until the leak can be found. Gyrich informs Agent Hill that Robert Kelly has the potential to be easily influenced into whatever is needed. Agent Hill shuts down Gyrich's operation and leaves but Gyrich decides to continue his plans despite S.H.I.E.L.Ds help and decides to call HYDRA

Episode 18 (01x18): Magneto’s Revenge (Season 01 Finale Part 02)
Magneto has returned and has trapped Prof X and 4 of the X-men in a metal ball bound for space. As Warren’s parents arrive Magneto decides to use them as bait for the remaining X-men Bobby to come to their rescue. Meanwhile Prof X manages to free himself from his mental restraint and contact Bobby to stop Magneto as he plans to create a army of mutants to rule humanity. Bobby attempts to get back into the mansion to stop Magneto he is outmatched by the powerful mutant but the other X-men come for his rescue. Their efforts though are futile as Magneto hatred for the teen mutants gives him strength to stop them but its Prof X who manages to contact someone that Magneto fears most that brings the winning blow to the battle. The X-men have stopped Magneto and have dinner with Warren’s parents to celebrate saving humanity. Agent Hand is reviewing files of the X-men and Prof X while on a video conference call with Nick Fury. She informs Fury that the X-Men are reckless and could prove problem. Fury reassures Hand that his instincts on them are that they could be a second line defense incase the Avengers can't come through. The episode ends with Hill leaving an ominous message to Fury about a group called the Factor Three that have their eyes set on the X-men. Fury wants to see how well they fair against them since they may need the X-men in the coming battle with the inflitrators.

So thats the overview of Season 1, I hope you guys enjoyed the read and use your imagination in what the series could be like. Season 2 as you saw on the finale will deal with Factor Three mutant group that target the X-Men. I welcomed all Feedback but lets be open minded ok..i know somethings is not logical to happen but lets pretend it could..and just think bout the concept and the storyline not the behind the scenes like casting and crossovers...I
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BenjiWest - 1/18/2014, 6:35 PM
Keep creating
TheFable - 1/19/2014, 11:56 AM
Sick bro.... That's some dope creative skills right there.... I like your episode set-ups bro.... Season 2 ! Season 2 ! Season 2 !
Drakenxtreme - 1/23/2014, 6:58 AM
@TheFable Season 2 is on the way im just gettin the story together n the character Fancast together...but like i previewed it will involve Factor 3 which was a short lived organization in the comic...Season 3 will focus on the team n being with out prof x...season 4 will based off the comic Uncanny Xmen the hidden years which showed the time span that the comic was on reprint...season 5 will feature the new tean of storm wolverine colossus nightcrawler n banshee n feature the Phoenix Saga...Season 6 will be Dark Phoenix. ..Season 7 will have Days of Future Past...

Right now im in casting mode n making the stories both accurate n interesting throughout the season wit gyrich n kelley being involved in the series as well n flushin their characters out even though they dont really shine til later comic issues...n i work in the military so im a bit busy at times but i will give yall the rest when i can..thanks for your feed bak
ThanosKing - 5/24/2014, 9:05 PM
that casting, is outrageously bad
Drakenxtreme - 5/25/2014, 12:05 PM
@ThanosKing and your entitled to your opinion BUT!! i based my casting on realistic standards...I went by availability, longevity..past tv roles...I did not cast just big name actors from movies cause its unrealistic to think they would go from big screen to small screen long term...I see many fancast and notice that they use big names for their tv show instead of really combing through tv actors to find people you can see progress in the role based on past performances...its what Casting directors do when they initially just are given a name and a headshot with casting as a casting director not as some gushing fanboy who wants to see a tv show on x-men..i took considerate thought on who would play who and why...
ThunderThighs - 5/29/2018, 1:00 PM
Really 60s. I like that. And I like most of the casting choices.
TheBeard - 5/31/2018, 3:06 PM
I want a new X-Men animated show
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